(A) Sample neural-behavioral dictionaries for two neurons from two different birds (columns) and for three different acoustic features of the song (rows: pitch, amplitude, and the spectral entropy). The light gray curve in the background and the vertical axis corresponds to the probability of neural firing in each 2ms bin (the firing rate). The rectangular tics represents the timing of spikes in neural words that predict the acoustic features. For example, a two spike word with tics at points corresponds to the probability that the word is a codeword for the acoustic feature with a probability statistically significantly higher than 1⁄2. Codewords for high (low) output, that is, above (below) the median, are shown in blue (red). Full (empty) symbols correspond to over(under)-occurrence of the codeword-behavior combinations compared to the null model. Finally full (empty) black symbols represent words that over(under)-occur in the blue code and under(over)-occur in the red code. Words labeled (c)-(g) are also shown in (B). (B) Frequency of occurrence of statistically significant codewords for different acoustic features in different neurons. Only first 200 codewords shown for clarity. Plotting conventions same as in (A), and letters label the same codewords as in (A) and in Figure 4B. (C) Proportion of -spike codewords found in the dictionaries analyzed. An -spike word corresponds to an -dimensional word in the neural-behavioral dictionary. Most of the significant codewords have two or more spikes in them. (D) Mean number of significant codewords, averaged across all neurons and acoustic features. An average neuron has 5.6 codewords in our dataset, of which 3.1 code for the pitch, 2.5 for the amplitude, and 2.8 for the spectral entropy, with the number of words coding for pairs of features or for all three of them indicated by the overlap of rectangles in the Venn diagram. For comparison, our estimated false discovery rate is 0.3 words, so that only ∼0.3 spurious words are expected to be discovered in each individual dictionary. We note that about a third of all analyzed dictionaries are empty, so that those that have words in them typically have more than illustrated here. (E) Mean inter-spike interval (ISI) for the codewords (spike words that code for behavior) vs. all spike words that are significantly over- or under-represented, but do not code for behavior. Averages in each of the four analyzed birds are shown, illustrating that the ISI statistics of the coding and non-coding words are different, but the differences themselves vary across the birds. Star denotes 95% confidence. Other properties of the dictionaries (mean number of spikes in codewords, fraction of codewords shared by three vocal features, proportion of under/over-occurring codewords), do not differ statistically significantly across the birds.