Mettl5 coordinates protein production and degradation of PERIOD to regulate sleep in Drosophila

  1. Department of Entomology, MOA Key Lab of Pest Monitoring and Green Management, College of Plant Protection, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China
  2. MOE Key Lab of Rare Pediatric Diseases, Hengyang College of Medicine, University of South China, Hengyang, China

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Jiwon Shim
    Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • Senior Editor
    Utpal Banerjee
    University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States of America

Reviewer #1 (Public review):


Here the authors attempted to test whether the function of Mettl5 in sleep regulation was conserved in drosophila, and if so, by which molecular mechanisms. To do so they performed sleep analysis, as well as RNA-seq and ribo-seq in order to identify the downstream targets. They found that the loss of one copy of Mettl5 affects sleep and that its catalytic activity is important for this function. Transcriptional and proteomic analyses show that multiple pathways were altered, including the clock signaling pathway and the proteasome. Based on these changes the authors propose that Mettl5 modulate sleep through regulation of the clock genes, both at the level of their production and degradation.


The phenotypical consequence of the loss of one copy of Mettl5 on sleep function is clear and well-documented.


The imaging and molecular parts are less convincing.
- The colocalization of Mettl5 with glial and neuronal cells is not very clear
- The section on gene ontology analysis is long and confusing
- Among all the pathways affected the focus on proteosome sounds like cherry picking. And there is no experiment demonstrating its impact in the Mettl5 phenotype
- The ribo seq shows some changes at the level of translation efficiency but there is no connection with the Mettl5 phenotypes. In other words, how the increased usage of some codons impact clock signalling. Are the genes enriched for these codons?
- A few papers already demonstrated the role of Mettl5 in translation, even at the structural level (Rong et al, Cell reports 2020) and this was not commented by the authors. In Peng et al, 2022 the authors show that the m6A bridges the 18S rRNA with RPL24. Is this conserved in Drosophila?
- The text will require strong editing and the authors should check and review extensively for improvements to the use of English.


Despite the effort to identify the underlying molecular defects following the loss of Mettl5 the authors felt short in doing so. Some of the results are over-interpreted and more experiments will be needed to understand how Mettl5 controls the translation of its targets. References to previous works was poorly commented.

Reviewer #2 (Public review):


The authors define the m6A methyltransferase Mettl5 as a novel sleep-regulatory gene that contributes to specific aspects of Drosophila sleep behaviors (i.e., sleep drive and arousal at early night; sleep homeostasis) and propose the possible implication of Mettl5-dependent clocks in this process. The model was primarily based on the assessment of sleep changes upon genetic/transgenic manipulations of Mettl5 expression (including CRISPR-deletion allele); differentially expressed genes between wild-type vs. Mettl5 mutant; and interaction effects of Mettl5 and clock genes on sleep. These findings exemplify how a subclass of m6A modifications (i.e., Mettl5-dependent m6A) and possible epi-transcriptomic control of gene expression could impact animal behaviors.


Comprehensive DEG analyses between control and Mettl5 mutant flies reveal the landscape of Mettl5-dependent gene regulation at both transcriptome and translatome levels. The molecular/genetic features underlying Mettl5-dependent gene expression may provide important clues to molecular substrates for circadian clocks, sleep, and other physiology relevant to Mettl5 function in Drosophila.


While these findings indicate the potential implication of Mettl5-dependent gene regulation in circadian clocks and sleep, several key data require substantial improvement and rigor of experimental design and data interpretation for fair conclusions. Weaknesses of this study and possible complications in the original observations include but are not limited to:

(1) Genetic backgrounds in Mettl5 mutants: the heterozygosity of Mettl5 deletion causes sleep suppression at early night and long-period rhythms in circadian behaviors. The transgenic rescue using Gal4/UAS may support the specificity of the Mettl5 effects on sleep. However, it does not necessarily exclude the possibility that the Mettl5 deletion stocks somehow acquired long-period mutation allelic to other clock genes. Additional genetic/transgenic models of Mettl5 (e.g., homozygous or trans-heterozygous mutants of independent Mettl5 alleles; Mettl5 RNAi etc.) can address the background issue and determine 1) whether sleep suppression tightly correlates with long-period rhythms in Mettl5 mutants; and 2) whether Mettl5 effects are actually mapped to circadian pacemaker neurons (e.g., PDF- or tim-positive neurons) to affect circadian behaviors, clock gene expression, and synaptic plasticity in a cell-autonomous manner and thereby regulate sleep. Unfortunately, most experiments in the current study rely on a single genetic model (i.e., Mettl5 heterozygous mutant).

(2) Gene expression and synaptic plasticity: gene expression profiles and the synaptic plasticity should be assessed by multiple time-point analyses since 1) they display high-amplitude oscillations over the 24-h window and 2) any phase-delaying mutation (e.g., Mettl5 deletion) could significantly affect their circadian changes. The current study performed a single time-point assessment of circadian clock/synaptic gene expression, misleading the conclusion for Mettl5 effects. Considering long-period rhythms in Mettl5 mutant clocks, transcriptome/translatome profiles in Mettl5 cannot distinguish between direct vs. indirect targets of Mettl5 (i.e., gene regulation by the loss of Mettl5-dependent m6A vs. by the delayed circadian phase in Mettl5 mutants).

(3) The text description for gene expression profiling and Mettl5-dependent gene regulation was very detailed, yet there is a huge gap between gene expression profiling and sleep/behavioral analyses. The model in Figure 5 should be better addressed and validated.

Reviewer #3 (Public review):

Xiaoyu Wu and colleagues examined the potential role in sleep of a Drosophila ribosomal RNA methyltransferase, mettl5. Based on sleep defects reported in CRISPR generated mutants, the authors performed both RNA-seq and Ribo-seq analyses of head tissue from mutants and compared to control animals collected at the same time point. While these data were subjected to a thorough analysis, it was difficult to understand the relative direction of differential expression between the two genotypes. In any case, a major conclusion was that the mutant showed altered expression of circadian clock genes, and that the altered expression of the period gene in particular accounted for the sleep defect reported in the mettl5 mutant. As noted above, a strength of this work is its relevance to a human developmental disorder as well as the transcriptomic and ribosomal profiling of the mutant. However, there are numerous weaknesses in the manuscript, most of which stem from misinterpretation of the findings, some methodological approaches, and also a lack of method detail provided. The authors seemed to have missed a major phenotype associated with the mettl5 mutant, which is that it caused a significant increase in period length, which was apparent even in a light: dark cycle. Thus the effect of the mutant on clock gene expression more likely contributed to this phenotype than any associated with changes in sleep behavior.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation