Event Related Potentials in response to sound-events.
A. Grand-average ERP to sound-events, shown separately for the AD(H)D vs. Control groups. ERPs are averaged across the cluster of electrodes where significant differences were found (see panel B). The black horizontal line indicates the time-window where significant differences between groups were found (75-155ms). Shaded areas around the waveforms represent the SEM. B. Scalp topographies of the N1 and P2 responses in the AD(H)D and Control Groups, and the difference between them. Electrodes where significant differences between groups were found are marked in white (p<0.05, cluster corrected). C. Grand-average ERP to Artificial and non-verbal human event-sound. ERPs are averaged across the cluster of electrodes where significant differences were found (see panel D). The black horizontal lines indicate the time-windows where significant differences between ERP to the two types of sound-events were found (67-178 and 187-291ms). Shaded areas around waveforms represent the SEM. D. Scalp topographies of the N1 and P2 responses to Artificial and Non-verbal human sounds and the difference between them. Electrode where significant differences were found are marked in white (p<0.05, cluster corrected). E&F. Box plots depicting the average N1 and P2 responses, separately for each group (AD(H)D vs. Control) and Event-type (Artificial vs. Non-verbal human). ** p < 0.001; * p<0.05.