Figures and data

Assessing personality in the laboratory.
(A) Schematic illustration of the experiments. (B) A 3D plot of the three behavioral traits, estimated during Trial 1. (C1-3) Behavioral traits were consistent over time. The behavioral traits of the first and third (post-enrichment) trial are presented. Positive correlations were found for all three behavioral traits over a period of more than 10 weeks. For the enriched, the impoverished, and both environments together, respectively: (C1) Boldness; (C2) exploration; and (C3) activity. (D) Boldness of the first and fifth (post-release 2) trial. Dashed line represents the Y=X line.

Pearson’s correlation test

Bat behavioral traits over time.
Box plots depicting the bats’ behavior across the five trials according to three traits: Boldness (A), exploration (B), and activity levels (C). The experimental phase and the time in days from the day of the first trial are depicted on the X-axis. Box plots show the 25% and 75% percentile. Medians and whiskers based on 1.5 IQR are shown. The number of bats participating in each trial is given in the Methods, Table 8. In the baseline trials, no significant differences were found between the two treatment groups (enriched / impoverished) for any of the three behavioral traits we measured (P = 0.62, P = 0.84, P = 0.72 for boldness, exploration, and activity levels, respectively, n=40, Table S1). Figure S1 also shows the indicating. Results of baseline 2 performed one day after baseline 1 (indicating habituation to the setup).

mixed GLM results for the comparison between trials 1 and 5

mixed GLM results for all tested trials (1-5), excluding trial 2

Early environmental exposure affects outdoor foraging behavior.
(A1) Time spent by the bats outside the colony each night (in minutes). (A2). Distance to the furthest point from the colony per night. (A3) The area explored by the bats. The data for foraging time and distance for each bat were estimated for the period between its 15th and 20th day outdoors (n=17 bats). The exploration data are for the entire season. Median and whiskers based on 1.5 IQR are shown. (B-C) The complete movement of four individuals - two from each colony. (B) Individuals raised in the enriched colony, data shown for two individuals (B1,B2); (C) Individuals raised in the impoverished colony, data shown for two individuals (C1,C2). Colors depict time in days. The open colony is marked by a white circle. Insert in C1-2 zooms-in on the tracks. All maps present the entire movement of four individual bats.

GLMM results for outdoors measurements with the first boldness as predisposition.

GLMM results for outdoors measurements with the first exploration as predisposition

GLMM results for outdoors measurements with the first activity as predisposition

Pearson correlation test results

Egyptian Fruit bat pups were captured with their mothers in rural and urban colonies and then divided between two experimental conditions, enriched and impoverished.

Experimental set-up schematic. Each bat is placed in a tent with 6 foraging boxes

Full time-line of the experiment

Number of bats that participated in each of the trials

Mixed GLM results for baseline trials of two environmental conditions