Dendritic and synaptic reconstructions of octopus cells.
(A) Total length of reconstructed dendritic arbors for 31 octopus cells. (B) Total surface area of reconstructed dendritic arbors for 31 octopus cells. (C) Octopus cell reconstructions were normalized to the longest reconstructed dendrite. Total length of reconstructed dendrites correlated with the longest branch per neuron. (D) Total length of reconstructed dendrites correlated with total dendritic surface area. (E-G) Longest branch length, total dendrite length, and total surface area compared to estimated position of the octopus cell soma in the tonotopic organization of the octopus cell area. (H-J) Total number of reconstructed spiral ganglion neuron (SGN) puncta (Foxg1-syp/tdT, black), inhibitory puncta (Glyt2-syp/tdT, green), Ib/c SGN puncta (Ntng1-syp/tdT, magenta), and sparse Ic SGN puncta (Myo15-syp/tdT, open magenta circles) compared to the longest branch length, total dendrite length, and total dendrite surface area. (K-M) Density of reconstructed SGN puncta (Foxg1-syp/tdT, black), inhibitory puncta (Glyt2-syp/tdT, green), Ib/c SGN puncta (Ntng1-syp/tdT, magenta), and sparse Ic SGN puncta (Myo15-syp/tdT, open magenta circles) compared to longest branch length, total dendrite length, and total dendrite surface area.