Figures and data

Blastp results and closest matches to the known class IIb microcins MccE492, MccG492, MccH47, MccI47, or MccM.
Red color indicates no significant match found.

Novel class IIb microcins are found in numerous Enterobacteriaceae genomes.
(A) Sequence alignments of the newly identified microcin and immunity genes with the gene clusters of Ec CA46 and Kp RYC492 using Easyfig[54]. Antimicrobial (A) and immunity (I) genes in the center are represented by darker and lighter shades, respectively. X=mchX, I=mchI, B=mchB, E=mceE, L=mceL, M=mceM. (B,C) Phylogenetic trees of antimicrobial and corresponding immunity genes using codon-aligned nucleotide sequences with General Time Reversible model with discrete gamma distribution (GTR+G) and the Hasegawa-Kishino-Yano model with discrete gamma distribution (HKY+G), respectively. (D) MUSCLE[34] alignment of the amino acid sequence of the signal peptide sequence as well as the C-terminus of the antimicrobial peptides.

Novel class IIb microcins are effective inhibitors of Enterobacteriaceae and Gram-negative ESKAPE pathogens.
(A) Heatmap summarizing the inhibitory potential of known and novel class IIb microcins against a library of Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonadales, and Gram-positive bacteria, including multidrug-resistant isolates (red) as determined by static inhibition assays with live producing bacteria. *=activity determined through microcin purification and minimum inhibitory concentration assays[13, 17]. (B) Relative minimum inhibitory concentrations for Se G492 against different bacterial species. Note that Se G492 is 256-times more potent against A. baumannii (BAA 1790) compared to K. pneumoniae (BAA 1705). (C) Static inhibition assays comparing Kp E492, Kp G492, Ec H47, Ec I47, Ec M, and Se G492 activity from single colony production against multidrug-resistant A. baumannii (BAA 1790) and P. aeruginosa (PA14). Note that iron-limited conditions (DP) are required for antimicrobial activity, confirming action of class IIb microcins. L-ara=L-arabinose, DP=2,2-dipyridyl, scale bars: 1 cm.