Alpha Power (AP) is decreased during two models of Prolonged Pain. A. Topoplot of the estimated effect of PHPOn on AP. PHPOn AP was found to be significantly less than Pain-Free 1 AP and significantly less than PHPOff and Pain-free 2 AP, here maximally observed over a bilateral, frontocentral cluster (1). In contrast, AP was significantly enhanced at a left, parietal cluster (2) during PHPOn relative to Pain-Free 1 and relative to PHPOff and Pain-Free 2. B. Topoplot of the estimated effect of Visit 2 on PHP AP. PHP AP was found to be significantly smaller during Visit 2 than during Visit 1 at a left (1) and right (2) posterior cluster. C. Line plot (mean +/- SEM) depicting AP estimates recorded from the C3 channel during Phasic Heat Pain. For ease of visualization, estimates are presented as relative to Pain-Free 1. D. Topoplot of the average estimated effect of CHP and CHP Rekindle on AP. AP was significantly decreased during CHP and CHP Rekindle at a left, frontocentral cluster. E. Topoplot of the estimated effect of Visit 2 on PHP AP. AP was significantly decreased during Visit 2 at a cluster extending over posterior and temporal channels on both sides of the head. F. Line plot (mean +/- SEM) depicting AP estimates recorded from the C3 channel during Capsaicin Heat Pain. Estimates are shown as relative to Pain-Free 2. For all topoplots, black dots reflect sensor-level effects surpassing the initial cluster formation threshold but not belonging to a significant cluster (see Statistics section for specific details on cluster formation for PHP and CHP analyses). White dots outlined with black reflect channels belonging to a significant cluster. Red numbers are used to denote instances where multiple, significant clusters were identified. If no numbers are present within a panel, all outlined channels belong to the same cluster.