Figures and data

Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) flow diagram.

Summary of study and animal model characteristics of included articles.

Summary of intervention characteristics.

CCR5 antagonists reduce infarct volume. Data is presented as a forest plot with standardized mean differences and 95% confidence intervals. Effect sizes <0 favours drug treatment and >0 favours control. Data is stratified by timing of CCR5 antagonist administration (pre- or post-stroke induction). The ‘RE Model for All Studies’ represents a pooled estimate of the CCR5 antagonist drug effect on infarct volume from all studies combined. Separate pooled estimates are also reported for post-stroke and pre-stroke CCR5.

Synthesis without meta-analysis for all included preclinical CCR5 antagonist studies that reported motor and/or cognitive behavioural outcomes. Data is presented as a forest plot with a standardized mean difference and 95% confidence intervals. Effect sizes <0 favours drug treatment and >0 favours control.