Figures and data

Recombinantly wrapped NCPs with W601 or CCEN DNA.
A) Sequences of the W601 and CCEN DNA used to wrap histone octamers. The black text is W601 DNA, the blue text is the Mif2 footprint within CDEII (Xiao et al., 2017), the green text is CDEIII, the sequence underlined in green is the CBF3 binding site (Guan et al., 2021) and the red text is the pericentromeric DNA sequence just downstream of CDEIII on chromosome III. B) Chromatogram representing elution fractions from size exclusion chromatography column used to purify wrapped NCPs from excess free DNA. 260 nm signal is shown for both W601 and CCEN NCPs. C) Native gel of elution fractions indicated in the chromatogram in B. NCPs from both SEC Fraction 6 and SEC Fraction 7 were used to collect data on the optical trap. There was no statistically significant difference between rupture forces of assemblies measured with NCPs from either Fraction 6 or Fraction 7.

Statistical analyses for microtubule binding assay1

Kinetochore assemblies built on CCEN-NCPs and OA form stronger attachments to microtubules.
A) Percentages of beads that had microtubule binding capability. Error bars indicate the standard error of the proportion. Barnard’s test was used to compare contingency tables. The p-values for the significance of the difference between fraction of beads bound if either OA or Mif2 were included compared to if neither were included are given in Table 1. Data were combined from two biological replicates (See Source Data table). B) Boxplot of rupture forces for each of the kinetochore assemblies tested. Dots represent individual rupture events, and boxes enclose the interquartile range, with indicated medians. Whiskers extend to the inner fences. Data were combined from four biological replicates of each condition (see Source Data Table). A Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was performed to compare the probability distributions of rupture forces across conditions. *** indicates p-value of 1.87 × 10−6, n.s., not significant. C) Survival probability curves for the data plotted in B.

Plasmids used for expression of kinetochore proteins1