The NiA response is restricted to pouch cells following ablation.

(A) A schematic of the DCGluR1 ablation scheme. This system utilizes a split LexA transcriptional activator that promotes the expression of lexAop-GluR1 following a short heat shock (45 min at 37°C). (B) A schematic of the different tissue domains and compartments targeted for GAL4/UAS/GAL80ts (GAL4ts) ablation. (C) A schematic of the temperature scheme used to induce necrosis with GAL4ts>GluR1 following the heat shift (20 hr at 30°C) induced inactivation of GAL80ts. (D) A control disc for DUAL Control (DCNA) experiments bearing lexAop- GFP, which labels the domain targeted for ablation with DCGluR1. (E) A DCGluR1 ablated disc at 18 hr of regeneration bearing lexAop-GFP, yellow arrowheads indicate pouch NiA, red arrowhead indicates a cluster of Dcp-1-positive cells in the posterior pleura. (F) A control disc for R85E08-GAL4ts (R85ts>GFP) ablation. (G) An R85E08ts>GluR1,GFP ablated disc, arrowheads indicate the presence of NiA cells following ablation. (H) A control disc for whole pouch (rnts>GFP) ablation. (I-J) A rnts>GluR1,GFP ablated disc dissected immediately following the downshift (0 hr, I) and after 24 hr of regeneration (R24, J). (K) A control disc for notum ablation (pnrts>GFP). (L-M) pnrts>GluR1,GFP ablated discs at 0 hr (L) and 24 hr (M), open arrowheads highlight the absence of the Wg notum stripe following ablation. (N) A control disc for hinge ablation (R73G07ts>GFP). (O-P) R73G08ts>GluR1,GFP ablated discs at 0 hr (O) and 24 hr (P). Open arrowhead in (O) indicates the absence of NiA in the adjacent wing pouch. (Q) A control disc for posterior compartment ablation (hhts>GFP). (R-S’) hhts>GluR1,GFP ablated discs at 0 hr (R-R’) and 24 hr (S-S’). Dotted lines in (R’) and (S’) show an absence of NiA in the anterior hinge. (T) A quantification of the NiA response in the anterior pouch, hinge, and notum in control (n= 13), 0 hr (n= 14), and 24 hr (n= 12) discs in response to hh ablation. NiA are defined as Dcp-1-positive (Dcp-1+ve), GFP-negative (GFP-ve) cells. See Supplementary Genotypes file for exact genotypes.

NiA formation in pouch cells is regulated by the Wg and JAK/STAT pathways.

(A). A control disc (DCNA) bearing the 10xSTAT-GFP reporter, showing the hinge-specific Stat92E activity that is normally absent from the wing pouch. (B) A DCGluR1 ablated disc bearing 10xSTAT-GFP. Following damage, pouch- specific reporter expression is observed at high levels at the wound edge (arrowhead) and low levels at the NiA area of the pouch (open arrowhead). (C-E) DCGluR1>>yRNAi(C, n=14) versus DCGluR1>>domeRNAi (D, n=14) ablated discs, with the number of Dcp-1+ve cells in the WE vs LP quantified in (E), P**** <0.0001. Data were analyzed with a one-way ANOVA followed by a multiple comparisons test. (F) A DCGluR1hh-GAL4 ablation schematic (DCGluR1hhts). A short heat shock (45 min at 37°C) induces split LexA/lexAop-GluR1 ablation, while a heat shift (18 hr at 30°C) following the heat shock will inactivate GAL80ts and permit UAS-X expression. (G) A DCGluR1hhts>GFP ablated disc, where GFP highlights the area of the disc being targeted for JAK/STAT and Wg knockdown in the following experiments. The posterior NiA will be assayed in response to knockdown while anterior NiA serve as an internal control. (H) A control hhts>GFP,Stat92ERNAi disc showing no changes in cell death. (I) A DCGluR1hhts>Stat92ERNAiablated disc, arrowhead highlights an increase in pouch NiA. (J) A control DCNA disc showing developmental Wg expression. (K) A DCGluR1>>yRNAi ablated disc showing that NiA cells avoid the areas of the pouch with high Wg expression, while wound edge apoptotic cells overlap the developmental and damage-specific Wg-expressing cells (arrowhead). (L) A control hhts>GFP,wgRNAi disc showing the absence of Wg in the posterior pouch and no change in posterior cell death. (M) A DCGluR1hhts>wgRNAi ablated disc with NiA cells observed at the posterior margin (arrowhead) while anterior NiA avoid the Wg margin stripe (open arrowhead). See Supplementary Genotypes file for exact genotypes.

NiA promotes proliferation late in regeneration.

(A-A’’’) A time course of DCGluR1 ablated discs bearing the PCNA-GFP reporter at 18 hr (A), 24 hr (A’), 36 hr (A’’), and 48 hr (A’’’). (B-B’’’) A time course of DCGluR1>>yRNAiablated discs at 18 hr (B), 24 hr (B’), 36 hr (B’’), and 48 hr (B’’’). High levels of EdU are observed by 36 hr that remain elevated at 48 hr. (C-C’’’) A time course of DChepCA>>yRNAi ablated discs at 18 hr (C), 24 hr (C’), 36 hr (C’’), and 48 hr (C’’’). (D-D’’’) A time course of DCGluR1>>mir(RHG) ablated discs at 18 hr (D), 24 hr (D’), 36 hr (D’’), and 48 hr (D’’’). (E) A graph of the DCGluR1, DChepCA, and DCNA EdU time courses highlight the pattern of EdU labeling in the wing pouch between each system. (F) A quantification of EdU signal intensity between DCGluR1>>yRNAi at 18 hr (n= 10), 24 hr (n= 10), 36 hr (n= 10), 48 hr (n= 10), and DCGluR1>>mir(RHG) at 18 hr (n= 10), 24 hr (n= 8), 36 hr (n= 11), and 48 hr (n= 10) time courses, ns, not significant; ***P = 0.0002; ****P <0.0001; data were analyzed with a one-way ANOVA and multiple comparisons test. (G-J) DCGluR1 ablated discs with different populations of apoptotic cells suppressed by mir(RHG). (G) A control DCGluR1>>yRNAiablated disc showing the typical pattern of NiA formation. (H) A DCGluR1>>mir(RHG) ablated disc suppressing both wound edge apoptosis and NiA cells. (I) A DCGluR1>>miRHG;DRWNT-GAL80 ablated disc, which targets the LP for UAS-mir(RHG) expression (LP>mir(RHG)). (J) A DCGluR1 x R85E08>mir(RHG) ablated disc, which targets the WE for suppression (WE>mir(RHG)). The dotted lines each panel highlight the area of UAS-mir(RHG) expression. (K-N) DCGluR1ablated discs with representative EdU labels at R36 in response to yRNAi(K), whole-pouch mir(RHG) (L), LP>mir(RHG) (M), and WE>mir(RHG) (N). (O) A quantification of the normalized EdU fluorescent intensity of DCGluR1>>yRNAi 18 hr (n= 10), DCGluR1>>yRNAi36 hr (n= 10), DCGluR1>>mir(RHG) 36 hr (n= 11), LP>mir(RHG) 36 hr (n= 10), and WE>mir(RHG) 36 hr (n= 9) ablated discs; *P = 0.0189, **P = 0.0044, ***P = 0.0008, ****P < 0.0001; data were analyzed with a one-way ANOVA and multiple comparisons tests. LP = lateral pouch, WE = wound edge. See Supplementary Genotypes file for exact genotypes.

NiA promote proliferation independent of Apoptosis-induced Proliferation (AiP).

(A-A’) A DCNA control disc bearing the wg-lacZ reporter. (B-B’) A DCGluR1 ablated disc with wg-lacZ showing the expression of the reporter during regeneration, with lacZ-expressing cells at the wound edge. The 24 hr time point was chosen as an intermediate between NiA formation (18 hr) and blastema formation (36 hr), when secreted factors are likely to be detected. (C-C’) A DCGluR1>>P35 ablated disc bearing wg-lacZ with lac-Z expressing cells observed at the WE (arrowhead) but not in the LP (open arrowhead). (D-D’) A DCNA control disc bearing the dpp-lacZ reporter. (E-E’) A DCGluR1ablated disc with dpp-lacZ, with lac-Z expressing cells observed at the WE. (F-F’) A DCGluR1>>P35 ablated disc bearing dpp-lacZ, with lacZ expressing cells at the WE (arrowhead) but not the LP (open arrowhead). (G) A DCGluR1 ablated disc bearing the transcriptional AP- 1-GFP reporter and labeled with dihydroethidium (DHE). Low levels of DHE labeling are observed at the WE, where AP-1-GFP expression occurs (arrowhead), while no DHE labeling is observed in the LP. (H) A DCGluR1>>Cat,Sod1 ablated disc showing reduced WE apoptosis (open arrowhead) but no change in NiA formation. (I) A DCGluR1>>DuoxRNAi ablated disc showing a similar pattern to (H) with an observed loss of WE apoptosis (open arrowhead) but no change in NiA formation. (J-L) DCGluR1 ablated discs bearing yRNAi (J), P35 (K), and LP>P35 (L) at 36 hr and labeled with EdU. (M) A quantification of discs in (J-L) demonstrate no change in EdU labeling upon the expression of P35 in the LP (LP>P35, L), confirming that NiA promote proliferation independent of AiP, ns, not significant. Data were analyzed with a one-way ANOVA followed by a multiple comparisons test. LP = lateral pouch, AiP = apoptosis-induced proliferation. See Supplementary Genotypes file for exact genotypes.

NiCP cells persist in the disc proper throughout regeneration.

(A-D) A time course of DCGluR1ablated discs bearing the fluorescent caspase reporter UAS-GC3Ai at 18 hr (A), 24 hr (B), 36 hr (C), and 48 hr (D). (E) A DCGluR1>>GC3Ai ablated disc at 64 hr, with GC3Ai-positive cells present at the WE after the nubbin marker is reestablished (arrowhead). (F-F’) A DCGluR1>>GC3Ai ablated disc at 36 hr with GC3Ai- positive cells associated with the mitotic PH3 marker. Yellow arrowhead in (F’) points to cytoplasmic, undisturbed cells, while the red arrowhead points to cells with a pyknotic morphology. (G-H) A DCGluR1 LP>GC3Ai ablated disc at 18 hr (G) and 36 hr (H). The arrowhead in (H) highlights the presence of GC3Ai- labeled NiA cells at the WE. (I-I’) A DChepCA>>GC3Ai ablated disc at 18 hr with apoptotic cells present throughout the disc proper. (J-J’) A DChepCA>>GC3Ai ablated disc at 36 hr (J) and 64 hr (J’); all apoptotic cells appear to be pushed out towards the basal surface of the disc proper. (K-K’) A DCGluR1>>GC3Ai ablated discs at 18 hr with NiA cells present in the disc proper. (L-L’) A DCGluR1 LP>GC3Ai ablated disc at 36 hr, with columnar-shaped GC3Ai-positive cells in the disc proper (yellow arrowhead) alongside pyknotic, rounded GC3Ai-positive cells (red arrowhead), showing that there are a mix of morphologically apoptotic NiA and non-apoptotic NiCP cells in the disc proper. See Supplementary Genotypes file for exact genotypes.

NiCP have sublethal levels of activated effector caspases.

(A-A’) A DCGluR1 DBS-GFP ablated disc at 18 hr showing strong overlap between Dcp-1 and DBS-GFP-positive NiA/NiCP. (B-B’’’) DCGluR1 CasExts>G-trace ablated discs at 18 hr with RFP labeled WE cells, (arrowhead), but no RFP or lineage trage-positive labeling is observed in NiA/NiCP (open arrowheads). (C) A DChepCA CasExts>G-trace ablated disc at 18 hr showing a high level of overlap between apoptotic cells and both RFP and the lineage trace (arrowhead). (D-E) DCGluR1 CasEx>GFP ablated discs at 18 hr (D) and 36 hr (E) showing that NiA/NiCP are labeled by CasExpress in a sensitized background. See Supplementary Genotypes file for exact genotypes.

Dronc activity in NiCP promotes regeneration.

(A-J) Representative DCGluR1ablated discs at 18 hr (A,C,E,G and I) with Dcp-1 and Mmp1 labeling, and at 36 hr (B,D,F,H and J) with EdU labeling, bearing UAS-yRNAi (A-B), UAS-mir(RHG) (C-D), DroncI29/+ (E-F), UAS-DroncDN (G-H), or UAS-DIAP1 (I-J). Open arrowhead in (F) indicates a strong reduction in EdU labeling. Open arrowheads in (I) show a strong suppression of NiA/NiCP as detected by Dcp-1. (K) A quantification of NiA/NiCP number (Dcp-1+ve, Mmp1- ve cells) in UAS-yRNAi(n = 11), UAS-mir(RHG) (n = 8), DroncI29/+ (n = 10), UAS- UAS-DroncDN (n = 7), and UAS-DIAP1 (n = 8), ns, not significant, P**** <0.0001. Data were analyzed with a one-way ANOVA followed by a multiple comparisons test. (L) A quantification of EdU fluorescence intensity with UAS-yRNAi(n = 20), UAS-mir(RHG) (n = 14), DroncI29/+ (n = 18) UAS- UAS-DroncDN (n = 17) and DIAP1 (n = 10), ns, not significant, P*** = 0.0004, P**** <0.0001. Data were analyzed with a one-way ANOVA followed by a multiple comparisons test. (M) Regeneration scoring of DCGluR1ablated flies in a +/+ versus a DroncI29/+ background. Representative images for regenerated +/+ (left) and DroncI29/+ are shown above the graph. (N) A diagram depicting the three different caspase-positive cell types that occur following necrotic ablation. Following necrosis, JNK signaling at the WE promotes Dronc activation, which mediates WE apoptosis and proliferation through the AiP feed forward loop. In the LP, some DAMP-like signal(s) leads to the formation of necrosis-induced apoptosis (NiA), which undergo apoptotic death resulting from high levels of Dronc, Dcp-1 and Drice activity, and necrosis-induced caspase positive (NiCP) cells that utilize Dronc to promote proliferation and subsequent regeneration independent of both JNK and AiP signaling. Both WE apoptosis and NiCP act to promote regeneration through independent mechanisms of Dronc-mediated regenerative proliferation. See Supplementary Genotypes file for exact genotypes.

(A) A nubts>GluR1,GFP ablated disc at 0 hr. (B) A DCGluR1 ablated disc highlighting the overlap between wound edge apoptosis and the JNK target Mmp1 (arrowhead). (C) A control disc for anterior compartment ablation (ptcts>RFP). (D-E’) ptcts>GluR1,RFP ablated discs at 0 hr (D- D’) and 24 hr (E-E’). Dotted lines in (D’) and (E’) highlight the lack of NiA cells in the hinge. (F) A quantification of the NiA response to ptc ablation in the pouch, hinge, and notum of control (n= 14), 0 hr (n= 15), and 24 hr (n= 14) discs, with NiA being defined as Dcp-1-positive (+ve), RFP-negative (-ve) cells. (G) A control disc for FLP/FRT clonal ablation, where actin-FRT>stop>FRT-GAL-4 (actts>>RFP) drives the expression of UAS-RFP in clonal patches of cells after a short heat shock (see materials and methods for details). (H-H’’) A wing disc with clonal patches of UAS-RFP, UAS-GluR1 expressing cells. (H’) is a zoom-in of pouch and hinge clones with arrowheads pointing to NiA cells, while (H’’) is a zoom-in of notum clones. (I) A quantification of the number of NiA cells induced following ablation with actts>>GluR1 (n= 11), R85E08ts>GluR1 (n= 10), ptcts>GluR1 (n= 15), and hhts>GluR1 (n= 14), highlighting that NiA number increases with increasing area of ablation. See Supplementary Genotypes file for exact genotypes.

(A) A DCNA>>hop48A control disc with high levels of Dcp-1 observed throughout the pouch. (B) A DCGluR1>>hop48A ablated disc with high levels of apoptosis throughout the pouch, likely due to UAS-hop48A expression (A). (C) A DCGluR1hhts>GFP ablated disc with nubbin and DCAD highlighting the ablated salm domain and GFP labeling the area of UAS-X expression. (D) A control hhts>GFP,Zfh2RNAidisc showing no changes in cell death. (E) A DCGluR1hhts>Zfh2RNAiablated disc showing a slight increase in pouch NiA. (F) A control disc bearing the vgQE-lacZ reporter showing the area of the pouch with vestigial quadrant enhancer expression. (G) A DCGluR1ablated disc bearing vgQE-lacZ, showing the high degree of overlap between NiA cells and lacZ-expressing cells. (H) A control hhts>Wg disc with no strong changes in cell death observed. (I) A DCGluR1hhts>Wg ablated disc showing an increase in apoptosis across the wing pouch and in the posterior pleura. See Supplementary Genotypes file for exact genotypes.

(A-A’’’) A DCNA>>yRNAi control time course at 18 hr (A), 24 hr (A’), 36 hr (A’’), and 48 hr (A’’’). The folds of the wing pouch were used to outline the EdU signal for quantification in all experiments, as visualized by DAPI. (B-C) A DCNA>>yRNAi control disc (B) with EdU labeling relative to a DCNA>>mir(RHG) control disc (C). (D) A quantification of discs in (B, n=10) and (C, n=10) demonstrating that miRHG expression does not alter EdU levels, ns, not significant. Data were analyzed with a Student’s T- test. See Supplementary Genotypes file for exact genotypes.

(A) A DCNA control disc bearing the spi-lacZ reporter, showing no lacZ expression in the wing disc. (B) A DCGluR1>>P35 ablated disc bearing spi-lacZ showing a few lac-Z- expressing cells at the WE. (C) A DCNA control disc bearing mol-lacZ highlighting the developmental expression pattern of mol in the wing disc. (D) A DCGluR1 ablated disc bearing mol-lacZ, with a slight increase in lacZ expression observed at the WE (arrowhead). See Supplementary Genotypes file for exact genotypes.

(A) A DCNA>GC3Ai control disc driving UAS-GC3Ai in the pouch, HA labels all GC3Ai-expressing cells, while the cells with activated GC3Ai also have green fluorescence. (B) A DCGluR1>>GC3Ai ablated disc showing GC3Ai-positive NiA cells and, to a lesser extent, GC3Ai-positive WE apoptotic cells. (C) A DCGluR1 LP>GC3Ai ablated disc, with HA highlighting the restricted expression of GC3Ai to the LP, thus excluding WE cells. (D-E) DCGluR1ablated discs at 18 hr (D) and 36 hr (E) with GC3Ai/TUNEL double-positive NiA at both time points. (F-G) DCGluR1 ablated discs at 18 hr (F) and 36 hr (G) showing strong overlap between NiA and yH2Av at 18 hr (arrowheads in F) that diminishes by 36 hr (open arrowheads in (G). See Supplementary Genotypes file for exact genotypes.

(A) A DCGluR1 CasExts>G-trace ablated disc at 36 hr with no lineage- positive NiA/NiCP, despite the presence of clonal patches of cells traced by developmental caspase activity. See Supplementary Genotypes file for exact genotypes.

(A) A quantification of regenerated wing size in an unablated control (DCNA) wildtype (+/+, males = 17, females = 11) and DroncI29/+ (males = 11, females = 22) background, and following DCGluR1 ablation in a +/+ (n = 16 males, n = 19 females) and DroncI29/+ (n = 19 males, n = 28 females) background, ns = not significant, P*** = 0.0001, data were analyzed with a one-way ANOVA followed by a multiple comparisons test. See Supplementary Genotypes file for exact genotypes. Representative images for regenerated +/+ (top) and DroncI29/+ (bottom) wings are shown to the right of the graph. See Supplementary Genotypes file for exact genotypes.