Browse Inside eLife

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  1. New from eLife: Invitation to submit to Preprint Review

    Authors can now request peer review without being evaluated for publication in eLife up front.
  2. eLife Latest: Welcoming our newest editors

    Bringing expertise in all major areas of research at eLife, 111 researchers join our editorial board as nine Reviewing Editors move to the leadership team.
  3. Webinar Report: How ECRs can improve training and research quality at their institutions

    In this month’s webinar our speakers discussed how you can inspire a change in culture at your institution, improve research quality and influence good research practices.
  4. eLife and COVID-19: Getting more out of the online workplace

    Virtual brainstorming is a form of remote online working that offers a more flexible and inclusive approach to collaboration than video calls.
  5. eLife and COVID-19: We commit to a cross-publisher rapid review initiative

    The COVID-19 pandemic has created a new urgency to openly and rapidly share and review research related to the virus.
  6. Early-Career Travel Grants: Six researchers receive support to share their work

    Scientists from Canada, Ecuador, Germany, the UK and the US will present their research online and at future scientific meetings.
  7. eLife Ambassadors: Contributions start to bear fruit

    Outputs from the eLife Ambassadors programme are beginning to emerge from projects on a wide range of topics – from reproducibility and peer review to mentoring and leadership.
  8. eLife and COVID-19: Our response to the pandemic

    eLife’s editors, early-career advisors and executive staff are working to support researchers affected by the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.
  9. eLife and COVID-19: Keeping communications open with online research talks

    eLife hosts online seminars to support early-career researchers to present their research online instead of in person.
  10. Webinar Report: Everything you need to know about Research Resource Identifiers

    In this recent webinar, Anita Bandrowski from the Resource Identification Initiative discusses a relatively easy way to improve the reproducibility of your research.