Gut Unpaired cytokine signaling inhibits wake-promoting AstA signaling.
a, Images of brains from animals with AstA-R1-GAL4 and AstA-R2-GAL4 driving nuclear dsRed (nRFP, magenta) and co-stained with anti-Repo antibodies (green) show glial cells. The yellow dashed line indicates the interface between the brain and the external space, with the area below housing the (BBB glial cells (Scale bar, 10 µm). The yellow demarcation accentuates the separation between the cerebral interior and the external milieu, identifying the location of BBB glial cells underneath this partition (Scale bar is 10 µm). b, Relative expression of AstA-R1 and AstA-R2 in heads from animals with upd3 knockdown in EECs driven by voilà-GAL4 (voilà>) compared to the control group after 20 hours on 1% H2O2-laced food to induce oxidative stress (N=5-6). c, Relative expression of AstA-R1 and AstA-R2 in brains from animals with dome knockdown in glial cells driven by repo-GAL4 (repo>) compared to the control group after 20 hours on 1% H2O2-laced food to induce oxidative stress (N=6).d Sleep patterns and e, daytime sleep across a three-day period, encompassing a day on a standard diet, a subsequent day on 1% H2O2-laced food to induce oxidative stress, and a final day back on the standard diet to monitor recovery, in flies with BBB glial-specific knockdown of AstA-R2 compared to control (N=28-32). f, AstA transcript levels in brains and midguts from controls and animals with knockdown of AstA in AstA+ EECs using AstA-GAL4 (AstA>) in combination with R57C10-GAL80 to suppress neuronal GAL4 activity, referred to as AstAGUT> (N=5-6). g Sleep profiles and h, daytime sleep on standard food of animals with AstA knockdown in AstA+ EECs using AstAGUT> and controls (N=30-32). i Sleep profiles, j daytime sleep on standard food of controls and animals with TrpA1-mediated activation of AstA+ EECs, and animals with TrpA1-mediated activation of AstA+ EECs with simultaneous knockdown of AstA (N=30-32). k, Diagram illustrating the role of enteroendocrine cells (EECs) in regulating wakefulness and sleep through Unpaired cytokine signaling under homeostatic and disease conditions. Left: Under homeostatic conditions, EECs release baseline levels of Unpaired, which interacts with the blood-brain barrier (BBB) to maintain normal JAK-STAT signaling, promoting healthy wakefulness. Right: In response to disease, reactive oxygen species (ROS) increase in EECs, leading to elevated release of Unpaired. This surge in Unpaired upregulates JAK-STAT signaling in BBB glia, which inhibits wake-promoting AstA signaling by suppressing AstA receptors, thus resulting in increased sleep, a state termed ’sickness-sleep,’ to promote recovery. The diagrams depict the gut lining with EECs highlighted, the interface with the BBB, and the resulting systemic effects on the organism’s sleep-wake states. EC; enterocyte. Statistical tests used: Unpaired t-tests for panel b, c and f; Ordinary one-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test for panel e, h and j. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. ns, non-significant (p>0.05).