Inhibition of cerebellar nuclei (CN) neurons projecting to the centrolateral thalamus (CL) and to the ventral anterior lateral (VAL) thalamus during and after the training sessions differentially impairs motor learning.
a) scheme of the combined viral injections targeting the CN->CL neurons using a retrograde virus expressing the Cre in the thalamus and a virus inducing Cre-dependent expression of inhibitory DREADD in the CN. Top: schematic of the viral injections. Bottom: GFP fluorescence revealing the site of injection of the CAV viruses. b) comparison of the effect of daily injections before trial 1 of CNO (orange) or Saline (black) in mice described in panel a) (Data represents mean ± S.E.M, n indicates the number of mice; *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001; repeated measure ANOVA Group effect). c) Same as b) for daily CNO injections 30 minutes after trial 7 during the Learning Phase. d) scheme of combined viral injections targeting the CN->VAL neurons. e,f) same as (b,c) for CNO-injected (blue) and control (black) mice obtained as described in panel d. g) same as figure 2c for the Saline-treated groups of panels b-f. h-k) same as figure 2d-e for the different groups receiving injections CNO during or after the task compared to Saline-treated mice. Same color coding as panels b,c and e,f. (**p<0.01 ***p<0.001 Wilcoxon test for difference between groups of residuals i.e. signed distance of performances to Deming regression line of Control mice). CN: cerebellar nuclei, VAL: ventral anterior lateral thalamus, CL: central lateral thalamus. (See Supplementary Tables 9,10 for detailed statistics)