Multicellular Magnetotactic Bacterial consortia are directed through an artificial pore network by an applied magnetic field.

(a) The trajectories (green lines) of several hundred consortia (black dots) are shown. While each consortium is composed of tens of individual bacteria, it grows and moves like a single organism. The black boundaries show the positions of the microfluidic pillars, which separate the pores. The applied magnetic field is B = 940 μT, corresponding to Sc = 0.31. (b) Averaging the positions of consortia across all pores over the course of an experiment yields the probability density within a pore. The magnetic field is B = 3500 μT and the Scattering number Sc = 0.08. The black line shows a representative trajectory of a consortium, which passed through a pore in 5.6 s. (c) Weakening the magnetic field produces a wider distribution of positions, which extends from the northernmost wall to the passages to neighboring pores. This panel corresponds to the experiment in (a). A representative trajectory is shown for a consortium that escaped in 1.2 s. (d) At low magnetic field (B = 75 μT, Sc = 3.85), consortia swim in roughly straight lines and are randomly reoriented by collisions with the walls. The black line shows the trajectory of a consortium that escaped to a southward pore after 7.4 s.

The speed of consortia through a pore space is maximized at a finite value of Sc.

(a) The rates k± at which consortia (white spots) move with (k+) and against (k) the applied magnetic field are measured in a small network of pores. The trajectories—shown here as colored lines that dim over the course of 4 s—are reconstructed from the instantaneous positions of consortia. Consortia move less than a consortium radius between frames, which are recorded at 75 frames/s. The blue and red trajectories highlight two consortia that transition either in the direction of B (blue) or in the negative sense (red). This image, taken at Sc = 1.98 ± 0.36 (B = 207 μT), is a still from Supplemental video SV5. (b) Repeating these measurements at various magnetic fields provides k±(Sc). The reported values of Sc are measured for each group of consortia moments before it enters the pore space. The solid lines show the predicted relationship for simulated consortia. (c) The asymmetry in transition rates causes MMB to drift through the pore space in the direction of the magnetic field at speed Udrift. The solid line shows the predicted relationship. The theoretical curves in (b) and (c) require no fitting parameters. Their calculation from simulations is discussed in Methods and Materials.

Magnetotactic bacteria species that align quickly with their local geomagnetic field also swim quickly.

This correlation optimally balances obstacle avoidance and magnetotaxis. The largest source of uncertainty is the pore size r, which we assume to be that of medium or coarse sand. One-sigma error bars are shown for the consortia in this study, which represent phenotypic diversity. The solid line shows U0/geo = 0.401, which is the optimal value predicted in Figure 2c. The gray shaded region shows the full width at half maximum of the curve f (Sc), also taken from Figure 2c. A table of these values and their sources is provided in Appendix 1.

Schematic of a typical microfluidic photomask.

White regions correspond to 40 μm tall regions that are filled with seawater. The pink area shows the location where we place a spacer that creates a 1 ml void, called the vestibule. After filling the chamber with filtered seawater, an enrichment is inoculated into the vestibule. A 300 μT field pointed to the left directs consortia to accumulate near the red line, where Sc is measured. Reversing the magnetic field directs consortia into the pore network, which is highlighted here in blue. The scale bar is 1 mm.

The transition rates k± and the drift velocity Udrift are calculated from first passage times of simulated magnetotactic swimmers at various values of Sc.

(a) The probability Pfp(T+) that swimmers escapes a pore in the positive sense in a time T+ is exponentially distributed. The blue dots are the results of simulations. The blue line shows the best fit exponential. The red dots and line correspond to motion against the direction of the magnetic field. These data were simulated at Sc = 1.2375. (b) The asymmetry in the transition rates causes swimmers to move trough the pore space with an average speed Udrift = 2r(k+k), which is calculated for each simulation (black lines). The blue curve shows a smooth function that approximates the results of the simulation. Only the smooth curves for k± and Udrift are shown in Figure 2.

This companion figure to Figure 3 provides references for each data point.

Each number corresponds to the index on Appendix 1 Table 1.

The unidentified magnetotactic bacteria labeled MTB-(some integer) correspond to the organisms listed in Table 1 of S. Esquivel and De Barros (1986).