Browse our Feature Articles

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  1. Point of View: Reshaping the research landscape in Brazil

    Gustavo Schiavone Crestana, Jéssica Mendes ... Flávia Vischi Winck
    Brazil would benefit from a long-term strategy for science and innovation that improves the standing of both science and scientists in the country.
  2. Research Culture: Why every lab needs a handbook

    Benjamin C Tendler, Maddie Welland ... The WIN Handbook Team
    By explaining how a lab works, outlining what is expected of everyone, and describing the culture the lab is aiming for, a good lab handbook will benefit all the members of a research group.
  3. A hand gloved in dark blue holds a bright white spark with a soft red glow

    Being a Scientist: Fleeing Iraq with nothing but a dream

    Arby Abood
    Facing the harsh realities of life as a refugee in Jordan and the United States, an ambitious young man holds to a conviction: that he will, one day, get a PhD.
    1. Neuroscience

    Point of View: Beware ‘persuasive communication devices’ when writing and reading scientific articles

    Olivier Corneille, Jo Havemann ... Leon D Lotter
    Authors should be open about the limitations of their work and not overstate its importance.
  4. Side-profile of a figure with a cochlear implant, against a yellow background featuring stylized virus particles and sound waves.

    Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: When communication all changed

    John J Dennehy
    Between early challenges and lasting opportunities, a deaf virologist reflects on how the pandemic transformed his access to academic spaces.
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health

    Point of View: COVID-19 as a catalyst for reimagining cervical cancer prevention

    Rebecca Luckett, Sarah Feldman ... Suzanne Garland
    The Policy Committee of the International Papillomavirus Society describes how lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic could propel a new approach to the elimination of cervical cancer that is more likely to be successful.
  5. For gloved hands in grayscale, each holding a bright spark, on a purple background

    Careers: Tales of the unexpected

    Nicole Aponte Santiago, Stephanie Konecki ... Harvinder Virk
    A single event can completely change the direction of a career in science; four researchers share their stories.
  6. A large Aedes aegypti mosquito on a green and yellow background; on its left is a group of five smaller mosquitoes and on its right is a bright yellow light bulb

    Community Engagement: Listen to the shopkeeper

    Rafael Maciel-de-Freitas
    His mosquito control project heading for failure, a field entomologist recalls how a chance encounter led to a Eureka moment.
  7. Being a Scientist: When cancer strikes (twice)

    Nicole Swann
    A young group leader reflects on academic culture and working while going through cancer treatments.
  8. Point of View: Rethinking academia in a time of climate crisis

    Anne E Urai, Clare Kelly
    Universities must change so that the scientific enterprise can respond to the climate crisis.