Upcoming Special Issue: Call for papers in reproductive health

Read about the call for papers for our upcoming Special Issue which will showcase the latest results from exciting research in reproductive biology and medicine.

Reproduction is essential for the perpetuation of any species. Reproductive disorders not only impede fertility but also affect the health perspectives of offspring. Recent data have demonstrated that many adult-onset diseases can be traced back to disruptions in early embryonic development or even during gametogenesis; consequently, the concept of the developmental origin of health and disease has been widely accepted. Research on the development, physiology and pathophysiology of reproduction is therefore of great importance.

Technological advances often drive breakthroughs in biology, and reproductive sciences are no exception. Over the last decade, many cutting-edge technologies have emerged, such as next- and 3rd-generation deep sequencing technologies, CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing, single-cell multi-omics, development of various organoid systems and more. These powerful technologies have led to numerous important exciting discoveries on the etiology and the molecular mechanisms underlying various reproductive disorders.

This Special Issue will aim to showcase the latest research results from some of the most exciting research in reproductive biology and medicine.

The topics to be covered include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Genetics of infertility
  • Molecular mechanisms of early embryonic development
  • Organoid systems for studying human reproduction
  • Placental physiology and pathophysiology
  • Neuroendocrine control of reproduction
  • Epidemiology of reproductive diseases and disorders
  • Long-term safety of assisted reproductive technology (ART) with an emphasis on health perspectives of individuals born through the 2nd- (ICSI) and 3rd-generation (PGT) ARTs
  • Multi-omics of gametes and reproductive organs and their normo- and patho-physiology
  • Epigenetic mechanisms of intra- or intergenerational transmission of disease phenotypes
  • Biomarkers for reproductive disorders
  • Reproductive disorders as biomarkers of health
  • Novel concepts in contraception for both men and women
  • Cell signaling pathways during mammalian fertilization

Editors for the Special Issue in reproductive health

eLife Senior Editor Ricardo Azziz, MD, MPH (University at Albany, SUNY, and University of Alabama at Birmingham), and Reviewing Editor Wei Yan, PhD (University of California, Los Angeles)
eLife Senior Editor Ricardo Azziz, MD, MPH (University at Albany, SUNY, and University of Alabama at Birmingham), and Reviewing Editor Wei Yan, PhD (University of California, Los Angeles)

The Special Issue will be led by eLife Senior Editor Ricardo Azziz, MD, MPH (University at Albany, SUNY, and University of Alabama at Birmingham), and Reviewing Editor Wei Yan, PhD (University of California, Los Angeles), alongside a panel of eLife Reviewing Editors and Guest Editors with expertise on the topics above, to be announced.

Update: the formal call for papers for this Special Issue is now open, you can find more information here.


We welcome comments or questions from researchers as well as other journals. Please annotate publicly on the article or contact us at hello [at] elifesciences [dot] org.

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