Tercko/ko mice exhibit more severe pneumonia with increased mortality and a higher bacterial load.
A) Clinical score of non-infected and infected young WT (n =10, 5 non-infected and 5 infected), old WT (n =10, 5 non-infected and 5 infected), and Tercko/ko (n =8, 3 non-infected and 5 infected) mice at 24 hpi. The age and genetic background of the different groups is depicted below.
B) Bacterial load of the lungs of infected mice at 24 hpi. Data is displayed as logarithmic.
C) Relative body weight of young WT, old WT and Tercko/ko mice. Relative body weight displays body weight at 24 hpi as a percentage of the body weight at the time of infection.
D) Relative lung weight of young WT, old WT, and Tercko/ko mice. Relative lung weight displays lung weight at 24 hpi as a percentage of the current body weight.
E) Immunofluorescence staining of lung tissue of infected young (WT 8 weeks), old (WT 2 years), and Tercko/ko mice. Lungs were stained for S. aureus (green), actin (red), and DAPI (blue). Representative pictures are shown for each group.
*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p<0.001. P calculated by Kruskal-Wallis-test (A-D). Data is displayed as violin plot showing the median as well as lower and upper percentile of each dataset. Each replicate is displayed as a data point.