Figures and data

Clinical trial flow chart.
A) Flowchart of therapeutic regimen. B) Flow diagram of participants in the study.

Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics.

Efficacy outcomes.

Clinical trial results.
A) Swimmer plots of patients. B) Kaplan–Meier curves of OS for the per-protocol set (N = 20). C) Kaplan–Meier curves of PFS for the per-protocol set (N = 20). D) Kaplan–Meier curves of PFS for didn’t receive immunotherapy set (control group) (N= 23) and per-protocol set (test group) (N=20). E) Radiological response from patient. F) Waterfall plot of best percent change from baseline in patient target lesion (N= 20). G) Waterfall plot of best percent change from baseline in patient off-target lesion (N= 12).

Treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) since the initiation of protocol-specified treatment

Differential expressed genes analysis.
A) Specimens collection flowchart. B) Transcriptome analysis on differential expression genes before and after treatment between responders (PR) (n = 9) and non-responders (Non-PR) (n = 7), DESeq2 was provided to perform differential expression testing. C) The abundance of predefined 12 immune cells composition before and after treatment between responders (PR) (n = 9) and non-responders (Non-PR) (n = 7), Wilcoxon test was used to determine the statistical significance between subgroups. D) Radiological response from patient. E) Representative CD8 & PD-L1 IHC staining of before and after treatment specimens of patient.

Additional immune signatures analysis.
A) The expression of 12 gene sets previously reported to be associated with response to immunotherapy and prognosis between responders (PR) (n = 18) and non-responders (Non-PR) (n = 14). BCD) 11 gene sets of prognostic value were differentially expressed between responders (PR) (n = 18) and non-responders (Non-PR) (n = 14), box plots are indicated in terms of minima, maxima, centre, bounds of box and whiskers (interquartile range value), and percentile in the style of Tukey, Wilcoxon test was used to determine the statistical significance between subgroups.

Comparison of responders before and after treatment
A) The expression of 7 gene sets previously reported to be associated with response to immunosuppressive between before treatment (n = 9) and after treatment (n = 9) in the responders (PR). B) The expression of Angiogenesis sets between responders (PR) (n = 18) and non-responders (Non-PR) (n = 14). C) The expression of Angiogenesis & Fibroblasts sets between before treatment (n = 9) and after treatment (n = 9) in the responders. Box plots are indicated in terms of minima, maxima, centre, bounds of box and whiskers (interquartile range value), and percentile in the style of Tukey, Wilcoxon test was used to determine the statistical significance between subgroups.

GO enrichment and KEGG pathways analysis of differential expression genes.
A) GO enrichment analysis were performed to identify the biological process, cellular component and molecular function of differential expression genes. B) H KEGG enrichment analysis of differential expression genes.