Figures and data

Data processing algorithm pipeline of AACDB.

Examples of PDB file splitting under different situations.
(A) 1AHW contains two copies of the same antigen and the same antibody. (B) In 6OGE, two different antibodies bind to distinct epitopes of the same antigen. (C) In 3BQU, an anti-idiotypic antibody binds exclusively to a single chain of the antibody.

AACDB statistics.
(A) Antibody fragment distribution in database. (B) The number of antibody-antigen complexes released in different year (unique PDBID). (C) Organismal distribution of antibody entries.

The AACDB browse and search page.
This example demonstrates the use of the keyword ‘Lysozyme’ in the ‘Protein’ column, showcasing the search functionality of the AACDB database. The search results display antigen related to Lysozyme.

The details page of entries, taking ‘1BJ1’ as an example.
(A) Structure visualization window. (B) Entry meta information. (C) sequence and mutation information. (D) Interacting residues details based on SASA and atom distance methods. (E) The download hyperlinks of a single entry.