Point of View: Strategies from UW-Madison for rescuing biomedical research in the US

Process used for the UW-Madison workshop.
The process started with the recruitment of four leadership teams (LTs), with four members for each team. The leadership teams led the cross-campus discussions during weeks 7–10 and presented the recommendations that emerged from these discussions at the April 11 workshop.

Comparison of NIH budget allocations in 2001 and 2014.
Pie chart showing how the NIH spent its budget in 2014. Research Project Grants accounted for $16,077m in 2014, which was 53% of the total (blue), compared with 58.4% of the total in 2001 (red). The proportion of the NIH budget spent on R&D contracts and Intramural Research increased over the same period. Source: http://report.nih.gov/nihdatabook/index.aspx (budget history). Note: the ‘All Other’ and ‘Research Management and Support’ categories were combined in the 2001 budget.