Widespread splicing changes due to loss of Fyv6.
A) Pre-mRNA splicing reaction steps and products. B) Growth of WT (cup1Δ), fyv6Δ, upf1ti and fyv6tiupf1ti yeast at 16, 23, 30, and 37°C. Images were taken on the indicated days. White lines indicate where images were cropped, as all dilutions for all strains were on the same plate, but not necessarily directly adjacent to one another. C) Number of alternative splicing events observed in a fyv6tiupf1ti strain relative to a strain containing FYV6 after a temperature shift to 16, 30, and 37°C. D) Venn diagram of shared alternative 3′ SS splicing events at 16 (blue), 30 (green), and 37°C (red). E) Box plots of the log10 of the ratios of fyv6ti upf1ti to WT (upf1ti) Fraction of Annotated Splicing (FAnS) values for RPGs (red) and non-RPGs (black) for 3′ SS splicing events. FAnS values represent the ratio of the alternative splicing event (here, selection of an alternate 3′ SS) to the annotated, canonical splice isoform.