PRMT1 methylates SFPQ and regulates its expression.
(A) Expression levels of splicing factors SFPQ, SRSF1, EWSR1, TAF15, TRA2B, HnRNPA1, WDR70, G3BP1 in primary isolated CNCCs from Wnt1-Cre; RosaTd mouse embryonic heads at E13.5 and E15.5. TPM, transcript per million. (B-F) SFPQ methylation diminished in the mandibular and maxillary processes of Prmt1 deficient embryos at E13.5. B shows that sagittal sections of mouse tissues were used to analyze the mandibular (area outlined in red, bottom) and maxillary (area outlined in red, top) process. Methyl-SFPQ was detected by proximity ligation assay (PLA) in the embryonic mandible (C) and maxilla (E) of control and Prmt1 deficient embryos. Green puncta indicated methyl-SFPQ, and nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (blue). Representative images are shown for Control (Ca-Cd, Ea-Ed) and Prmt1 CKO (Ce-Ch, Ee-Eh). Higher magnification views in (Cd, Ed) and (Ch, Eh) illustrate methyl-SFPQ (green puncta) in CNCC nuclei, as indicated by white arrows. D&F show quantification of PLA puncta normalized to cell number in four biological replicates, presented as mean ± SEM. (G) SFPQ methylation signal remained robust in the epithelial region of craniofacial structures, while CNCC-specific deletion of Prmt1 caused a drastic reduction in the craniofacial mesenchyme. Higher magnification of the mandibular tip showing mesenchyme and epithelium outlined with dotted lines in Control (Ga-Gc) and Prmt1 CKO (Gd-Gf). (H-K) SFPQ protein expression was significantly reduced in the mandibular and maxillary processes of Prmt1 deficient embryos. The level of SFPQ protein was detected by immunostaining in the embryonic mandible (H) and maxilla (J) of control and Prmt1 deficient embryos, and quantified in I and K. (L-M) SFPQ protein expression declined dramatically in the Prmt1 deficient embryonic head, as detected by Western blotting (L). Quantification was conducted with ImageJ and shown in M. Mx, maxilla. Md, mandible. * p<0.05 Prmt1 CKO vs Control. Control: Wnt1-Cre; RosaTd. Prmt1 CKO: Wnt1-Cre; Prmt1fl/fl; RosaTd.