Both BAR and SH3 domains are required for endophilin A1-mediated organization of iPSD.
(A) EEN1fl/fl hippocampal neurons expressing GFP or Cre were immunostained for GPN, surface γ2 and GFP on DIV16. Shown are representative confocal microscopy images. Scale bars, 5 μm in left panels and 1 μm in magnified images.
(B-C) Quantification of the mean intensity of GPN (green) and surface γ2 (red) and their colocalization in (A). 18 neurons for GFP, 20 neurons for Cre.
(D) DIV12 hippocampal neurons were co-transfected with constructs expressing GFP and vector or Flag-EEN1, fixed on DIV16 and immunostained for surface γ2. Shown are representative confocal microscopy images of surface γ2 in the soma (left) and dendrites (right). Scale bars, 5 μm.
(E) Quantification of surface γ2 mean intensity (left) and cluster number (right) in the soma and dendrites. 68 dendrites from 20 neurons for GFP + vector, 61 dendrites from 20 neurons for GFP + EEN1.
(F) Schematic representation of EEN1 domain structure and diagrams of EEN1 fragments used for interaction mapping.
(G) GST-tagged EEN1 fragments conjugated to Glutathione-Sepharose beads were incubated with lysates of HEK293T cells overexpressing Myc-tagged GPN. Input and bound proteins were analyzed by immunoblotting with antibodies against Myc. Bottom panel: Coomassie blue-stained SDS-PAGE gel showing GST fusion proteins. FL, full length.
(H) HEK293T cells co-transfected with constructs encoding Myc-tagged GPN and Flag-tagged EEN1 fragments were lysed for Flag IP. Input and bound proteins were analyzed by immunoblotting with antibodies against Myc and Flag.
(I) DIV12 EEN1fl/fl hippocampal neurons were co-transfected with constructs expressing GFP and Flag vector or GFP-2A-Cre, and Flag vector or Flag-EEN1 FL, Flag-EEN1 ΔSH3, Flag-EEN1 aa172-352, fixed and immunostained for GPN on DIV16. Shown are representative confocal microscopy images of GPN. Scale bar, 5 μm.
(J) Quantification of mean intensity (left) and cluster number (right) in dendrites are shown for GPN in (I). Scale bar, 5 μm. 60 dendrites from 14 neurons for GFP + vector; 62 dendrites from 15 neurons for Cre + vector; 60 dendrites from 13 neurons for Cre + FL; 50 dendrites from 12 neurons for Cre + ΔSH3; 42 dendrites from 10 neurons for Cre + aa172-352.
(K) Same as (I) except that neurons were immunostained for surface γ2. Scale bar, 5 μm.
(L) Quantification of mean intensity (left) and cluster number (right) in dendrites are shown for surface γ2 in (K). 59 dendrites from 16 neurons for GFP + vector; 58 dendrites from 14 neurons for Cre + vector; 60 dendrites from 14 neurons for Cre + FL; 45 dendrites from 12 neurons for Cre + ΔSH3; 42 dendrites from 10 neurons for Cre + aa172-352. Statistical test: * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001. All data represent scatterplots with means ± S.E.M.