MorphoCellSorter approach to generate a ranking of the cells based on their morphology applied to the ischemic stroke model on fixed tissue.
A Summary of the fully automated MorphoCellSorter approach: morphological indexes of the individualized and binarized microglia are computed on a first script (MorphoCellMeter), and the resulting data table is used as an entry for MorphoCellSorter to generate the ranking of the cells based on their morphological characteristics. B Cascade of normalized eigenvalues. The blue bars represent the eigenvalues for each principal component (PCs), and the red curve is the cumulative sum of the values. The first two eigenvalues corresponding to the first two PCs that account for over 70% of the total sum. C Correlation circle in the PC1 and PC2 planes. D Parameters ranked according to their projection on PC1. Values are normalized by the highest projection value. To determine the number of morphological parameters selected, here we consider the median number of the normalized cumulative projection (pink curve), leading to a threshold at 0.5 (red line), and thus 7 kept parameters in this case. E Andrews plots generated with the 7 parameters weighted according to their contribution onto PC1. Each curve represents one microglia in the high-dimensional space of the 7 strongest parameters’ projections onto PC1. The maximum variance between curves is obtained at 359°.