Predictive modeling unravels interactions of steady-state m6A level, mRNA localization, and stability
a) m6A-GIs of a nuclear fraction and a cytoplasmic fraction, based on m6A-seq2 measurements in NIH3T3 cells in two replicates. b) Impact of nuclear:cytoplasmic localization on m6A levels. (left) m6ADyn predicted m6A levels, plotted as a function of m6ADyn predicted nuclear:cytoplasmic ratios, for simulated genes (n=2000). Parameters for alpha, beta, and gamma were sampled independently from a gamma distribution (rate = 1, shape = 1). (right) Experimentally measured m6A gene levels (m6A-GIs, y-axis) as a function of relative nuclear:cytoplasmic steady-state localization measured in mESC WT, divided into four equally sized bins (right). c) Distribution of difference in nuclear:cytoplasmic localization as a function of m6A levels for modeled data and experimental data, binned into 4 equally sized bins. (left) Simulations were conducted for 1000 genes. m6A-depleted conditions were modeled using γm6A = γA ,i.e. no m6A facilitated cytoplasmatic degradation, while in the control conditions, we used γm6A = 10 * γA. (right) The difference in nuclear:cytoplasmic localization measured in WT vs METTL3 KO mESCs, plotted as a function of m6A-GIs measured in mESCs WT. d) Impact of m6A levels and nuclear:cytoplasmic localization on mRNA half-life. (left) Heatmap showing simulated m6A-dependent half-lives, binned by simulated steady-state Nuc:Cyt ratios and m6A-gene level based on 1000 simulated genes using m6ADyn (rate sampling performed as in a). Genes were binned into 25 bins based on their m6ADyn m6A levels (X axis) and their m6ADyn nucleus:cytoplasmic levels (Y axis). The median simulated m6A-dependent half-life per gene is color-coded. (right) Corresponding values for experimentally-derived data, on the basis of half-lives, nuclear localization, and m6A data generated in WT and METTL3 KO mESCs. e) Associations between METTL3-dependent half-lives and m6A levels as a function of nuclear:cytoplasmic localization, binned into four equally sized groups. (top) Scatterplots of m6ADyn-derived half-lives as a function of m6ADyn-derived m6A levels (n=2000 gene simulations, rates sampled as in a). (bottom) METTL3-dependent half-lives (Mettl3 KO / WT HL) as a function of m6A-GIs based on measurements in mESCs (x-Axis).