A. Maximum correlation per electrode for SMALL.
The encoding model achieves the highest correlations in STG and IFG. B. For MEDIUM, LARGE, and XL, the percentage difference in correlation relative to SMALL for all electrodes with significant encoding differences. The encoding performance is significantly higher for the bigger models for almost all electrodes across the brain (pairwise t-test across cross-validation folds). C. Maximum encoding correlations for SMALL and XL for each ROI (mSTG, aSTG, BA44, BA45, and TP area). The encoding performance is significantly higher for XL for all ROIs except TP. Each data point corresponds to an electrode in the corresponding ROI. D. Percent difference in correlation relative to SMALL for all ROIs. As model size increases, the percent change in encoding performance also increases for mSTG, aSTG, and BA44. After the medium model, the percent change in encoding performance plateaus for BA45 and TP. The shaded colors represent standard error.