P0, F1 and F2 generation responses to P0 PA14 exposure.
Three representative experimental results for trained and inherited aversion behavior (A-C) and induced and inherited elevated daf-7p::gfp in ASI neurons (D-I). A-C, Quartile box plots for each generation and training condition showing the distribution of choice index values ([number of animals choosing OP50 - number of animals choosing PA14] / total number of choices) for each OP50 vs PA14 choice assay plate following the published protocols. The experimental and assay conditions are indicated in the panel titles; [Exp #] [growth temperature (20°C or 25°C)] [PA14 isolate (B, Balskus or M, Murphy)] [light/dark assay condition (L or D)] [azide/cold paralytic (A or C)]. D, F, H, Quartile box plots displaying average ASI neuron daf-7p::gfp expression levels per worm and E, G, I, show the 95% confidence intervals for the difference in absolute mean between the conditions. For these experiments the FK181 strain (integrated multi-copy [MC] daf-7p::gfp reporter) was cultured at 20°C at all generations and was exposed to one of three different PA14 isolates (H, Hunter; B, Balskus; M, Murphy labs). AFU arbitrary fluorescence units normalized to mean OP50 levels. Red dots in choice assay results indicate outlier data points that were included in all statistical tests. Statical significance **** P < 0.0001, *** < 0.001, ** < 0.01, * < 0.05, ns > 0.05. See Methods section for statistical methods.