Figures and data

NRL interacts with RNA-binding proteins.
A) Summary of experimental strategies used to identify NRL interactors. An AlphaFold-predicted of human NRL model is shown, with protein domains highlighted. MTD = minimal transactivation domain, EHD = extended homology domain, BM = basic domain, bZIP = basic leucine zipper. Four different assays were performed to identify NRL interactors. Affinity purifications with Glutathione and NRL antibodies were performed from bovine and mouse retinal lysates and subjected to mass spectrometry. Yeast-two-hybrid experiments from human retina cDNA using NRL bZIP and EHD/BM domains were also performed. Eye and plasmid depictions were obtained from B) Coomassie staining showing proteins from bovine retina purified with human NRL fused to GST (GST-NRL;*). Purified GST (#) was used as control. Experiments were performed three times with different retinal lysates. Western blot of RBPs identified by LS/MS harboring >10 times enrichment in at least one GST-NRL replicate compared to controls is shown to the right. C) Western blot showing detection of different RBPs co-immunoprecipitating with NRL in HEK293 cells overexpressing Xpress-tagged NRL. Empty vector containing Xpress tag was used as control. D) Yeast colonies from yeast-two-hybrid screens showing positive interaction between RBPs and NRL extended homology domain (EHD) and basic leucine zipper (bZIP) domain. Colonies were plated against controls on SD/–Leu/–Trp (Double Dropout; DDO), SD/-Trp/-Leu/X-alpha-gal/Aureobasidin-A (DDO/X/A) and SD/-Trp/-Leu/-Ade/-His/X-alpha-gal/Aureobasidin-A (QDO/X/A) plates. P53 and Lamin were used as positive and negative controls, respectively. E) PPI network showing RBP experimental interactions from String. Proteins represent a subnetwork of NRL-interacting RBPs found in two out of four assays summarized in A. The edge thickness represents the confidence score with a cutoff of 0.4. Proteins identified in 3 out of 4 assays are highlighted with a red border. Proteins with known causative mutations for inherited retinal degeneration are shown with a black border.

DHX9 and DDX5 are expressed in retinal photoreceptors and interact with NRL within the nuclear compartment.
A) DHX9 (blue) and NRL (red) expression in adult mouse wild type (WT) and Nrl Knockout (KO) retina. B) Proximity ligation assay (PLA) signal (magenta) using anti-DHX9 and NRL antibodies in adult mouse WT and Nrl KO retina. C) DDX5 (blue) and NRL (red) expression (blue) in adult mouse WT and Nrl KO retina. D) PLA signal (magenta) using anti-DDX5 and NRL antibodies in adult mouse WT and Nrl KO retina. E) DHX9 (blue) and NRL (red) expression in adult human retina. F) PLA signal (magenta) using anti-DHX9 and NRL antibodies in the adult human retina. G) DDX5 (blue) and NRL (red) expression in adult human retina. H) PLA signal (magenta) using anti-DDX5 and NRL antibodies in the adult human retina. I) PLA signal (magenta) using no primary antibody in the adult human retina. J) PLA signal in HEK293 cells overexpressing human Xpress-NRL. DHX9 interaction with its known protein partner HNRNPU is shown in the nuclear periphery (arrow). Xpress-NRL interaction with DDX5 and DHX9 in euchromatin is shown in red (arrows). Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (grey in human and mouse retina; blue in HEK293 cells). Scale bar = 20 μM. ONL = Outer nuclear layer; INL = Inner nuclear layer.

NRL genetically interacts with RBPs.
A) Bar graph showing the fraction of NRL-interacting RBPs that harbor NRL proximal (< +/- 1Kb gene body) or distal (>1 Kb gene body) ChIP-Seq peaks and/or super-enhancers (SE) in the human retina (Data from Marchal et al. 2022). B) Genomic view of the human DHX9 locus showing Hi-C loops, ATAC-Seq, H3K27ac, CRX-ChIP-Seq and NRL-ChIP-Seq tracks (Obtained from Marchal et al. 2022). C) Expression levels of Dhx9 in wild-type and Nrl knockout flow-sorted photoreceptors (obtained from Kim et al., 2016). D) EMSA autoradiography using a probe containing an NRL motif identified at NRL-ChIP-Seq peak on the human DHX9 promoter. Specific bands (arrows) form after incubation with bovine nuclear retina extracts. The sequence of the 32P-labeled probe containing human NRL motif (underlined) and its homologous sequence in other mammals is shown on the top panel (blue letters indicate nucleotide differences). Competition assays were performed using unlabeled probes at increasing concentrations (pmol) as shown. E) EMSA autoradiography showing competition assays with 0.2 pmol WT and mutant DHX9 probes, MUT_1 and MUT_2 (sequences are shown in top panel; nucleotide changes are shown in red).

RNA:DNA hybrids regulate the interaction between NRL and DDX5/DHX9.
A-B) Co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP) of DDX5 and DHX9 from HEK293 cells overexpressing NRL. Lysates were treated for 30 min with different nucleases (as shown) before incubations with respective antibodies. Immunoprecipitation (IP) of NRL (A) or DHX9 (B) and immunoblot (IB) staining for NRL, DHX9 and DDX5 is shown. C-D) Quantification of signal intensities normalized to precipitated NRL and DHX9 (shown in A and B, respectively), (n = 3). Data are presented as the mean ± SEM. An unpaired two-tailed t-test was performed to compare the means of samples against controls. E-F) Co-IP of DDX5 and DHX9 from nuclear fractions of bovine retinas. Lysates were treated for 30 min with different nucleases (as shown) before incubations with respective antibodies. Immunoprecipitation (IP) of NRL (E) or DHX9 (F) and immunoblot (IB) staining for NRL, DHX9 and DDX5 is shown. G-H) Quantification of signal intensities normalized to precipitated NRL and DHX9 (shown in E and F, respectively), (n = 4). Data are presented as the mean ± SEM. Unpaired two-tailed t test was performed to compare means of samples against controls.

Nuclear R-loops regulate the interaction between NRL and DHX9.
A) Western blot of DNA:RNA hybrid immunoprecipitation (DRIP) from adult mouse retina showing immunoblot (IB) staining for DHX9, NRL, and DDX5. Retinal genomic DNA (gDNA) was digested with MseI, DdeI, Alul, MboI, incubated with RNase III with/without RNase H and immunoprecipitated with S9.6 antibody/protein G beads. Retinal nuclear lysates were incubated with antibody/bead complexes. Quantification of signal intensities of immunoprecipitated DHX9 and NRL compared to input (n = 3). Data are presented as the mean ± SEM. Unpaired one-tailed t test was performed to compare means of samples against controls. B) Confocal image of HEK293 cells transfected with NRL and wild type (WT) human RNase H1 or D201N catalytic dead mutant EGFP fusions (GFP-HR, and GFP-dHR, respectively). PLA signals using antibodies for NRL and DHX9 are shown in red. Some cells displayed nucleolar-like accumulation of PLA signal (arrows). C) Confocal image of HEK293 cells transfected with NRL and GFP-dRH or GFP-RH and stained with antibodies against NRL (red). Nuclei are stained with DAPI (grey). Scale bar is 20 μM. D) Quantification of cells with positive PLA signals from B. Each dot represents a ratio of number of GFP+ cells with nuclear PLA signals per image. Data are presented as the mean ± SEM. Unpaired two-tailed t test was performed to compare means of samples against controls. E). Bar graph showing percentage of EGFP+ cells harboring NRL-DHX9 PLA signals in subnuclear compartments from B. Cells were counted in four independent assays (n = 83 and 85 cells for GFP-dHR and GFP-RH, respectively).

R-loops are dynamic in the mouse retina and associate with distinct epigenetic signatures.
A) Dot blot of DNA:RNA hybrids from retinal gDNA. Retinas were dissected from mice at different developmental stages as shown. Genomic DNA (gDNA) was treated with RNaseIII with and without RNase H overnight. R-loops were detected using S9.6 antibody (n = 3). Data are presented as the mean ± SEM. Unpaired two-tailed t test was performed to compare means of samples against controls. B) R-loop peaks from ssDRIP-Seq were identified with narrow and broad peak parameters using RNase H treated samples (right circle) or opposite strand (left circle) for enrichment. The Venn diagram shows the R-loops kept for downstream analysis. R-loops found in at least 3 samples with a q-value < 0.001 in the narrow call or in the broad call were merged. C) Enrichment of unstranded and stranded R-loops at different genomic regions. D) Biological process enrichment of genes associated with stranded R-loops. E) Metaplot of H3K27ac, H3K27me3, H3K36me3, H3K4me1, H3K4me2, H3K4me3, H3K9-14ac, H3K9me3 signals centered on stranded and unstranded R-loop peaks.

NRL is associated with different types of R-loops.
A) Metaplot of BRD4 (SRR4252658), CTCF (SRR4252685), NRL (Cut&Run), and RNA pol II (SRR4252922) signals centered on stranded and unstranded R-loop peaks. B) Proportion of genes with and without stranded and unstranded R-loops and harboring NRL Cut&Run and Chip-Seq peaks. Genes were divided into low, mid and high according to their expression level. C) Genome view of Text14 and Malat1 mouse genes displaying ssDRIP-Seq signal in four retinas. Signals are shown for the positive (blue) and negative (orange) strands separately. RNase H treated samples are pooled and shown for each strand. Peak calls for NRL and unstranded and stranded R-loops are shown in blue.

A putative model of R-loop regulation in retinal rod photoreceptors.
We hypothesize that NRL guides R-loop resolvases such as DHX9 at photoreceptor genes to facilitate rapid expression of highly expressed genes (such as rhodopsin, RHO) and maintain genome integrity. SSB, single strand break.