Epidemic curves for both wild and domestic bird cases.

Orange and blue histograms report the weekly number of H5N1 cases and the weekly number of H5Nx cases, respectively.

Response curves associated with the environmental variables included in the ecological niche models.

For the ecological niche models trained on wild bird infection records, we here only display the response curves estimated for the environmental variables associated with an averaged relative influence (RI) >4% for at least one of the considered occurrence datasets (thus not reporting the response curves obtained for the following variables: evergreen deciduous needleleaf trees, evergreen broadleaf trees, shrublands, and regularly flooded vegetation). Each curve was retrieved from a distinct boosted regression tree (BRT) model trained for a specific dataset of occurrence data. We also report the averaged RI (in %) of each environmental variable in the respective ecological models trained on a specific dataset of occurrence data (see Table S1 for the complete list of RI estimates along with their first and third quartiles). Due to lack of data, the model was not trained for H5N1 in wild birds before 2020.

Ecological niche suitability estimated for H5N1 and H5Nx.

We estimated the ecological suitability for two different time periods (2015-2020 and 2020-2022) and for both wild and domestic bird populations. Dynamic visualisation of the results are available here: https://mood-platform.avia-gis.com/core.

Bird diversity indices before and after 2020.

This table presents the Shannon and Simpson diversity indices for various bird groups, comparing values before and after the year 2020. The indices are provided for all birds, sea birds, wild birds, domestic birds, and birds affected by H5N1 and non-H5N1 strains.

Environmental factors included in the ecological niche modelling.

“LST” refers to “land surface temperature”, “NDVI” to the “normalised difference vegetation index”, and “EVI” to the “enhanced vegetation index”.

Environmental factors included in the ecological niche modelling.

“LST” refers to “land surface temperature”, “NDVI” to the “normalised difference vegetation index”, and “EVI” to the “enhanced vegetation index”.

Comparison between the presence/pseudo-absence data used to train the ecological niche models (1° column) and the resulting ecological niche suitability maps (2° column).

In the first column, presence and sampled pseudo-absence points are displayed as red and dark points, respectively. As detailed in the Materials and Methods section, pseudo-absence points were only sampled in countries in which there was at least one presence point (for either H5N1 or H5Nx, the considering time period, and bird populations). For Russia and China, we considered the admin-1 administrative areas instead of the country to define if pseudo-absence points should be sampled in the corresponding area. Specifically, for a given administrative region (i.e. a given country or admin-1 region in case of Russia or China) gathering at least one presence point, we sampled a number of pseudo-absence points equal to three times the number of presence points in that region. Furthermore, pseudo-absence points were sampled according to the log-transformed raster of human population density, which prevented the sampling of pseudo-absence in unpopulated areas non associated with any surveillance activity.

Comparison between the presence/pseudo-absence data used to train the ecological niche models (1° column) and the resulting ecological niche suitability maps (2° column).

In the first column, presence and sampled pseudo-absence points are displayed as red and dark points, respectively. As detailed in the Materials and Methods section, pseudo-absence points were only sampled in countries in which there was at least one presence point (foreither H5N1 or H5Nx, the considering time period, and bird populations). For Russia and China, we considered the admin-1 administrative areas instead of the country to define if pseudo-absence points should be sampled in the corresponding area. Specifically, for a given administrative region (i.e. a given country or admin-1 region in case of Russia or China) gathering at least one presence point, we sampled a number of pseudo-absence points equal to three times the number of presence points in that region. Furthermore, pseudo-absence points were sampled according to the log-transformed raster of human population density, which prevented the sampling of pseudo-absence in unpopulated areas non-associated with any surveillance activity.

Boxplots reporting the sorting sampling bias (SSB) and area under the curve (AUC) of the receiving operator curve metrics associated with various ecological niche models trained for H5N1 and H5Nx.

For the SSB estimates, we report values obtained for the standard cross-validation (A), as well as spatial cross-validation procedures based on the reference points (B) and the blocks generation (C) approaches (see the Materials and Methods section for further detail). SSB estimates range from 0 to 1; values close to 0 indicate a strong impact of spatial autocorrelation on model training, while values close to 1 suggest little to no impact. The AUC metrics computed for the ecological niche models trained with the spatial cross-validation procedures based on the “epicentres”, and we here report the values obtained for the models trained on each of the four distinct sets of environmental factors.

Distribution of H5Nx and H5N1 occurrence records in sea birds from 2015 to 2023, categorised by bird family.

The three panels successively show the total occurrence records for all H5Nx subtypes, occurrence records for non-H5N1 H5Nx subtypes, and all H5N1 occurrence records.

Comparison between the ecological niche suitability estimated for H5N1 and H5Nx before 2016 and after 2020 for domestic bird populations.

Specifically, we here compare the ecological niche models trained by Dhingra et al. (2016) on occurrence records collected between January 2004 to March 2015 (< 2016) and the ecological niche models trained in the present study on occurrence records collected between January 2020 to March 2023 (> 2020).

Assessment of the predictive performance of ecological niche models to predict present and past ecological suitability maps.

We here report, for each replicate analysis, a measure of the predictive performance of the trained ecological niche through the computation of the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, also simply referred to as “area under the curve” (AUC). (*) refers to AUC estimates obtained when assessing the capacity of models trained on occurrence data < 2020 to predict > 2020 distribution of occurrence data.

Relative influence (RI, in %) of each environmental variable in the respective ecological models trained on a specific dataset of occurrence data.

A RI estimate was obtained for each BRT replicate and we here report median as well as first and third quartile RI values.