DNA O-MAP reveals distinct features of the sub-proteomes at peri-centromeric alpha satellites, telomeres, and the mitochondrial genome.
A) Workflow of DNA O-MAP integrated with sample multiplexing quantitative proteomics B) Schematic of the three DNA loci examined in the TMT16plex experiment: peri-centromeric alpha satellites, telomeres, and mitochondrial genomes. C) Co-localization of DNA FISH and the streptavidin staining of the proteins biotinylated by DNA O-MAP targeting the peri-centromeric alpha satellites, telomeres, and mitochondrial genomes. Scale bar: 5 µm. D) Principal component analysis of scaled intensities of proteins enriched by the pan-alpha probe, telomere probe, mitochondrial genome oligo pool, and no-primary-probe control. E) Unsupervised hierarchical clustering of scaled intensities of proteins enriched by the pan-alpha probe, telomere probe, mitochondrial genome oligo pool, and no-primary-probe control. F) Log2 fold change of proteins compared to no-primary-probe control, grouped by HPA subcellular location. Significance calculated based on Welch’s t-test for pairwise comparisons (****: p-value <0.0001). G–J) Log2 fold change of proteins compared to mitochondrial probe enriched proteins for the RNA Polymerases (G), mtDNA nucleoid packaging proteins42 (H), Shelterin (I), and CENP-A nucleosomal complexes (J). Significance calculated based on Welch’s t-test for pairwise comparisons (p-value: *<0.05, **<0.01, ***<0.001, ****<0.0001).