Stimuli, paradigm and regions of interest.
(A) Top images represent the four categories used in the main experiment: body, car, house and cat. The stimulus set consisted of 10 exemplars from each category (here: cats), with exemplars differing in pose and 3D-orientation. (B) The experimental design comprised 16 task conditions (12 paired, 4 isolated). The 4×4 matrix on the left illustrates the 12 paired conditions, with the to-be-attended category (outlined in orange for illustration purposes, not present in the experiment) on the y-axis and the to-be-ignored category on the x-axis. The right column illustrates the four isolated conditions. (C) Experimental paradigm. A paired block is depicted with superimposed body and house stimuli. In this example block, house stimuli were cued as target, and the participant responded on the repetition of the exact same house in two consecutive trials, as marked here by the arrow. (D) Regions of interest for an example participant; the primary visual cortex V1, the object-selective regions LO and pFs, the body-selective region EBA, and the scene-selective region PPA.