RIM-Deep on an inverted confocal microscope for increased imaging depth of cleared tissues
(A and C) The 10X long working distance objective demonstrates significant losses in axial resolution due to the deleterious effects of mismatched refractive index.
(B and D) 10X immersion objective paired with RI adapter provides superior axial resolution throughout due to refractive index matching.
(E) Axial resolutions for a 10X long working distance objective and a 10X immersion objective paired with RIM-Deep at different axial positions. The resolution is estimated by FWHMs of intensity profiles with a Gaussian fit for 3-μm-diameter beads embedded in 1% agarose dissolved in CLARITY mounting solution (with more than 10 beads per plane). Data are presented as mean ± s.e.m.
(F) Experimental scheme illustrates the process of brain structure visualization in Macaca fascicularis, involving fixation, immunolabeling, and optical clearing with iDISCO (RI=1.56).
(G) The official adapter displays a three-dimensional reconstruction of a cleared brain up to a depth of 2 mm.
(H) RIM-Deep showcases a deeper 3D reconstruction of the cleared brain, extending to za depth of 5 mm.
(I) Progressive 2D slices of the reconstruction in (G) at varying depths, ranging from 0.5 mm to 5 mm.
(J) A top-down view of the vascular network (left) and the maximum intensity projection (MIP) of the XZ side view (right) from (H).