Permissive, instructive, and inhibitory Hox codes regulate the forelimb positioning.
The phylogenetic tree of gnathostomes (A, redrawn from Hirasawa et al., 2016) show that despite the variation in the number of cervical vertebrae (C.V.), the pectoral fin and forelimb (dark blue) are always located at the cervical–thoracic boundary. However, their axial positions with respect to somite number vary widely across species (B and C modified from Burke, 1995). B, C: Bright circles: numbered somites; grey shaded circles: thoracic somites; black bars: spinal nerves of the brachial plexus; curved lines: limb bud. In lamprey embryos (D), expression of Tbx5 homologue is restricted to the heart region (Adachi et al., 2016). In skate embryos (E), Tbx5 expression (blue) extended slightly caudally from the heart anlage (Adachi et al. 2016). In avian embryos (F), it extends from the heart over the neck to the wing field. During wing bud formation, Tbx5 expression is restricted to only the heart and the wing bud. In lateral plate mesoderm, Hox4/5 expression (yellow) extends into the neck region, whereas the anterior expression domain of Hox6/7 (green) is at the wing level. Hox9 expression (magenta) starts posteriorly to the wing. The yellow, green, and magenta colours represent permissive, instructive, and inhibitory functions, respectively. The blue curved line outlines the wing bud.