Optogenetic excitation of OB excitatory neurons and OB afferents at AON and Pir recruit distinct brain-wide long-range olfactory networks
Averaged BOLD activation maps and signal profiles (Left) upon 1 Hz stimulation of (A) OB excitatory neurons, (B) OB afferents in AON, and (C) OB afferents in Pir during the first fMRI session (n = 11 for fMRI experiments in A & B; n = 9 for C; t > 3.1 corresponding to P < 0.001; error bars indicate ± SEM), and the corresponding area under the BOLD signal profiles (AUC) for each atlas-defined region-of-interests (ROIs; Right). Note that the BOLD activation maps displayed in A-C were further corrected for multiple comparisons with threshold-free cluster enhancement with family-wise error rate (TFCE-FWE) at P < 0.05. (D) Summary of BOLD activation strength to quantify the extent of various brain networks engaged upon respective optogenetic stimulation of the three different primary olfactory stimulation targets. BOLD activation strength was computed as the ratio of AUC for each ROI over AUC of all ROIs (individual animal data points are shown; error bars indicate ± SEM; Tukey’s multiple comparisons test; **P < 0.01, and *P < 0.05). OB-driven neural activities mainly activated the primary olfactory network (AON, Pir, TT, Ent and Tu). AON-driven neural activities were found to preferentially recruit the striatal (NAc and vCPu) and hippocampal networks (vHP), while Pir-driven activities strongly targeted the limbic network (Cg, PrL, OFC, Ins and Amg). Abbreviations. Regions in primary olfactory network: olfactory bulb (OB), anterior olfactory nucleus (AON), piriform cortex (Pir), tenia tecta (TT), entorhinal cortex (Ent), olfactory tubercle (Tu); limbic network: cingulate (Cg), prelimbic cortex (PrL), orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), insular (Ins), amygdala (Amg); hippocampal network: ventral hippocampus (vHP); striatal network: nucleus accumbens (NAc), ventral caudate putamen (vCPu); sensorimotor network: motor (MC), somatosensory (S1), auditory (AC), visual (V1) cortex.