Editors for Neuroscience
Senior editors
Sofia J Araújo
University of Barcelona, Spain
Sofia J Araújo is Associate Professor in Genetics, at the Department of Genetics Microbiology and Statistics, University of Barcelona, where she leads the genetics of cell behaviour research group. She received her PhD in Biochemistry from the University of London and did postdoctoral training at King’s College London and IBMB-CSIC in Barcelona. Her research at the University of Barcelona is centered in cell migration and branching morphogenesis, with the aim of understanding how branched organs develop and contribute to living organism homeostasis as well as the ageing process. She is currently head of the Genetics section of the Department of Genetics, Microbiology and Statistics, and board member of the Spanish Society for Developmental Biology. She also holds a Diploma in Science Communication from Birkbeck College, London, and has extensive experience in teaching, communication, and training of scientists on better ways of bringing science to the public.
- Expertise
- Cell Biology
- Developmental Biology
- Neuroscience
- Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
- Research focus
- neurodevelopment
- DNA repair
- single-cell branching
- cell migration
- tubulogenesis
- organogenesis
- Experimental organism
- D. melanogaster
- Competing interests statement
- Sofia J Araújo's research is currently funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Catalan Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR).
Timothy Behrens
University of Oxford / University College London, United Kingdom
Tim Behrens is Professor of Computational Neuroscience at Oxford University and University College London, and a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow. His work investigating the neural mechanisms that control behaviour has made an impact across scales from cells to brain regions across mammalian species. He has also developed widely used approaches for measuring brain connections non-invasively that have been taken up by the Human Connectome Project, where he is a senior investigator and chair of the anatomical connectivity team.
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- brain imaging
- fMRI
- learning
- cognition
- behavioural neuroscience
- learning and decision making
- brain connectivity
- computational neuroscience
- neural coding
- Experimental organism
- human
- macaque
- mouse
- Competing interests statement
- Tim Behrens receives funding from the Wellcome Trust, the James S McDonnell Foundation, the National Institute of Health, and the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. He is on the editorial board of PLOS Biology.
Yanchao Bi
Beijing Normal University, China
Yanchao Bi is a ChangJiang professor in IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research and the State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, at Beijing Normal University. She received her PhD from the Department of Psychology, Harvard University in 2006. Her work focuses on the functional and neural architecture associated with semantic memory and language, tackling how the human brain represents and understands the meanings of words, objects and actions, and how such knowledge is acquired and interacts with sensory and language experiences. She mainly studies human models, including typically developed individuals and special populations such as congenitally blind, deaf, or patients with brain damage, using cognitive, neuropsychological, neuroimaging and computational methods. She also works with collaborators to study these questions from the comparative (nonhuman primates) and developmental (human infants) perspectives.
She has won various awards, scholarships or recognitions such as “The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars”, “The National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars”, “New Century Excellent Talents in University”, Sackler scholar of psychophysiology, Fulbright scholar, and “rising star” in the Observer by the American Psychological Association.
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- cognitive neuroscience
- cognition
- systems neuroscience
- semantic memory
- language
- object perception and representation
- Competing interests statement
- Yanchao Bi is currently funded by National Science Foundation of China and Ministry of Science and Technology, China. In addition to serving as a Senior Editor at eLife, she is also currently serving on the editorial boards of Cognition, Cognitive Neuropsychology, and Neurobiology of Language.
Christian Büchel
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany
Christian Büchel is a member of the Hamburg Center for Neuroscience in Hamburg, where he is also the Director of the Department for Systems Neuroscience at Hamburg University Medical Center. He holds an Affiliate Professor appointment in the Psychology department at the University of Hamburg. After Medical School at the University of Heidelberg, he performed postdoctoral research with Karl Friston as a Wellcome Research Fellow at the Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience at UCL in London with a focus on effective connectivity.
Establishing his lab in Hamburg, he focused on the cognitive neuroscience of pain and motivation and initially studied decision making with an emphasis on delay discounting. In a parallel stream of projects he observed that the pain modulation underlying placebo analgesia can already be observed at the spinal cord level, a finding which he later also established for nocebo hyperalgesia. He is part of the IMAGEN study and during his time at Stanford he identified hypoactivation of reward circuits as a potential risk factor for addiction.
He is a member of the Academy of Science in Hamburg and was awarded the Jung Award for Medicine, the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis by the German Research Foundation, and the Wiley Young Investigator Award of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping for recognition of his work in cognitive neuroscience.
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Medicine
- Research focus
- cognitive neuroscience
- pain modulation
- decision-making
- fear
- anxiety
- addiction
- Experimental organism
- human
- Competing interests statement
- Christian Büchel has received research grants from the European Research Council, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung. He serves on the board of reviewing editors of Science magazine. He serves on the Swiss National Research Council, the Scientific Advisory Board of the ICM in Paris and the Center for Behavioral Brain Sciences, Magdeburg, Germany.
Albert Cardona
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Albert Cardona is a programme leader at the MRC LMB and a professor of neuroscience at the University of Cambridge, UK. Formerly a group leader at HHMI Janelia and at the Institute of Neuroinformatics in Zurich. Trained in biology with emphasis in genetics, development and evolution, a passion and need for image processing of bioimagery led to co-founding the Fiji open source software, as well as the TrakEM2 and CATMAID softwares for image registration, segmentation, visualization and the
analysis of neural circuits. His laboratory studies how the structure of a neural circuit relates to its function. Albert's core expertise is in reconstructing neuronal anatomy and synaptic circuits – the connectome – of small animal brains using volume electron microscopy, to then analyse the circuit architecture and formulate computational models of circuit function that capture the neural dynamics and explain how circuits implement behaviour.
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Developmental Biology
- Research focus
- neuroscience
- image processing
- development
- neural evolution
- Experimental organism
- D. melanogaster
- squids
- Amphioxus
- lizards
- Competing interests statement
- Albert Cardona receives funding from the MRC LMB and from the Wellcome Trust. He has served as editor of Open Biology and as Reviewing Editor for eLife.
Lu Chen
Stanford University, United States
Lu Chen is a Professor in the Department of Neurosurgery at Stanford University School of Medicine. Her research focuses on understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying synaptic plasticity and memory engram formation during behavioral learning, and how synapse functions are altered in neurodevelopmental disorders. She received her PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Southern California under the mentorship of Richard Thompson. After a postdoc fellowship in the University of California, San Francisco with Roger Nicoll, she joined the faculty at the University of California, Berkeley in 2003. In 2011, she moved to Stanford University School of Medicine.
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- cellular neurophysiology
- synaptic physiology
- synaptic plasticity
- learning
- memory
- memory engram
- hippocampal function
- induced human neurons
- fragile-X syndrome
- Experimental organism
- mouse
- Competing interests statement
- Lu Chen currently receives funding from the National Institutes of Health. She is on the Editorial Board of Current Opinion of Neurobiology and PLOS One. She also serves as an Associate Editor for Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience.
Laura Colgin
The University of Texas at Austin Center for Learning and Memory, United States
Laura Colgin is an Associate Professor in the Department of Neuroscience and co-Director of the Center for Learning and Memory at the University of Texas at Austin. Her research focuses on understanding the functional significance of brain rhythms for learning and memory operations. Her lab also investigates how different brain rhythms affect neuronal ensemble representations of spatial memories, and how aberrant rhythmic activity influences neuronal activity and cognitive function in brain disorders. She received her PhD from the University of California at Irvine and completed her postdoctoral training in the Moser Lab at the Norwegian Institute of Science and Technology. She is a recipient of the Peter and Patricia Gruber International Research Award in Neuroscience, an Alfred P Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship, the Klingenstein Foundation Award in the Neurosciences, an Office of Naval Research Young Investigator award, and an NSF CAREER award.
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- memory
- hippocampus
- place cells
- entorhinal cortex
- grid cells
- theta rhythms
- gamma rhythms
- sharp wave-ripples
- Experimental organism
- rat
- Competing interests statement
- Laura Colgin currently receives funding from the National Institutes of Health, the USAMRMC Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program, and the National Science Foundation. She is Deputy Editor-in-Chief for Progress in Neurobiology. She is a member of the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (LAM) study section for the National Institutes of Health.
Claude Desplan
New York University, United States
Claude Desplan, DSc, PhD is a Silver Professor of Biology and Neuroscience at NYU and an Affiliate Professor at the CGSB at NYU in Abu Dhabi. Dr. Desplan was born in Algeria and was trained at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in St. Cloud, France. He received his DSc at INSERM in Paris in 1983 working with M.S. Moukhtar and M. Thomasset on calcium regulation. He joined Pat O’Farrell at UCSF as a postdoc where he demonstrated that the homeodomain, a conserved signature of many developmental genes, is a DNA binding motif. In 1987, he joined the Faculty of Rockefeller University as an HHMI Assistant/Associate Investigator to pursue structural studies of the homeodomain and the evolution of axis formation.
In 1999, Dr. Desplan joined NYU where he investigates the generation of neural diversity using the Drosophila visual system. His team has described the molecular mechanisms that pattern the eye and showed how stochastic decisions contribute to the diversification of photoreceptors. It also investigates the development and function of the optic lobes where neuronal diversity is generated by spatio-temporal patterning of neuroblasts, a mechanism that also applies to cortical development in mammals. Recently, his lab has also provided a functional understanding of the neuronal and computational mechanisms underlying motion detection.
His laboratory also uses ‘evo-devo’ approaches to understand the mechanisms by which sensory systems adapt to different ecological conditions, from flies to ants to butterflies.
Dr. Desplan serves on multiple scientific advisory boards and committees for funding agencies. He is an elected member of the AAAS, of EMBO, the New York Academy of Sciences as well as the US National Academy of Sciences.
- Expertise
- Developmental Biology
- Evolutionary Biology
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- development neurobiology
- evo-devo
- vision
- stochasticity in development
- rhodopsin
- aging and caste determination (ants)
- Experimental organism
- D. melanogaster
- ants
- insects
- butterflies
- wasps
- flies
- Competing interests statement
- Dr. Desplan has been a member of the Board of Reviewing Editor for Science for the last 10 years (non-renumerated). He is an academic editor for PLOS Biology and PLOS Genetics (non-renumerated). Dr. Desplan occasionally serves as academic editor for other scientific journals (e.g. PNAS). He is a consultant for the Khalifa Center for Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology Al Ain, UAE. Dr. Desplan receives funding from the NIH and the NYU Abu Dhabi Center for Genomics and Systems Biology.
Michael J Frank
Brown University, United States
Michael J Frank is Edgar L Marston Professor of Cognitive, Linguistic & Psychological Sciences affiliated with the Carney Institute for Brain Science at Brown University, where he directs the Initiative for Computation in Brain and Mind. He received his PhD in Neuroscience and Psychology in 2004 at the University of Colorado, following undergraduate and master's degrees in electrical engineering and biomedicine. Dr. Frank’s work focuses primarily on computational models of frontostriatal circuits across multiple levels of analysis, especially in terms of their cognitive functions and implications for neurological and psychiatric disorders. The models are tested and refined with multimodal experiments across species. He is a Kavli Science Fellow, and recipient of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society Young Investigator Award (2011), the Janet T Spence Award for early career transformative contributions (Association for Psychological Science, 2010) and the DG Marquis award for best paper published in Behavioral Neuroscience (2006).
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- computational neuroscience
- decision making
- reinforcement learning
- dopamine
- basal ganglia
- prefrontal cortex
- cognitive control
- Experimental organism
- human
- mouse
- rat
- R.macaque
- Competing interests statement
- Michael Frank serves of the editorial boards of Journal of Neuroscience and Behavioral Neuroscience, and he receives consulting fees for work with F Hoffman LaRoche Pharmaceuticals.
Joshua I Gold
University of Pennsylvania, United States
Joshua I Gold is Professor of Neuroscience, Chair of the Neuroscience Graduate Group, and Co-Director of the Computational Neuroscience Initiative at the University of Pennsylvania, where he has been since 2002. He studied models of synaptic plasticity with Drs Mark Bear and Leon Cooper as an undergraduate at Brown University, plasticity in the sound-localization pathway of the barn owl with Dr Eric Knudsen as a graduate student at Stanford University, and computational and neural mechanisms of deicsion-making with Dr Michael Shadlen as a post-doc at the University of Washington. Gold currently studies the neural basis of learning and decision-making in the primate brain, with a focus on interactions between physiological arousal and cognitive processing. His work uses several complementary approaches, including theory and modeling; measures of behavior and pupil diameter in humans; and measures of behavior, pupil diameter, and brain activity in non-human primates. Much of his current work involves understanding how the brain adaptively processes information in dynamic environments. He won early career awards from the Burroughs-Wellcome Fund, the McKnight Foundation, and the Sloan Foundation.
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- decision-making
- probabilistic inference
- predictive inference
- perceptual learning
- Experimental organism
- human
- non-human primates
- Competing interests statement
- Joshua Gold is employed by the University of Pennsylvania. He receives funding from the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and the Office of Naval Research. He has also received funding from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, the McKnight Foundation for Neuroscience, and the Sloan Foundation. He is on the editorial board of the Journal of Neurophysiology.
John Huguenard
Stanford University School of Medicine, United States
John Huguenard is Professor of Neurology and Neurological Sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine, with additional appointments in the Departments of Molecular and Cellular Physiology and Neurosurgery. He joined the faculty in 1994, and served on the executive and steering committees from 2000-2016. He was director of the Stanford Neurosciences PhD program from 2006-2013, and of the NIH T32 supported Stanford Postdoctoral Epilepsy Training Program from 2004 to the present. His work is on neurophysiology of voltage- and ligand-gated ion channels in neural circuits related to neuropsychiatric diseases such as epilepsy and autism spectrum disorders. A particular focus is mechanisms of action of antiepileptic drugs, and development of modern therapeutic interventions such as on demand optogenetics. His work is multidisciplinary including in vitro electrophysiology, genetic models, computational neuroscience, multiphoton microscopy, image analysis, and in vivo imaging and extracellular neurophysiology. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He has received the research career award from the American Epilepsy Society and has served on its board.
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- thalamocortical epileptic network
- epilepsy
- cortical microcircuitry
- ion channels
- Experimental organism
- mouse
- Competing interests statement
- John Huguenard is employed by Stanford University. He receives research funding from the National Institutes of Health and the Simons Foundation. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He serves actively on the editorial boards of Experimental Neurology and Journal of Computational Neuroscience.
Andrew J King
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Andrew King is Professor of Neurophysiology and a Wellcome Trust Principal Research Fellow at the University of Oxford, where he is the Director of the Centre for Integrative Neuroscience and heads the Auditory Neuroscience Group in the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics. His research uses an interdisciplinary approach to investigate the neural basis for auditory perception and multisensory integration. His group is currently investigating the representation and coding of sound features by populations of neurons, how neural responses adjust to changes in the statistical distribution of sounds associated with different acoustic environments, and the capacity of the brain to compensate for the changes in inputs that result from hearing loss. He was awarded the Wellcome Prize in Physiology in 1990 and was made a Fellow of the UK Academy of Medical Sciences in 2011, a Fellow of the Physiology Society in 2017, and a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2018.
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- auditory perception
- multisensory processing
- crossmodal perception
- cortex
- midbrain
- neuronal adaptation
- hearing
- Experimental organism
- ferret
- mouse
- human
- Competing interests statement
- Andrew King receives funding for his research from the Wellcome Trust, the University of Oxford, and from Action on Hearing Loss. He serves on the editorial board of Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. He is a member of Auditory Verbal UK Advisory Board and the Agir Pour L’Audition Scientific Prize Committee.
Huan Luo
Peking University, China
Dr Huan Luo is a tenured associate professor in the School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences at Peking University, China. She is also a PI of the IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research at PKU. Her research primarily focuses on the human brain mechanisms of cognitive functions such as attention, working memory, perceptual decision-making, and learning, particularly from a dynamic perspective. She has recently been interested in abstract relational structures in learning and memory. Dr Luo received her PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Maryland College Park under the mentorship of David Poeppel. She first worked at the Institute of Biophysics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and joined the faculty at Peking University in 2015. As one of six labs in the world, her lab participated in a high-impact international collaborative project COGITATE to test theories of neural correlates of consciousness.
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- cognitive neuroscience
- neural dynamics
- neural oscillation
- working memory
- attention
- learning and memory
- neural coding
- Competing interests statement
- Huan Luo is currently funded by the National Science Foundation of China and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology. She is on the Editorial Board of PLOS Biology and Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. She also serves as an associate editor for Progress in Neurobiology.
Merritt Maduke
Stanford University School of Medicine, United States
Merritt Maduke is an Associate Professor of Molecular & Cellular Physiology and co-director of the Neurosciences Interdisciplinary Graduate Program at Stanford University School of Medicine. She received her PhD in Chemistry from the University of California, San Diego and did postdoctoral training at Brandeis University with Professor Chris Miller. Her research at Stanford is centered on the biophysics of ion channels and transporters, with the overarching goal of understanding molecular mechanisms within the context of physiological functions. She also applies her mechanistic approach in the field of ultrasound neuromodulation. She was awarded the Society of General Physiologist’s Cranefield Award for her research on ion channels (2008) and served as the Society’s President from 2018-2019.
- Expertise
- Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
- Neuroscience
- Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
- Research focus
- ion channel and transporter molecular mechanisms
- ion channel and transporter physiology
- ion channel and transporter pharmacology
- ultrasound neuromodulation
- Experimental organism
- E. coli
- mouse
- rat
- Competing interests statement
- Merritt Maduke is employed by Stanford University and receives research funding from the National Institutes of Health and Stanford Innovative Medicine Accelerator. She has served on the BPNS and BBM study sections at the NIH and as ad hoc member of additional panels. She serves on the editorial boards of the Biophysical Journal and The Journal of General Physiology and is a founding curator for Biophysics Colab.
Tamar Makin
University College London, United Kingdom
Tamar Makin is a Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London, UK and a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow. Her research seeks to define the boundaries of brain plasticity in body representation, by studying the extent to which brain areas supporting action are shaped by experience. Her primary model for this work is studying brain reorganisation in individuals with a missing hand, as well as the brain representation of motor substitution and augmentation technologies. Her lab integrates methods from the fields of neuroscience, experimental psychology and rehabilitation.
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- fMRI
- plasticity
- motor control
- body representation
- somatosensory
- deprivation
- augmentation
- assistive technology
- Experimental organism
- human
- non-human primates
- Competing interests statement
- Tamar Makin is presently funded by the European Research Council and the Wellcome Trust.
André F Marquand
Donders Institute, Radboud University / King's College London, Netherlands
André Marquand is a computational neuroscientist interested in the development of novel statistical techniques for neuroimaging data, aiming to further the understanding of human brain function. He has a particular focus on machine learning techniques that aim to learn to detect patterns of statistical regularity in empirical data. These methods hold significant promise for decoding cognitive states and predicting clinically relevant variables in health and disease.
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- neuroimaging
- computational psychiatry
- machine learning
- big data
- probabilistic inference
- normative modelling
- Competing interests statement
- André Marquand receives funding from the European Research Council and the Wellcome Trust.
Tirin Moore
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Stanford University, United States
Tirin Moore is a Professor of Neurobiology at Stanford University School of Medicine, and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator. He received his PhD from Princeton University in 1995. He was a postdoctoral fellow at MIT, and later a research fellow at Princeton. In 2003, he started his own laboratory at Stanford. His laboratory studies the neural mechanisms of visually guided behavior and the neural basis of cognitive functions (e.g. attention), with a focus on the primate brain. He has been a Sloan fellow, a Pew Scholar, a McKnight Scholar, and received a Career Award from the National Science Foundation. Before becoming an HHMI investigator, he was an HHMI Early Career Scientist. In 2009, he received a Troland Award from the National Academy of Sciences for his work on visual attention. He was elected a member of the National Academy of Medicine in 2017.
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- Systems and cognitive neuroscience
- Visual neuroscience
- Perception and cognition
- Prefrontal cortex
- Electrophysiology
- Psychophysics
- Neural circuits
- Competing interests statement
- Tirin Moore is employed by Stanford University and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. He receives funding from the National Institutes of Health and HHMI.
Sacha B Nelson
Brandeis University, United States
Sacha Nelson is the Tauber Professor of Biology and Chair of the Program in Neuroscience at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts. He received his MDPhD (Biology) from UCSD in 1991, did postdoctoral work at MIT and has been at Brandeis University since 1994. He has received awards from the Sloan, McKnight and Rett Syndrome Research Foundations. His current research focuses on transcriptional networks underlying neuronal plasticity and excitability in the mammalian neocortex.
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Genetics and Genomics
- Research focus
- regulation of neuronal gene expression
- cellular and systems electrophysiology
- developmental disorders
- learning and synaptic plasticity
- Experimental organism
- mouse
- Competing interests statement
- Sacha Nelson receives funding from the NIH and from the WM Keck Foundation. He serves on the Advisory Boards for eNeuro and for the Carney Institute for Brain Science at Brown University.
Panayiota Poirazi
Foundation for Research and Technology–Hellas, Greece
Panayiota Poirazi is a Research Director and head of the Dendrites Lab (www.dendrites.gr) at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB) of the Foundation for Research and Technology–Hellas (FORTH). She has a Bachelor in Mathematics from the University of Cyprus, and a PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. She is interested in understanding how dendrites contribute to complex brain functions and uses computational modelling approaches, often in conjunction with experiments, to answer this question. Her work has significantly advanced our understanding of how single neurons compute, by revealing the power of dendrites in solving difficult problems.
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- computational neuroscience
- neurophysiology
- dendrites
- learning and memory
- modeling
- Experimental organism
- mouse
- Competing interests statement
- Panayiota Poirazi receives funding from the European Commission (European Research Council, European Innovation Council, Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions etc.), the EINSTEIN Foundation Berlin, the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (Greece), the National Institutes of Health (USA) and the National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia). She is on the editorial board of Neuroscience.
Jonathan Roiser
University College London, United Kingdom
Jonathan Roiser is Professor of Neuroscience and Mental Health and Deputy Director at the UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience. His research interests lie in understanding the brain and psychological processes driving mental health problems, especially disrupted motivation in depression. He has published over 150 peer-reviewed papers and his recent research has been funded by Wellcome, the MRC, the Leverhulme Trust and the Rosetrees Trust. He founded and directs two PhD schemes: the UCL-NIMH Joint Doctoral Training Program in Neuroscience and the UCL Wellcome 4-year PhD Programme in Mental Health Science.
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Medicine
- Research focus
- mental health
- neuroimaging
- behavior
- psychopharmacology
- computational modelling
- Experimental organism
- human
- Competing interests statement
- I hold active grants from Rosetrees, Wellcome and the Leverhulme Trust. I supervise an ongoing PhD studentship co-funded by MRC and Cambridge Cognition Ltd. I have performed paid consultancy work for GE Ltd within the last 3 years. I sit on the Editorial Board of Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences.
Sonia Q Sen
Tata Institute for Genetics and Society, India
Sonia Sen is a senior scientist at the Tata Institute for Genetics and Society, Bangalore. Her research interests span neurodevelopment and behaviour. Her group studies how neural stem cells use and integrate spatial and temporal information to generate diverse cell types during development. Beyond neurodevelopment, her team explores how these diverse cell types form functional neural circuits and examines how these circuits give rise to appropriate behaviours, with a particular emphasis on mosquitoes.
Sonia did her PhD at the National Centre for Biological Sciences – TIFR, Bangalore and a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Oregon with Chris Q Doe.
- Expertise
- Developmental Biology
- Neuroscience
- Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
- Research focus
- neural stem cells
- neural circuits
- evo-devo
- mosquito
- Experimental organism
- D. melanogaster
- Anopheles stephensi
Lois Smith
Harvard Medical School, Children's Hospital Boston, United States
Lois EH Smith MD, PhD is an ophthalmologist and clinician/scientist at Boston Children’s Hospital and Professor of Ophthalmology at Harvard Medical School. Her basic research work is in retinal neovascularization, both basic mechanism and treatment including diabetic retinopathy, retinopathy of prematurity, age-related macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa.
She has a long standing interest in eye diseases particularly retinopathy of prematurity, diabetic retinopathy, and AMD and in the mechanisms behind these diseases, particularly the underlying causes of neovascularization and the interactions between neurons and vessels. Many pathways that they have found have been translated into clinical trials, including replacement of IGF-1 in preterm infants and treatment of AMD with anti-VEGF antibodies in which they were the first to show the benefit of blocking VEGF in a mouse model of retinopathy. More recently Dr Smith's work has been interested in metabolic function in photoreceptors, particularly with respect to lipids. Photoreceptor metabolic dysfunction causes central vision loss in retinal degenerative diseases (including ROP) but is also implicated in age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy.
Dr Smith is the recipient of the Friedenwald award, the Alcon Research Institute award, the Silverman award, and the Bressler Prize.
- Expertise
- Developmental Biology
- Medicine
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- age-related macular degeneration
- diabetic eye disease
- retinopathy
- ocular disease
- developmental neuroscience
- Competing interests statement
- Dr Smith has received funding from the National Eye Institute, Massachusetts Lions Eye Research Fund, the European Union, the Lowy Medical Research Institute, Foundation Fighting Blindness, Research to Prevent Blindness Senior Investigator Award, and the Alcon Award.Current editor roles include: Editor for Ophthalmology (Science), Editor for Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology, and Editor IOVS (Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science).
Kenton J Swartz
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH, United States
Kenton Swartz has been a Senior Investigator in the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke within the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland since 2003. He obtained a BS in Chemistry and Biology from Eastern Mennonite College in 1986 and a PhD in Neurobiology from Harvard Medical School in 1993, where he worked with Bruce Bean studying the regulation of voltage-gated calcium channels by G-proteins and protein kinases. He obtained postdoctoral training with Roderick MacKinnon at Harvard Medical School, where he began isolating and studying toxins that interact with voltage-activated potassium channels. His laboratory uses biochemical, molecular biological, biophysical and structural techniques to understand how ion channel proteins sense critical biological stimuli, including membrane voltage, temperature, and both chemical and mechanical signals. He received an NIH Directors Award for Scientific Achievement in 2008, an NIH Office of the Director Honor Award on behalf of the Diversity Task Force in 2011 and the Kenneth S. Cole Award from the Biophysical Society in 2017. He has also served as the president of the Society of General Physiologists.
- Expertise
- Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
- Neuroscience
- Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
- Research focus
- ion channel structure
- ion channel mechanisms
- ion channel physiology
- ion channel pharmacology
- Experimental organism
- mouse
- Competing interests statement
- Kenton Swartz is employed by the Intramural Research Program of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health. In addition to serving as a Senior Editor at eLife, he has served as a Reviewing Editor for eLife and as an Associate Editor at the Journal of General Physiology. He also teaches yoga at LifeTime Athletic.
Michael Taffe
University of California, San Diego, United States
Mike is a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at UCSD, a position he accepted following nearly two decades at The Scripps Research Institute. His research focuses on furthering our understanding of the health impacts of acute and chronic exposure to drugs of abuse, including psychomotor stimulants, cannabinoids and opioids.
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- addiction
- substance use disorders
- behavioral pharmacology
- dementia
- motivation
- reward learning
- reward memory
- behavioral neuroscience
- behavioral toxicology
- monkey behavior
- Experimental organism
- rat
- rodents
- Competing interests statement
- Michael Taffe currently receives funding from the United States National Institutes of Health. He serves as an academic editor at PLoS ONE and is an editorial board member at Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior, Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology and Behavioral Neuroscience.
Kate Wassum
University of California, Los Angeles, United States
Kate is an Associate Professor of Behavioral Neuroscience in the Psychology Department at UCLA. Her research focuses on the neural signals and circuits underlying appetitive associative learning, motivated behavior, and decision making and how dysfunction in these mechanisms can produce the maladaptive behavior underlying mental illness. Her lab uses multidisciplinary approach, combining behavioral procedures rooted in the rich traditions of learning theory with advanced systems neuroscience and molecular methods.
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- behavioural neuroscience
- systems neuroscience
- learning and memory
- motivation
- reward
- decision making
- addiction
- Experimental organism
- rat
- mouse
- Competing interests statement
- Kate Wassum currently receives funding from the National Institutes of Health. She is an associate editor at the Journal of Neuroscience, editorial board member at Neuropsychopharmacology, ACS Chemical Neuroscience, and Scientific Reports, and a consulting editor at Journal of Experimental Psychology Animal Learning & Cognition.
Ma-Li Wong
State University of New York Upstate Medical University, United States
Ma-Li Wong, MD, PhD, FRANZCP, is Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, and Neurosciences and Physiology at SUNY Upstate Medical University. She was born in Hong Kong and grew up in Brazil, where she graduated from the University of São Paulo School of Medicine (FMUSP). She had clinical and research training in psychiatry at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NIH, and Yale University. Ma-Li Wong is a bench, clinical and translational researcher in the biology of depression and co-morbid conditions, chronic stress, and antidepressant drugs. She has conducted research for over 30 years at Yale (Chief Resident and Instructor), National Institutes of Health (Unit Chief), University of California, Los Angeles (Professor), University of Miami (Professor and Vice-Chair), and in Australia (Australian National University, South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute, and Flinders University). She was the recipient of the following awards: Milton Rosenbaum Award for Psychiatric Research (1989); Lilly Psychiatric Research Fellowship by the American Psychiatric Association (1990); SmithKline Beecham Award by the Society of Biological Psychiatry (1990); APA/Dista Research Award (1993); NIH Fare Award (1996 and 1997); Henry L. Moses Award by the Montefiore Medical Center (1998). She co-edited two books: Pharmacogenomics: The Search for Individualized Therapeutics (2002) and Biology of Depression: From Novel Insights to Therapeutic Strategies (2005).
- Expertise
- Medicine
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- major depression
- chronic stress
- neuroinflammation
- neuroendocrinology
- pharmacogenomics
- genetics
- obesity
- leptin
- Experimental organism
- human
- mouse
- primary cells
- immortalized cells
- Competing interests statement
- Ma-Li Wong is an Associate Editor for Molecular Psychiatry. She has been funded by organizations such as the NIH in the US and the National Health and Medical Research Council in Australia.
Reviewing editors
D Nora Abrous
Neurocentre Magendie, INSERM, France
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- neurogenesis
- pathophysiology
- Experimental organism
- mouse
Alaa A Ahmed
University of Colorado Boulder, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Physics of Living Systems
- Research focus
- biomechanics
- motor control
- motor learning
- decision making
- neuroeconomics
- computational neuroscience
- energetics
- Experimental organism
- human
Athena Akrami
University College London, United Kingdom
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- theoretical neuroscience
- neural network
- sensory memory
- behavioural modelling
Sameh Ali
Children's Cancer Hospital Egypt, Egypt
- Expertise
- Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
- Cancer Biology
- Cell Biology
- Immunology and Inflammation
- Neuroscience
- Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
- Research focus
- metabolism
- mitochondria
- redox biology
- reactive oxygen species
- membrane biophysics
- inflammation
- aging
- oncology
Toby W Allen
RMIT University, Australia
- Expertise
- Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
- Physics of Living Systems
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- computational biophysics
- molecular dynamics
- free-energy calculations
- ion channels
- ion permeation
- membranes
Joon-Yong An
Korea University, South Korea
- Expertise
- Medicine
- Computational and Systems Biology
- Genetics and Genomics
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- whole genome sequencing
- noncoding mutation
- neurodevelopment
- autism spectrum disorders
- multi-omics
Michelle Antoine
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- neural circuits
- autism
- E-I balance
- striatum
- synaptic transmission
- neurodevelopment
- epilepsy
S P Arun
Centre for Neuroscience, Indian Institute of Science, India
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- vision
- perception
- recognition
- visual search
- object and feature representations
- visual neuroscience
- Experimental organism
- human
- monkey
- primates
Demba Ba
Harvard University, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- statistical modeling
- sparce coding
- encoding
- decoding
- deep learning
- artificial neural networks
Kavita Babu
Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, India
- Expertise
- Genetics and Genomics
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- synapse
- neuropeptides
- worm behavior
- cell adhesion molecules
- Experimental organism
- C. elegans
Melissa Bates
University of Iowa, United States
- Expertise
- Genetics and Genomics
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- integrative pathophysiology
- pathophysiological consequences of chronic intermittent hypoxia
- cardiopulmonary function
- long-term developmental consequences of prematurity
Brice Bathellier
Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience, CNRS, France
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- auditory cortex
- auditory system
- two-photon calcium imaging
- multisensory processing
- sensory discrimination behavior
- reinforcement learning models
- sensory processing models
- auditory-visual interactions
- Experimental organism
- mouse
Kurt Beam
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, United States
- Expertise
- Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
- Neuroscience
- Physics of Living Systems
- Research focus
- excitation-contraction coupling in skeletal muscle
- voltage-gated calcium channels
- calcium release channels
Esteban J Beckwith
Universidad de Buenos Aires - CONICET, Argentina
- Expertise
- Genetics and Genomics
- Immunology and Inflammation
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- circadian
- sleep
- learning
- memory
- innate immunity
- bacterial infections
- insect behaviour
- Experimental organism
- drosophila
Annaliese K Beery
University of California, Berkeley, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- neuroendocrinology
- behavioural neuroscience
- social behaviour
- sex differences
- Experimental organism
- rodents
- voles
Hugo J Bellen
Baylor College of Medicine, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Developmental Biology
- Genetics and Genomics
- Research focus
- neurobiology
- human neurological disease
- Alzheimer's disease
- Parkinson's disease
- diagnosis of human genetic diseases
- fly technology
- Experimental organism
- D. melanogaster
- mouse
Gordon Berman
Emory University, United States
- Expertise
- Computational and Systems Biology
- Neuroscience
- Physics of Living Systems
- Research focus
- animal behavior
- theoretical biophysics
- computational neuroscience
- computational ethology
- Experimental organism
- D. melanogaster
- mouse
- rat
Jimena Berni
University of Sussex, United Kingdom
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Developmental Biology
- Research focus
- locomotion
- developmental biology
- central pattern generators
- neurogenetics
- neurobiology
- genetic basis of behavior
- Experimental organism
- Drosophila
Upinder S Bhalla
National Centre for Biological Sciences, India
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- olfaction
- hippocampus
- computational neuroscience
- olfactory bulb
- antibody
- synapses
- signaling
- Experimental organism
- mouse
- rat
José Biurrun Manresa
National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), National University of Entre Ríos (UNER), Argentina
- Expertise
- Medicine
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- pain
- nociceptive system
- biomedical signal processing
- biostatistics
Roberto Bottini
University of Trento, Italy
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- memory
- cognitive maps
- conceptual knowledge
- brain plasticity
- spatial navigation
- neuroimaging
- fMRI
Stefania Bracci
University of Trento, Italy
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- perception
- visual cortex organization
- category representations
- object dimensions
Laura A Bradfield
University of Technology Sydney, Australia
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- behavioural neuroscience
- rodent models
- decision-making
- reward circuit
- Experimental organism
- rat
- mouse
Carlos D Brody
Princeton University, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- systems neuroscience
- computational neuroscience
- behavioral neuroscience
- cognitive neurophysiology
- Experimental organism
- rat
- mouse
Solange P Brown
Johns Hopkins University, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- cortical circuits
- somatosensory system
- visual system
- cortical inhibitory interneurons
- cortical projection neurons
- thalamus
- claustrum
- Experimental organism
- mouse
Axel T Brunger
Stanford University, United States
- Expertise
- Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- neurotransmission
- membrane fusion
- X-ray crystallography
- electron microscopy
- macromolecular computer simulation
- Experimental organism
- mouse
Hayriye Cagnan
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Medicine
- Computational and Systems Biology
- Research focus
- brain stimulation
- brain computer interfacing
- computational neuroscience
- motor control
- Parkinson's disease
- tremor
- close-loop neuromodulation
Peng Cao
National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing, China
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- superior colliculus
- brain circuit
- fear response
- gut-to-brain axis
- defensive behavior
Megan R Carey
Champalimaud Foundation, Portugal
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- computational and systems neuroscience
- cerebellum
- neural circuits
- locomotion
- sensorimotor systems
- motor learning
- Experimental organism
- mouse
Catherine Carr
University of Maryland, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Evolutionary Biology
- Research focus
- auditory
- evolution
- temporal coding
- comparative
- Experimental organism
- birds
- reptiles
Marisa Carrasco
New York University, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- visual perception
- attention
- cognitive psychology
- neurophysiology
- neuroimaging
Maria Chait
University College London, United Kingdom
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- auditory
- attention
- cognition
- decision making
- brain imaging
- sensory systems
- memory
- Experimental organism
- human
Moses V Chao
New York University Langone Medical Center, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- trophic factors
- receptor signal transduction
- growth factors
Sumantra Chattarji
TCG Centres for Research and Education in Science and Technology, India
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- synaptic plasticity
- amygdala
- autism spectrum disorders
- neural basis of stress and anxiety disorders
- Experimental organism
- rat
- mouse
Ko-Fan Chen
University of Leicester, United Kingdom
- Expertise
- Cell Biology
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- circadian rhythms
- sleep
- neurogenetics
- behavioral genetics
- Experimental organism
- Drosophila
Ke Cheng
Yongchuan Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, China
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- molecular mechanisms
- neural circuits
- major depressive disorder
- neuropsychiatric disease
- antidepressant mechanism
- novel tool box development in neuropsychiatric disease
Alexander Chesler
National Institutes of Health, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- touch
- pain
- somatosensation
- mechanosensation
- interoception
- ion channels
- sensory neuron
- somatosensory circuits
Isaac Chiu
Harvard Medical School, United States
- Expertise
- Immunology and Inflammation
- Microbiology and Infectious Disease
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- neuroimmunology
- pain
- microglia
- infection
- bacterial pathogens
- Experimental organism
- mouse
- rat
Roshan Cools
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- cognition
- cognitive control
- motivation
- prefrontal cortex
- dopamine
- basal ganglia
- serotonin
- decision making
- reinforcement learning
- noradrenaline
- Experimental organism
- human
Joshua Corbin
Children's National Hospital, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- amygdala
- transcriptomics
- cell migration
- nervous system development
- circuit mapping
- innate behaviors
- neuronal specification
- Experimental organism
- mouse
Laura H Corbit
University of Toronto, Canada
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- behavioral neuroscience
- extinction
- noradrenaline
- associative learning
- decision making
- reward
- Experimental organism
- rat
Rui Ponte Costa
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Computational and Systems Biology
- Research focus
- computational neuroscience
- systems neuroscience
- learning
- machine learning
- cortical circuits
- synaptic plasticity
- credit assignment
Noah J Cowan
The Johns Hopkins University, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Evolutionary Biology
- Computational and Systems Biology
- Research focus
- sensorimotor control
- active sensing
- navigation
- biomechanics
- robotics
- control theory
- motor learning
Lila Davachi
Columbia University, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- recognition
- recollection
- working memory
- episodic encoding
Jeremy Day
University of Alabama at Birmingham, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Chromosomes and Gene Expression
- Genetics and Genomics
- Research focus
- gene regulation
- genomic enhancers
- long non-coding RNAs
- drug addiction
- dopamine
- reward
- motivated behavior
- Experimental organism
- rat
- mouse
- cell cultures
Ruth de Diego-Balaguer
Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- language learning
- statistical learning
- artificial grammar
- development
- huntington's disease
- basal ganglia
- neuropsychology
- rule-learning
- attention
- temporal attention
- Experimental organism
- human
Tessa Dekker
University College London, United Kingdom
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- neuroimaging
- visual system
- behavioural psychophysics
Filippo Del Bene
Institut de la Vision, France
- Expertise
- Developmental Biology
- Neuroscience
- Genetics and Genomics
- Research focus
- zebrafish
- visual system
- optogenetics
- neural circuits
- behavior
- brain function
- genome editing
Hanneke EM den Ouden
Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- dopamine
- reinforcement learning
- motivation
- cognitive control
- serotonin
- computational modelling
- Experimental organism
- human
Andreea O Diaconescu
University of Toronto, Canada
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- neuroimaging
- learning
- decision making
Dion K Dickman
University of Southern California, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- synapse
- plasticity
- homeostasis
- neuromuscular junction
- glutamate
- Experimental organism
- D. melanogaster
Jörn Diedrichsen
University of Western Ontario, Canada
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- motor control
- fMRI
- Experimental organism
- human
Jun Ding
Stanford University, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- neural circuits
- motor learning
- motor control
- Parkinson's disease
- synaptic transmission
- synaptic plasticity
- dendrite
- spine
- dopamine
- Experimental organism
- mouse
Long Ding
University of Pennsylvania, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- systems neuroscience
- decision making
- basal ganglia
- neurophysiology
- oculomotor pathway
Nai Ding
Zhejiang University, China
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- language
- speech
- audition
- computational models
Ana Domingos
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
- Expertise
- Medicine
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- metabolism
- obesity
- neuroimmunity
- autonomic nervous system
- eating behaviour
- inflammation
Paul Donlin-Asp
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
- Expertise
- Cell Biology
- Neuroscience
- Chromosomes and Gene Expression
- Research focus
- mRNA localization
- protein synthesis
- synapses
- post-transcriptional gene regulation
- RNA binding proteins
- neurodevelopmental disorders
- mRNA
Tobias H Donner
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- decision-making
- inference
- attention
- perception
- arousal
- cortical network dynamics
- neuromodulation
- neurophysiology
- psychophysics
- neuroimaging
- computational modeling
- Experimental organism
- human
- mouse
Xin Duan
University of California, San Francisco, United States
- Expertise
- Developmental Biology
- Genetics and Genomics
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- synapse formation
- superior colliculus
- optic neuropathy
- retinal circuitry
- transsynaptic tracing
- cadherins
- optic nerve regeneration
Jessica Dubois
Inserm Unité NeuroDiderot, Université Paris Cité, France
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- brain development
- sensory and motor capacities
- connectivity
- neurodevelopmental disorders
- plasticity
- neuroimaging
- prematurity
- anatomy
- Experimental organism
- human
Eugene P Duff
Imperial College London, United States
- Expertise
- Genetics and Genomics
- Neuroscience
- Chromosomes and Gene Expression
- Research focus
- proteomics
- dementia
- functional neuroimaging
- functional connectivity
- single cell RNA sequencing
- gene expression networks
- multimorbidity
Hannelore Ehrenreich
Max Planck Institute of Experimental Medicine, Germany
- Expertise
- Genetics and Genomics
- Immunology and Inflammation
- Medicine
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- translational neuroscience
- erythropoietin
- hypoxia
- neuropsychiatric phenotypes
- deep phenotyping
- autoantibodies
- Experimental organism
- human
Leonardo A Elias
University of Campinas, Brazil
- Expertise
- Computational and Systems Biology
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- computational neuroscience
- sensorimotor systems
- proprioception
- motor unit physiology
- motor neurons
- electromyography
- neurodegenerative diseases
Jeffrey Erlich
Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, United Kingdom
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- decision-making
- computational modelling
- neuroeconomics
- neural coding
- spatial cognition
- Bayesian hierarchical models
- Experimental organism
- mouse
- rat
- human
John Ewer
Universidad de Valparaiso, Chile
- Expertise
- Developmental Biology
- Neuroscience
- Genetics and Genomics
- Medicine
- Research focus
- animal behaviour
- neuropeptides
- circadian clocks
- insect endocrinology
- Experimental organism
- D. melanogaster
Rafael Fernández-Chacon
Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS), Spain
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Cell Biology
- Research focus
- synapse
- neurotransmitter release
- synaptic maintenance
- electrophysiology
- neurodegeneration
- synaptic vesicle cycle
- neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
- Experimental organism
- mouse
Karim Fifel
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- sleep
- circadian biology
- dopamine
- memory
- motivation
- mood disorders
- neurodegenerative diseases
- chronotherapy
Shelly B Flagel
University of Michigan, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- addiction
- reward learning
- dopamine
- animal models
- Experimental organism
- mouse
- rat
Patrick A Forcelli
Georgetown University, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- epilepsy
- behavioral pharmacology
- circuits
- toxicology
- basal ganglia
- neurophysiology
- anti-seizure medications
- Experimental organism
- mouse
- rat
- non-human primates
Alex Fornito
Monash University, Australia
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- connectivity
- networks
- genetics
- psychiatry
- psychosis
- schizophrenia
- connectome
- Experimental organism
- human
- mouse
Juan A Gallego
Imperial College London, United Kingdom
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- motor control
- neurophysiology
- motor learning
- computational modelling
- neuroprosthetics
- computational systems neuroscience
- neural populations
- brain-computer interfaces
Florent Ginhoux
Agency for Science Technology and Research, Singapore
- Expertise
- Immunology and Inflammation
- Neuroscience
- Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
- Research focus
- dendritic cells
- monocytes
- macrophages
- development
- hematopoiesis
- Experimental organism
- human
- mouse
Lisa Giocomo
Stanford University, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- circuit neuroscience
- cellular
- ion channels
- behavior
- electrophysiology
- navigation
- memory
- Experimental organism
- mouse
- D. melanogaster
Teresa Giraldez
Universidad de La Laguna, Spain
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
- Research focus
- ion channels
- neuronal excitability
- channelopathies
- Experimental organism
- mouse
Julijana Gjorgjieva
Technical University of Munich, Germany
- Expertise
- Computational and Systems Biology
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- computational neuroscience
- systems modeling
- synaptic plasticity
- cortical development
Jesse H Goldberg
Cornell University, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- dopamine
- motor control
- motor cortex
- basal ganglia
- songbird
- reinforcement learning
- Experimental organism
- zebra finch
- mouse
Marcel Goldschen-Ohm
University of Texas at Austin, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
- Research focus
- ion channel structure and mechanisms
- single molecule dynamics
- single molecule fluorescence
- patch-clamp electrophysiology
- ligand binding
Christine Grienberger
Brandeis University, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- learning and memory
- synaptic plasticity
- neurodegenerative diseases
- dendritic integration
Theanne N Griffith
University of California, Davis, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- ion channels
- sensorimotor
- somatosensation
- pain
- proprioception
- somatosensory circuits
- spinal cord
Iris Groen
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- cognitive neuroscience
- visual perception
- scene perception
- computational modeling
- fMRI
- deep learning
- Experimental organism
- human
Jennifer M Groh
Duke University, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- sensory coding
- neural representations
- neural computation
- spatial processing
- auditory neuroscience
- eye movement
- multisensory processing
- Experimental organism
- human
- rhesus macaque
Xiaosi Gu
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- fMRI
- intracranial recording
- social neuroscience
- reinforcement learning
- deep brain stimulation
- digital phenotyping
- computational psychiatry
Weiping Han
Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB), A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research), Singapore
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Cell Biology
- Research focus
- diabetes
- enzymes
- metabolism
- obesity
- secretion
- exocytosis
Timothy D Hanks
University of California, Davis, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- decision making
- systems neuroscience
- computational neuroscience
- cognitive neuroscience
Julia J Harris
Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, United Kingdom
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- sleep
- behavior
- olfaction
- synapse
- electrophysiology
- memory
- respiration
- energy
Brandon Harvey
NIDA/NIH, Intramural Research Program, United States
- Expertise
- Cell Biology
- Immunology and Inflammation
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- neuroinflammation
- ER stress
- ER calcium
- KDEL receptor
- manf
- stroke
- Experimental organism
- rat
- mouse
- human cells
Gaiti Hasan
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, National Centre for Biological Sciences, India
- Expertise
- Genetics and Genomics
- Neuroscience
- Medicine
- Research focus
- calcium signaling
- motor function
- regulation of gene expression
- IP3R
- Orai
- Experimental organism
- D. melanogaster
Björn Herrmann
Baycrest, Canada
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- auditory system
- aging
- hearing loss
- auditory cognitive neuroscience
- auditory perception
- electrophysiology
- psychophysics
- speech perception
- Experimental organism
- human
P Robin Hiesinger
Institute for Biology Free University Berlin, Germany
- Expertise
- Cell Biology
- Computational and Systems Biology
- Developmental Biology
- Genetics and Genomics
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- brain development
- synapse
- neurogenetics
- membrane trafficking
- Drosophila
- neurodegeneration
- computational modelling
- live-cell imaging
- Experimental organism
- D. melanogaster
- organoids
Matthew N Hill
University of Calgary, Canada
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- stress
- cannabinoids
- anxiety
- amygdala
- fear
- feeding
- endocannabinoids
- Experimental organism
- mouse
- rat
Margaret S Ho
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Cell Biology
- Research focus
- glia
- neurodegenerative disease
- protein degradation
- neuron-glia interactions
- inflammation
- innate behaviors
- Experimental organism
- Drosophila
- mouse
Nathan Holmes
UNSW Sydney, Australia
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- attention
- learning
- memory
Catarina Homem
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
- Expertise
- Developmental Biology
- Neuroscience
- Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
- Research focus
- neurobiology
- stem cells
- neural stem cells
- tumor metabolism
- transcription regulation
- cellular metabolism
- cell fate regulation
- tumors
- neuron differentiation
- maturation
- Experimental organism
- Drosophila
Sakiko Honjoh
University of Tsukuba, Japan
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- sleep
- cortex
- thalamus
- in vivo extracellular recordings
Xiaoqing Hu
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- sleep
- episodic memory
- emotional memory
- memory reactivation
- memory control/forgetting
- social learning
- cognitive neuroscience
Susie Y Huang
Massachusetts General Hospital, United States
- Expertise
- Medicine
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- development
- translation
- magnetic resonance imaging
Krystel R Huxlin
University of Rochester, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- perceptual learning
- vision loss
- vision rehabilitation
- nerve regeneration
- visual plasticity
Bradley Hyman
Massachusetts General Hospital, United States
- Expertise
- Medicine
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- tau
- alzheimer
- neuropathology
Mihaela D Iordanova
Concordia University, Canada
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- learning
- memory
- dopamine
- amygdala
- prefrontal cortex
- prediction error
- fear
- reward
- Experimental organism
- mouse
- rat
Aya Ito-Ishida
Keio University School of Medicine, Japan
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- synapse formation
- circuit development
- cerebellum
- neurodevelopmental disorders
- Rett syndrome
- Experimental organism
- mouse
Alicia Izquierdo
University of California, Los Angeles, USA, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- behavioral and systems neuroscience
- frontal cortex
- reward learning
- value learning
- behavioral flexibility
- value-based decision making
Andres Jara-Oseguera
University of Texas at Austin, United States
- Expertise
- Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- ion channels
- Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) channels
- membrane transport proteins
- nociception
- voltage-activated channels
- cellular excitability
- pain-signaling
Saad Jbabdi
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- brain
- magnetic resonance imaging
- big data
- connectivity
- computational anatomy
Gaspar Jekely
University of Exeter, United Kingdom
- Expertise
- Genetics and Genomics
- Neuroscience
- Evolutionary Biology
- Research focus
- nervous system evolution
- marine larvae
- cilia
- sensory systems
- eukaryogenesis
- neuromodulation
- Experimental organism
- P. dumerilii
- C. hemisphaerica
- N. vectensis
- Trichoplax
Joshua Johansen
RIKEN Center for Brain Science, Japan
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- aversive learning and memory
- amygdala
- locus coeruleus
- noradrenaline
- neural circuits
- behavioral neuroscience
- brainstem
- prefrontal
- Experimental organism
- rat
- mouse
Tihana Jovanic
Neuro-PSI, UMR-9197, CNRS, UPSaclay, France
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- neural circuits
- behavior
- neuromodulation
- sensorimotor
- internal state
- decisions
- Experimental organism
- drosophila
Thorsten Kahnt
National Institute on Drug Abuse Intramural Research Program, NIH, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- associative learning
- decision making
- reward
- olfaction
- orbitofrontal cortex
- dopamine
- connectivity
- Experimental organism
- human
Koichi Kawakami
National Institute of Genetics, Japan
- Expertise
- Developmental Biology
- Genetics and Genomics
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- organogenesis
- disease models
- biotechnology
- optogenetics
- transposable elements
- behavior
- brain function
- neural circuits
- Experimental organism
- zebrafish
Shella Keilholz
Emory University and Georgia Institute of Technology, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- neuroimaging
- functional MRI
- brain network models
- brain dynamics
Caleb Kemere
Rice University, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Computational and Systems Biology
- Research focus
- computational tools for hippocampal electrophysiological signals
- place cells
- replay
- hippocampal rhythms
Tali Kimchi
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- animal behavior
- social behaviour
- reproductive neuroethology
- sensory perception
- pheromone
- sexual dimorphism
- aggression
- sexual behavior
- oxytocin
- dopamine
- Experimental organism
- mouse
- rat
- mole rat
Peter Kok
University College London, United Kingdom
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- perception
- neuroimaging
- fMRI
- visual perception
- prediction
- expectation
- predictive coding
- Experimental organism
- human
Nils Kolling
Stem-cell and Brain Institute (SBRI), U1208 Inserm, France
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- decision making
- learning
- neural mechanisms
Genevieve Konopka
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Genetics and Genomics
- Evolutionary Biology
- Research focus
- comparative genomics
- autism
- schizophrenia
- neurogenomics
- cognition
- language
- molecular neuroscience
- Experimental organism
- human
- mouse
Paschalis Kratsios
University of Chicago, United States
- Expertise
- Developmental Biology
- Genetics and Genomics
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- neuronal development
- transcription factors
- chromatin factors
- neuronal identity
- genetics
- Experimental organism
- C. elegans
- mouse
Kristine Krug
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Germany- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- visual perception
- sensory systems
- decision-making
- electrophysiology
- neuroanatomy
- Experimental organism
- human
- rhesus macaque
- primates
Ryan T LaLumiere
University of Iowa, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- addiction
- memory
- learning
- reward
- behavior
- Experimental organism
- rat
- mouse
Angela Langdon
National Institute of Mental Health, United States
- Expertise
- Computational and Systems Biology
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- reward learning
- decision making
- dopamine
Dan Larhammar
Uppsala University, Sweden
- Expertise
- Medicine
- Evolutionary Biology
- Neuroscience
- Cell Biology
- Chromosomes and Gene Expression
- Genetics and Genomics
- Research focus
- evolution
- gene/genome duplications
- cellular and molecular neuroscience
- G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR)
- neuropeptides
- endocrine peptides
- phototransduction
- ligand-gated ion channels
- Experimental organism
- human
- zebrafish
Peter Latham
University College London, United Kingdom
- Expertise
- Computational and Systems Biology
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- computational neuroscience
- bayesian inference
- network dynamics
- neural coding
- synaptic plasticity
Daeyeol Lee
Johns Hopkins University, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- decision making
- reinforcement learning
- prefrontal cortex
- basal ganglia
- neural coding
- timing
- Experimental organism
- human
- rat
- rhesus macaque
Taraz Lee
University of Michigan, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- cognitive control
- motor skills
- fMRI
- reward
- motivation
- working memory
Scott F Leiser
University of Michigan, United States
- Expertise
- Cell Biology
- Chromosomes and Gene Expression
- Genetics and Genomics
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- aging
- longevity
- hypoxia
- geroscience
- proteostasis
- stress response
- flavin-containing monooxygenase
- healthspan
Jason Lerch
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- biomedical imaging
- computational biology
- data science
Jian Li
Peking University, China
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- cognitive neuroscience
- reinforcement learning
- decision making
- social cognition
- fMRI
- dopamine
- neuromodulation
- oxytocin
- Experimental organism
- human
Mimi Liljeholm
University of California, Irvine, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- learning
- decision making
- reasoning
- reinforcement learning
- social cognition
Sukbin Lim
New York University Shanghai, China
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- computational neuroscience
- neural circuits
- synaptic plasticity
- working memory
- decision-making
Xiaorong Liu
University of Virginia, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Medicine
- Research focus
- retina
- retinal ganglion cell
- retinal degeneration
- glaucoma
- in vivo imaging
- optic nerve
- axon bundles
- Experimental organism
- mouse
- tree shrew
Mychael V Lourenco
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Expertise
- Cell Biology
- Medicine
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- Alzheimer's disease
- synaptic plasticity
- translational control
- hormones
- memory
- neurodegeneration
- biomarkers
Xin-Yun Lu
Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- chronic stress
- neurodegeneration
- depression
- synaptic plasticity
- behavior
Farah Lubin
University of Alabama, Birmingham, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- memory and synaptic plasticity
- learning
- gene transcription
- neurodevelopment
- developmental disabilities
- epilepsy disorders
- non-coding RNAs
Lan Ma
Fudan University, China
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- memory
- addiction
- stem cells
Tianyi Mao
Vollum Institute, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- thalamus
- cortex
- basal ganglia
- connectome
- imaging
- Experimental organism
- mouse
Bianca Jones Marlin
Columbia University, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- neurogenetics
- transgenerational epigenetic inheritance
- trauma
- neuroepigenetics
- parental behaviour
- oxytocin
Andrea E Martin
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Netherlands
Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Netherlands- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Computational and Systems Biology
- Research focus
- language
- speech
- cognition
- computational modeling
- oscillations
- structured representations in neural systems
- magnetoencephalography (MEG)
- electroencephalography (EEG)
- neuroimaging
- Experimental organism
- human
Pascal Martin
Institut Curie, France
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Physics of Living Systems
- Research focus
- active mechanical processes
- hair cells of the inner ear
- molecular motors and the cytoskeleton
- oscillations
- mechanosensitivity
- frequency selectivity
- in vitro reconstituted motor systems
- Experimental organism
- rat
- Xenopus
Michael A McDannald
Boston College, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- fear
- uncertainty
- optogenetics
- electrophysiology
- pavlovian
Zoe A McElligott
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- optogenetics
- psychiatric illness
- whole-cell electrophysiology
- chemogenetics
- caspase ablation
- behavioral assays
Mitul Mehta
King's College London, United Kingdom
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- psychopharmacology
- neuroimaging
- schizophrenia
- depression
- dopamine
- glutamate
- novel therapeutics
Markus Meister
California Institute of Technology, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Computational and Systems Biology
- Research focus
- computational neuroscience
- theoretical neuroscience
- systems neuroscience
- vision
- retina
- superior colliculus
- electrophysiology
- magnetoreception
Ming Meng
South China Normal University, China
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- perception
- attention
- consciousness
- psychophysics
- fMRI
- visual cortex
- Experimental organism
- human
Hugo Merchant
National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- systems neurophysiology
- timing
- time perception
- premotor areas
- parieto-prefrontal circuit
- computational neuroscience
- Experimental organism
- non-human primates
Lisa Monteggia
UT Southwestern Medical Center, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- depression
- antidepressant
- synaptic plasticity
- synaptic transmission
- rett syndrome
- transcriptional regulation
- neurotrophins
- epigenetics
- Mecp2
- Experimental organism
- rat
- mouse
Eilif B Muller
University of Montreal, Canada
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- computational neuroscience
- neocortex
- plasticity
- learning
- deep learning
Nara I Muraro
Instituto de Investigación en Biomedicina de Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- patch-clamp electrophysiology
- behavior
- ion channels
- neuronal circuits
- circadian rhythms
- sleep
- neuropeptides
- Experimental organism
- D. melanogaster
Richard Naud
University of Ottawa, Canada
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- computational neuroscience
- neural coding
- dendritic computation
- learning and plasticity
Klaus-Armin Nave
Max Planck Institute for Experimental Medicine, Germany
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- neuron-glia interactions
- myelin-associated diseases
- oligodendrocytes
- schwann cells
Mark T. Nelson
The University of Vermont, United States
- Expertise
- Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- ion channels
- calcium signaling
- neurovascular coupling in the brain
- vascular, cell and systems biology
- Experimental organism
- mouse
Jean-Paul Noel
University of Minnesota, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- cognitive and systems neuroscience
- computational psychiatry
- perception
- multisensory integration
- probabilistic inference
- navigation
- autism
- embodied cognition
- Experimental organism
- human
- non-human primates
- mouse
Redmond G O'Connell
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- decision-making
- evidence accumulation
- performance monitoring
- attention
- aging
- electrophysiology
Jonas Obleser
University of Lübeck, Germany
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- neural dynamics
- neural oscillations
- audition
- electrophysiology/EEG
- functional neuroimaging
- executive functions
- Experimental organism
- human
Izuchukwu Okafor
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria
- Expertise
- Cancer Biology
- Cell Biology
- Chromosomes and Gene Expression
- Developmental Biology
- Epidemiology and Global Health
- Genetics and Genomics
- Medicine
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- developmental biology
- reproductive biology
- gene expression
- molecular biology
- public health
- reproductive health
- medical education
- anatomical sciences
- neuroreproduction
Jean-Jacques Orban de Xivry
KU Leuven, Belgium
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- motor control
- eye movement
- aging
- proprioception
- motor learning
- motor adaptation
- internal model
- brain stimulation (TMS, tDCS)
Kassandra Ori-McKenney
University of California , United States
- Expertise
- Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
- Cell Biology
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- microtubules
- microtubule-associated proteins
- microtubule motors
- tau neurofibrillary tangles
- neurodegeneration
- Experimental organism
- D. melanogaster
- mammalian cell culture
Harry Orr
University of Minnesota, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- molecular genetics
- neurodegenerative disease
- spinocerebellar ataxia
Srdjan Ostojic
École Normale Supérieure, France
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Computational and Systems Biology
- Research focus
- computational neuroscience
- network dynamics
- neural computations
- population coding
- neural circuits
- plasticity
Tiago Outeiro
University Medical Center Göttingen, Germany
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- neurodegeneration
- molecular mechanisms
Linda Overstreet-Wadiche
University of Alabama at Birmingham, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- synaptic transmission
- inhibition
- GABA receptors
- dentate gyrus
- interneurons
- adult neurogenesis
- excitability
- Experimental organism
- mouse
Bamidele Owoyele
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
- Expertise
- Immunology and Inflammation
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- animal models
- natural products
- neuroinflammation
- neurodegenerative diseases
- pain
- Parkinson's disease
- gastrointestinal system
Richard Palmiter
University of Washington, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- parabrachial nucleus
- appetite
- threats
- neural circuits
- aversive events
- Experimental organism
- mouse
Candie Paulsen
Yale University, United States
- Expertise
- Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
- Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- ion channels
- TRP channels
- ligand-gated ion channels
- calcium regulation
- membrane protein structural biology
- cryo-EM of ion channels and membrane proteins
- pain signaling
- redox biology
- signal transduction
Jonathan Peelle
Northeastern University, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- auditory
- speech
- language
- hearing
- Experimental organism
- human
Leopoldo Petreanu
Champalimaud Center for the Unknown, Portugal
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- cortical circuits
- vision
- circuit mapping
- cortical hierarchy
- two-photon imaging
- sensory cortex
- Experimental organism
- mouse
Adrien Peyrache
McGill University, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- spatial navigation
- sleep
- memory consolidation
- replay
- neural coding
- Experimental organism
- mouse
Nicolás Pírez
Universidad de Buenos Aires - CONICET, Argentina
- Expertise
- Computational and Systems Biology
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- sensory physiology
- olfactory system
- neural circuits
- circadian rhythms
- learning and memory
- behavior and genetics
- in vivo imaging
- Experimental organism
- Drosophila melanogaster
- mouse
Samuel Pleasure
University of California, San Francisco, United States
- Expertise
- Medicine
- Developmental Biology
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- circuit development
- hippocampus
- cerebral cortex
- epilepsy
- human
- forebrain development
- autoimmune encephalitis
- morphogenic signals
- mouse
- multiple sclerosis
Markus Ploner
Technische Universität München, Germany
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Medicine
- Research focus
- pain
- brain
- oscillations
- synchrony
- electroencephalography (EEG)
- Experimental organism
- human
Douglas Portman
University of Rochester, United States
- Expertise
- Developmental Biology
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- neurogenetics
- behavioral genetics
- behavioral plasticity
- hypothamalus sex differences
- neuronal development
- Experimental organism
- C. elegans
Murali Prakriya
Northwestern University, United States
- Expertise
- Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- cell imaging
- cellular electrophysiology
- calcium signaling
- ion channels
- neurobiology
- cell physiology
- Experimental organism
- mouse
Clare Press
University College London, United Kingdom
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- action
- perception
- learning
- prediction
- Experimental organism
- human
J Andrew Pruszynski
Western University, Canada
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- motor control
- somatosensory system
- reaching
- grasping
- reflexes
- electrophysiology
- neural coding
- Experimental organism
- human
- R.macaque
Serge Przedborski
Columbia University Medical Center, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Medicine
- Research focus
- Parkinson's disease
- neurodegeneration
- mitochondrial damage
- motor neuron disease
- amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- astrocytes
- autophagy
- mitophagy
- necroptosis
- apoptosis
- Experimental organism
- human
Mani Ramaswami
Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
- Expertise
- Cell Biology
- Genetics and Genomics
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- RNA granules
- RNA binding proteins
- neuronal translational control
- ALS models
- inhibitory plasticity and memory
- behavioral circuits
- habituation
- modulation of behaviour
- Experimental organism
- D. melanogaster
Supratim Ray
Indian Institute of Science, India
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- gamma
- high-gamma
- local field potential
- electrocorticogram
- primary visual cortex
- attention
- normalization
- Experimental organism
- non-human primates
- human
Tania Reis
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, United States
- Expertise
- Genetics and Genomics
- Chromosomes and Gene Expression
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- obesity
- energy homeostasis
- RNA binding proteins
- sex differences
- alternative splicing
- Experimental organism
- D. melanogaster
Erin L Rich
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- prefrontal cortex
- working memory
- decision-making
- Experimental organism
- rhesus macaque
- rat
Fred Rieke
HHMI, University of Washington, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- non-human primates
- computational neuroscience
- biophysics
- Experimental organism
- mouse
Matthew J Rowan
Emory University, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- dendrites
- cortex
- interneurons
- proteomics
- AAVs
- alzheimer's
- hyperexcitability
- layer 2/3
Tomás J Ryan
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- memory
- engram
- behavior
- evolution
- learning
- neuroimmunology
- development
- instinct
Vitaly Ryu
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, United States
- Expertise
- Medicine
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- pituitary hormones
- neurogenesis
- neural plasticity
- neurobehavior
- ingestive behavior
- sympathetic and sensory innervation of fat
Jon T Sack
University of California, Davis, United States
- Expertise
- Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- ion channels
- voltage gating
- voltage clamp electrophysiology
- ligand binding
- allostery
- rate theory modeling
- thermodynamics
Juan C Sáez
Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Cell Biology
- Medicine
- Research focus
- connexin
- pannexin
- innexin
- neuroinflammation
- neuromuscular diseases
Emilio Salinas
Wake Forest School of Medicine, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- decision-making
- saccade
- choice
- perception
- attention
- oculomotor
- visuomotor
- sensory-motor
- Experimental organism
- primates
- non-human primates
- human
Irene Salinas
University of New Mexico, United States
- Expertise
- Immunology and Inflammation
- Neuroscience
- Evolutionary Biology
- Microbiology and Infectious Disease
- Research focus
- mucosal immunology
- neuroimmunology
- host-microbe interactions
- evolutionary immunology
Andreas T Schaefer
The Francis Crick Institute, United Kingdom
University College London, United Kingdom- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- olfaction
- neurotechnology
- electrophysiology
- synchrotron x-ray imaging
- electron microscopy
- sensory circuits
- olfactory bulb
- piriform cortex
- Experimental organism
- mouse
Anna C Schapiro
University of Pennsylvania, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- memory
- learning
- neural network modeling
- sleep-dependent consolidation
- Experimental organism
- human
Helen Scharfman
New York University Langone Medical Center, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- hippocampus
- neuronal excitability
- neurogenesis
- brain-derived neurotrophic factor
- neuroendocrinology
- epilepsy
- Alzheimer’s disease
Casey M Schneider-Mizell
Allen Institute for Brain Science, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- electron microscopy
- connectomics
- neural circuits
- interneurons
- network theory
- neuronal morphology
- computational neuroanatomy
- Experimental organism
- mouse
- Drosophila
Annalisa Scimemi
University at Albany, State University of New York, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- synaptic physiology
- synaptic plasticity
- synaptic integration
- neurotransmitter transporters
- astrocytes
- modeling
- hippocampus
- basal ganglia
- neurological disorders
Audrey Sederberg
Georgia Institute of Technology, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Physics of Living Systems
- Computational and Systems Biology
- Research focus
- theoretical biophysics
- computational neuroscience
- neural dynamics
- neural decoding
- criticality
Amita Sehgal
University of Pennsylvania, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- circadian rhythms
- sleep
- circuits
- genes
- Experimental organism
- D. melanogaster
- mouse
Eve Seuntjens
KU Leuven, Belgium
- Expertise
- Developmental Biology
- Evolutionary Biology
- Neuroscience
- Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
- Research focus
- Development of the nervous system
- neural stem cells
- evolution of the nervous system
- nothobranchius furzeri (African turquoise killifish)
- Experimental organism
- cephalopod
- killifish
Rebecca Shansky
Northeastern University, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- prefrontal cortex
- fear conditioning
- extinction
- sex differences
- neuroanatomy
- dendritic spines
Tatyana O Sharpee
Salk Institute for Biological Studies, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- neural coding
- information theory
- natural scenes statistics
- Experimental organism
- mouse
Kang Shen
Stanford University, United States
- Expertise
- Cell Biology
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- synapse
- neuronal cytoskeleton
- neuronal cell biology
- developmental neurobiology
Guangwei Si
Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- olfaction
- computational neuroscience
- neural circuits
- neural representations
- calcium imaging
- connectome
- microfluidics
- Experimental organism
- Drosophila
Roy V Sillitoe
Baylor College of Medicine, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Developmental Biology
- Research focus
- cerebellum
- dystonia
- tremor
- electrophysiology
- mouse genetics
- development
- Experimental organism
- mouse
Inna Slutsky
Tel Aviv University, Israel
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- cellular and circuit-level neuroscience
- neuronal homeostasis
- synaptic plasticity
- synaptic transmission
- Alzheimer's disease
- Experimental organism
- rodents
Jeffrey C Smith
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- brain stem
- Experimental organism
- rat
- mouse
Mariano Soiza-Reilly
Universidad de Buenos Aires - CONICET, Argentina
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- neural circuits
- synapses
- mood disorders
- stress
- serotonin
- neuropharmacology
- neuroanatomy
- emotional behavior
Yan Song
Peking University, China
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Developmental Biology
- Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
- Chromosomes and Gene Expression
- Research focus
- developmental neurobiology
- cell fate decisions
- epigenetics
- stem cells
- neurodevelopmental disorders
- transcriptional control
- cell fate memory
- Experimental organism
- mouse
- D. melanogaster
Jing Sui
Beijing Normal University, China
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- multimodal fusion
- neuroimaging biomarker
- individualized prediction
- depression
- brain connectivity
- brain development
Nicole C Swann
University of Oregon, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- Parkinson's disease
- electrophysiology
- motor control
- Experimental organism
- human
Daniel Y Takahashi
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
- Expertise
- Computational and Systems Biology
- Ecology
- Neuroscience
- Physics of Living Systems
- Research focus
- social interaction
- vocal learning
- neurophysiology
- computational modeling
- ontogeny of behavior
Hiromu Tanimoto
Tohoku University, Japan
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Evolutionary Biology
- Research focus
- behavioral genetics
- neuronal circuits
- synapse
- elementary nervous systems
- translation
- neuromodulation by monoamines and peptides
- evolutionary neuroscience
- psychophysics
- psychochemistry
- Experimental organism
- invertebrates
- Drosophila melanogaster
- Cnidaria
- jellyfish
Kristin Tessmar-Raible
University of Vienna, Austria
- Expertise
- Cell Biology
- Developmental Biology
- Ecology
- Evolutionary Biology
- Genetics and Genomics
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- chronobiology
- marine
- photobiology
- rhythms
- clocks
- physiology
- Experimental organism
- platynereis
- clunio
- danio
- medakafish
- oryzias
Vatsala Thirumalai
National Centre for Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- cerebellum
- Purkinje neurons
- locomotion
- swimming
- motor adaptation
- central pattern generators
- dopamine
- excitability
- development
- gap junctions
- darpp-32
- optomotor response
- synaptic transmission
- neuromodulation
- electrophysiology
- Experimental organism
- zebrafish
Muriel Thoby-Brisson
Université de Bordeaux, France
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- neural network
- rhythmogenesis
- motor activity
- embryo
- membrane properties
- development
- Experimental organism
- mouse
Xing Tian
New York University Shanghai, China
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- cognitive neuroscience
- EEG/MEG/intracranial EEG/fMRI
- speech
- sensorimotor integration
- action
- perception interaction
- internal forward model
- predictive coding
- memory
- language
- mental imagery
- Experimental organism
- human
Fadel Tissir
University of Louvain, Belgium
- Expertise
- Developmental Biology
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- neural progenitors
- neuronal migration
- polarity
- axon guidance
- neurodevelopmental disorders
- ciliogenesis
- cortical malformations
- gene/genome editing
- Experimental organism
- mouse
Katalin Toth
University of Ottawa, Canada
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- synaptic transmission
- neurotransmitter release
- synaptic plasticity
- Experimental organism
- mouse
- rat
John C Tuthill
University of Washington, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Physics of Living Systems
- Research focus
- sensory coding
- motor control
- locomotion
- animal behavior
- proprioception
- weird insects
- Experimental organism
- drosophila
- chionea
Naoshige Uchida
Harvard University, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- decision-making
- learning
- dopamine
- cognition
- basal ganglia
- Experimental organism
- mouse
- rat
Hiroki R Ueda
RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research, Japan
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- sleep
- circadian
- genetics
- tissue clearing
- Experimental organism
- mouse
- human
Nicolas Unsain
INIMEC-CONICET - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina
- Expertise
- Cell Biology
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- axonal cytoskeleton
- spectrin
- actin
- axon degeneration
- super-resolution microscopy
- expansion mycroscopy
Vidita Vaidya
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- anxiety
- depression
- antidepressant
- serotonin
- thyroid
- early stress
- Experimental organism
- mouse
- rat
Simon van Gaal
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- cognitive neuroscience
- consciousness
- perception
- neuromodulation
- decision making
- cognitive control
- experimental psychology
- Experimental organism
- human
Ivan Velasco
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico
- Expertise
- Developmental Biology
- Neuroscience
- Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
- Research focus
- embryonic stem cells
- induced pluripotent stem cells
- neural stem cells
- CNS development
- Parkinson's disease
- animal models of neurological diseases
- cell grafting
- axonal guidance
- regeneration
Patrik Verstreken
VIB-KU Leuven, Belgium
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Cell Biology
- Research focus
- neurodegeneration
- synaptic communication
- vesicle recycling at synapses
- Experimental organism
- D. melanogaster
- human
- mouse
Petra E Vértes
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- brain networks
- neuroimaging
- complex systems
- Experimental organism
- C. elegans
Henrique von Gersdorff
Oregon Health and Science University, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- exocytosis and endocytosis of synaptic vesicles
- short and long-term plasticity in the retina and brainstem
- electrophysiology of auditory pathway
- ribbon synapses
Huili Wang
Hefei University of Technology, China
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- synaptic plasticity
- learning
- memory
- engram cell
- neural circuits
- gene-environment interactions
- epigenetic regulation
Shuo Wang
Washington University in St. Louis, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- cognitive neuroscience
- social neuroscience
- human neurophysiology
- fMRI
- eye tracking
- perception
- emotion
- attention
- neurophysiology
Ashley Webb
Buck Institute for Research on Aging, United States
- Expertise
- Chromosomes and Gene Expression
- Genetics and Genomics
- Neuroscience
- Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
- Research focus
- aging
- epigenetics
- gene regulation
- stem cells
- hypothalamus
- Experimental organism
- mouse
Kunlin Wei
Peking University, Beijing, China
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- motor control
- motor learning
- motor rehabilitation
Andrew West
Duke University, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- neurological disorders
- neurodegeneration
- Experimental organism
- human
- rodents
Anne West
Duke University School of Medicine, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- epigenetics
- gene regulation
- neuronal plasticity
- neuronal development
- transcription factors
- Experimental organism
- mouse
- rat
- D. melanogaster
Alyssa M Wilson
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, United Kingdom
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Cell Biology
- Genetics and Genomics
- Chromosomes and Gene Expression
- Computational and Systems Biology
- Research focus
- single cell biology
- multi-omics
- neuroinformatics
- cellular neuroanatomy
- disease-related neurodegeneration
- bioinformatics methods development
- Experimental organism
- human
- mouse
Mathieu Wolff
CNRS, University of Bordeaux, France
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- behavioral neuroscience
- systems neuroscience
- learning and memory
- adaptive behaviors
- decision-making
- thalamocortical circuits
- prefrontal cortex
- thalamus
- Experimental organism
- rat
- mouse
Doris Wu
National Institutes of Health, Section on Sensory Cell Regeneration and Development, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Developmental Biology
- Research focus
- inner ear development
- vestibular and cochlear patterning and development
- Experimental organism
- chicken
- mouse
- zebrafish
Gui Xue
Beijing Normal University, China
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- episodic memory
- working memory
- fMRI
- executive function
- tDCS
- iEEG
Yunlei Yang
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, United States
- Expertise
- Medicine
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- glia
- neural circuits
- anxiety
- diabetes
- obesity
- neuron
Yoko Yazaki-Sugiyama
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Japan
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- auditory
- songbird
- plasticity
- critical period
- learning
Keqiang Ye
Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- Expertise
- Medicine
- Cancer Biology
- Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- neuroscience
- molecular cytobiology
- cancer biology
- neurodegenerative disease
- Experimental organism
- mouse
Qing Yu
Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- cognitive neuroscience
- working memory
- mental imagery
- learning
- memory
- cognitive control
- consciousness
- fMRI
- Experimental organism
- human
Xiang Yu
Peking University, China
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- developmental neuroscience
- neural development
- neural circuit development
- synaptic plasticity
- autism spectrum disorders
- Experimental organism
- mouse
Meet Zandawala
University of Nevada, Reno, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Genetics and Genomics
- Research focus
- neuropeptides
- feeding
- metabolism
- endocrinology
- osmoregulation
- Experimental organism
- Drosophila
- invertebrates
Moriel Zelikowsky
University of Utah, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- systems neuroscience
- social behaviors
- emotion
- aggression
- neuropeptides
- tachykinin
- social isolation
Hang Zhang
Peking University, China
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Computational and Systems Biology
- Research focus
- computational modeling
- decision making
- cognition
- learning
- probabilistic structure
- inductive bias
- rational analysis
- Experimental organism
- human
Xilin Zhang
South China Normal University, China
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- attention
- perception
- consciousness
- emotion
- perceptual learning
- visual cortex
- brain imaging
- computational modeling
Juan Zhou
National University of Singapore, Singapore
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- brain imaging
- machine learning
- aging
- neurodegenerative disorders
- psychosis
- connectivity
Manuel Zimmer
University of Vienna, Austria
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- neuronal circuit analysis
- behavioural genetics
- sleep and arousal
- quantitative ethology
- Experimental organism
- C. elegans
Marta Zlatic
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, United Kingdom
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- neurodevelopment
- neurobiology
- sensory perception
- neural circuits
- behavior
- Experimental organism
- D. melanogaster
Natalie E Zlebnik
University of California, Riverside, United States
- Expertise
- Neuroscience
- Research focus
- addiction
- dopamine
- cannabinoids
- nucleus accumbens
- cocaine
- relapse
- craving
- corticostriatal
- Experimental organism
- mouse
- rat
Moussa Zouache
University of Utah, United States
- Expertise
- Computational and Systems Biology
- Medicine
- Epidemiology and Global Health
- Genetics and Genomics
- Neuroscience
- Physics of Living Systems
- Research focus
- visual neuroscience
- population genetics
- transcriptomics
- proteomics
- biology of aging
- mathematical modelling
- clinical research