Salience and valence encoding in the CeA.
A, Among 872 neurons from appetitive conditioning and 519 neurons from fear conditioning, 303 neurons were registered during both learning. Heat maps of these 303 neurons during -10 s to 25 s after CSFood onset from appetitive (left) and during -10 s to 25 s after CSShock onset from fear conditioning (right). All neurons are aligned to their activity to food. The same neuron is represented in the same row. Solid mint lines indicate CSFood, and a dotted darker mint line represents food delivery, solid orange lines indicate CSShock, and a dotted red line represents shock delivery. B, Top: the proportion of significant neurons to food and shock (both; white), food-only (blue), shock-only (red), and not significant to both (grey). Bottom: detailed response types of all possible categories (excited, inhibited, not significant) for food vs. shock. White represents salience-encoding neurons showing the same response types to food and shock (n = 46, 15%), and black represents valence-encoding neurons showing different response types to food and shock (n = 198, 65%). Grey represents not significant neurons (n = 59, 20%). C, Salience-encoding neurons: the average Z-scored activity of neurons that were excited to both food and shock (n = 36, left) and inhibited to both food and shock (n = 10, right). Inserted bar graphs indicate average AUC of the Z-scored activity after food and shock delivery (0-10 s, mean ± s.e.m.). D, Valence-encoding neurons: the average Z-scored activity of neurons that were excited to food but inhibited to shock (n = 16, left) and inhibited to food but excited to shock (n = 25, right). Average AUC of the Z-scored activity after food and shock delivery are shown in inserted bar graphs (0-10 s, mean ± s.e.m.). E, The average Z-scored activity of neurons that were excited to food but not responsive to shock (n = 60, first), neurons that were inhibited to food but not responsive to shock (n = 50, second), neurons that were not responsive to food but excited to shock (n = 34, third), and neurons that were not responsive to food but inhibited to shock (n = 13, fourth). Inserted bar graphs indicate average AUC of the Z- scored activity after food and shock delivery (0-10 s, mean ± s.e.m.). The dark lines and shaded areas represent the mean and s.e.m. F, Proportion of significant neurons to CSFood and CSShock (both; white), CSFood-only (mint), CSShock-only (orange), and not significant to both (grey). G, Detailed response type of all possible categories (excited, inhibited, not significant) for CSFood vs. CSShock. White represents salience-encoding neurons showing the same response types to CSFood and CSShock (n = 7, 2%), and black represents valence-encoding neurons showing different response types to CSFood and CSShock (n = 57, 19%). Grey represents not significant neurons (n = 239, 79%). *P < 0.05, ****P < 0.0001. Detailed information about statistical results is provided in Supplementary Table 1.