Developmental Biology

Developmental Biology

eLife reviews research in areas including cell migration, proliferation and differentiation, and inductive and signaling interactions. Learn more about what we review and sign up for the latest research.
Illustration by Davide Bonazzi

Latest articles

    1. Developmental Biology

    Transcriptional complexity in the insect central complex: single nuclei RNA-sequencing of adult brain neurons derived from type 2 neuroblasts

    Derek Epiney, Gonzalo N Morales Chaya ... Chris Q Doe
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    1. Developmental Biology

    The asymmetric expression of HSPA2 in blastomeres governs the first embryonic cell-fate decision

    Jiayin Gao, Jiawei Wang ... Keliang Wu
    Reviewed Preprint v2
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    1. Developmental Biology

    Morphogenesis: Fluid transport comes to the fore

    Yufei Wu, Sean X Sun
    Proteins that allow water to move in and out of cells help shape the development of new blood vessels.
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    1. Developmental Biology

    Emerging cooperativity between Oct4 and Sox2 governs the pluripotency network in early mouse embryos

    Yanlin Hou, Zhengwen Nie ... Hans R Scholer
    Although Oct4 is expressed earlier than Sox2 in mouse embryos, both of them begin to perform their role in activating pluripotency-related genes in the inner cell mass.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Axon Guidance: Watching axons on the move

    Maria I Lazaro-Pena, Carlos A Diaz-Balzac
    The ligand Netrin mediates axon guidance through a combination of haptotaxis over short distances and chemotaxis over longer distances.
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    1. Developmental Biology

    Meteorins regulate the formation of the left-right organizer and the establishment of vertebrate body asymmetry

    Fanny Eggeler, Jonathan Boulanger-Weill ... Filippo Del Bene
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    1. Developmental Biology

    Genetic inactivation of the β1 adrenergic receptor prevents cerebral cavernous malformations in zebrafish

    Wenqing Li, Sara McCurdy ... Mark H Ginsberg
    The β1 adrenergic receptor is a key regulator of cerebral cavernous malformation pathogenesis.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Afadin Sorts Different Retinal Neuron Types into Accurate Cellular Layers

    Matthew R Lum, Sachin H Patel ... Xin Duan
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    1. Developmental Biology

    ANKRD5: a key component of the axoneme required for sperm motility and male fertility

    Shuntai Yu, Guoliang Yin ... Fengchao Wang
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    Reviewed Preprint v1
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    • Incomplete


    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Watching axons on the move

    Maria I Lazaro-Pena, Carlos A Diaz-Balzac
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    Natural History of Model Organisms: E. coqui

    Sarah E Westrick, Mara Laslo, Eva K Fischer

Senior editors

  1. Sofia J Araújo
    University of Barcelona, Spain
  2. Albert Cardona
    University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
  3. Claude Desplan
    New York University, United States
  4. See more editors