Combined transcriptomic, connectivity, and activity profiling of the medial amygdala using highly amplified multiplexed in situ hybridization (hamFISH)

  1. Sainsbury Wellcome Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour, University College London, London, United Kingdom
  2. Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, School of Medicine, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, United States

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, public reviews, and a provisional response from the authors.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Joshua Corbin
    Children's National Hospital, Washington, United States of America
  • Senior Editor
    Sacha Nelson
    Brandeis University, Waltham, United States of America

Reviewer #1 (Public review):

In their paper entitled "Combined transcriptomic, connectivity, and activity profiling of the medial amygdala using highly amplified multiplexed in situ hybridization (hamFISH)" Edwards et al. present a new method designated as hamFISH (highly amplified multiplexed in situ hybridization) that enables sequential detection of {less than or equal to}32 genes using multiplexed branched DNA amplification. As proof-of-principle, the authors apply the new technique - in conjunction with connectivity, and activity profiling - to the medial amygdala (MeA) of the mouse, which is a critical nucleus for innate social and defensive behaviors.

As mentioned by Edwards et al., hamFISH could prove beneficial as an affordable alternative to other in situ transcriptomic methods, including commercial platforms, that are resource-intensive and require complex analysis pipelines. Thus, the authors envision that the method they present could democratize in situ cell-type identification in individual laboratories.

The data presented by Edwards et al. is convincing. The authors use the appropriate and validated methodology in line with the current state-of-the-art. The paper makes a strong case for the benefits of hamFISH when combining transcriptomics studies with connectivity tracing and immediate early gene-based activity profiling. Notably, the authors also discuss the caveats and limitations of their study/approach in an open and transparent manner.

In its current state, the manuscript touches upon a number of most intriguing, yet rather preliminary findings. For example, the roles of inhibitory neuron cluster i3 or of the selective and apparently MeA neuron-specific projections (Figure 3 - Figure Supplement 2D) remain elusive. As it is the authors' prime intent to provide "a proof-of-principle example of overlaying transcriptomic types, projection, and activity in a behaviorally relevant manner and demonstrates the usefulness of hamFISH in multiplexed in situ gene expression profiling", such studies might be beyond the scope of the present manuscript. The absence of such more in-depth hypothesis-based analysis, however, prevents an even more enthusiastic overall assessment.

Reviewer #2 (Public review):


The authors describe the development and implementation of hamFISH, a sensitive multiplexed ISH method. They leverage a pre-existing scRNA-seq dataset for the MeA to design 32 probes that combinatorically represent MeA neuronal populations - ~80% of MeA neurons express three of these markers. Using these markers to assess the spatial organization of the MeA, the authors identify a novel population of Ndnf+ projection neurons and characterize their connectivity with anterograde and retrograde labeling. They additionally combine hamFISH with CTB labeling of three principal MeA projection sites to show that 75% of MeA neurons have only a single projection target. Finally, they engage adult male mice in encounters with other adult males (aggression), females (mating), and pups (infanticide), followed by hamFISH and c-fos labeling to relate cell identity to behavior. Their overall conclusion is that hamFISH-defined cell types are broadly active to multiple sensory stimuli. However, the data presented are not sufficient to conclude that no selectivity exists within the MeA. A weakness of the study is that the selected hamFISH genes contain only Lhx6 as a lineage-marking transcription factor. Instead, the authors predominately use neuropeptides as markers. Genes such as Tac1, Cartpt, Adcyap1, Calb1, and Gal are expressed throughout the MeA, and many other brain regions; they are not restricted to a single transcriptomic cell type and they do not denote any developmental origins. By design, the panel has low cell type specificity as all MeA neurons express at least three of the genes. Therefore, the authors' conclusions may not hold with a more stringent classification of cell type or cell identity.

Reviewer #3 (Public review):


In this manuscript, Edwards et al. describe hamFISH, a customizable and cost-efficient method for performing targeted spatial transcriptomics. hamFISH utilizes highly amplified multiplexed branched DNA amplification, and the authors extensively describe hamFISH development and its advantages over prior variants of this approach.

The authors then used hamFISH to investigate an important circuit in the mouse brain for social behavior, the medial amygdala (MeA). To develop a hamFISH probe set capable of distinguishing MeA neurons, the authors mined published single-cell RNA-sequencing datasets of the MeA, ultimately creating a panel of 32 hamFISH probes that mostly cover the identified MeA cell types. They evaluated over 600,000 MeA cells and classified neurons into 16 inhibitory and 10 excitatory types, many of which are spatially clustered. The authors combined hamFISH with viral and other circuit tracer injections to determine whether the identified MeA cell populations sent and/or received unique inputs from connected brain regions, finding evidence that several cell types had unique patterns of input and output. Finally, the authors performed hamFISH on the brains of male mice that were placed in behavioral conditions that elicit aggressive, infanticidal, or mating behaviors, finding that some cell populations are selectively activated (as assessed by c-fos mRNA expression) in specific social contexts.


(1) The authors developed an optimized tissue preparation protocol for hamFISH and implemented oligopools instead of individually synthesized oligonucleotides to reduce costs. The branched DNA amplification scheme improved smFISH signal compared to previous methods, and multiple variants provide additional improvements in signal intensity and specificity. Compared to other spatial transcriptomics methods, the pipeline for imaging and analysis is streamlined and is compatible with other techniques like fluorescence-based circuit tracing. This approach is cost-effective and has several advantages that make it a valuable addition to the list of spatial transcriptomics toolkits.

(2) Using 31 probes, hamFISH was able to detect 16 inhibitory and 10 excitatory neuron types in the MeA subregions, including the vast majority of cell types identified by other transcriptomics approaches. The authors quantified the distributions of these cell types along the anterior-posterior, dorsal-ventral, and medial-lateral axes, finding spatial segregation among some, but not all, MeA excitatory and inhibitory cell types. The authors additionally identified a class of inhibitory neurons expressing Ndnf (and a subset of these that express Chrna7) that project multiple social chemosensory circuits.

(3) The authors combined hamFISH with MeA input and output mapping, finding cell-type biases in the projections to the MPOA, BNST, and VMHvl, and inputs from multiple regions.

(4) The authors identified excitatory and inhibitory cell types, and patterns of activity across cell types, that were selectively activated during various social behaviors, including aggression, mating, and infanticide, providing new insights and avenues for future research into MeA circuit function.


(1) Gene selection for hamFISH is likely to still be a limiting factor, even with the expanded (32-probe) capacity. This may have contributed to the lack of ability to identify sexually dimorphic cell types (Figure S2B). This is an expected tradeoff for a method that has major advantages in terms of cost and adaptability.

(2) Adaptation of hamFISH, for example, to adapt it to other brain regions or tissues, may require extensive optimization.

(3) Pairing this method with behavioral experiments is likely to require further optimization, as c-fos mRNA expression is an indirect and incomplete survey of neuronal activity (e.g. not all cell types upregulate c-fos when electrically active). As such, there is a risk of false negative results that limit its utility for understanding circuit function.

(4) The limited compatibility of hamFISH with thicker tissue samples and lack of optical sectioning introduce additional technical limitations. For example, it would be difficult to densely sample larger neural circuits using serial 20 micron sections. Also, because the imaging modality is not clear from the methods, it is difficult to know whether the analysis methods introduce the risk of misattributing gene expression to overlapping cells.

Author response:

Reviewer #1:

In their paper entitled "Combined transcriptomic, connectivity, and activity profiling of the medial amygdala using highly amplified multiplexed in situ hybridization (hamFISH)" Edwards et al. present a new method designated as hamFISH (highly amplified multiplexed in situ hybridization) that enables sequential detection of {less than or equal to}32 genes using multiplexed branched DNA amplification. As proof-of-principle, the authors apply the new technique - in conjunction with connectivity, and activity profiling - to the medial amygdala (MeA) of the mouse, which is a critical nucleus for innate social and defensive behaviors.

As mentioned by Edwards et al., hamFISH could prove beneficial as an affordable alternative to other in situ transcriptomic methods, including commercial platforms, that are resource-intensive and require complex analysis pipelines. Thus, the authors envision that the method they present could democratize in situ cell-type identification in individual laboratories.

The data presented by Edwards et al. is convincing. The authors use the appropriate and validated methodology in line with the current state-of-the-art. The paper makes a strong case for the benefits of hamFISH when combining transcriptomics studies with connectivity tracing and immediate early gene-based activity profiling. Notably, the authors also discuss the caveats and limitations of their study/approach in an open and transparent manner.

In its current state, the manuscript touches upon a number of most intriguing, yet rather preliminary findings. For example, the roles of inhibitory neuron cluster i3 or of the selective and apparently MeA neuron-specific projections (Figure 3 - Figure Supplement 2D) remain elusive. As it is the authors' prime intent to provide "a proof-of-principle example of overlaying transcriptomic types, projection, and activity in a behaviorally relevant manner and demonstrates the usefulness of hamFISH in multiplexed in situ gene expression profiling", such studies might be beyond the scope of the present manuscript. The absence of such more in-depth hypothesis-based analysis, however, prevents an even more enthusiastic overall assessment.

We thank the reviewer for their positive assessment and agree that further studies are needed to explore and understand the MeA circuit further.

Reviewer #2:

The authors describe the development and implementation of hamFISH, a sensitive multiplexed ISH method. They leverage a pre-existing scRNA-seq dataset for the MeA to design 32 probes that combinatorically represent MeA neuronal populations - ~80% of MeA neurons express three of these markers. Using these markers to assess the spatial organization of the MeA, the authors identify a novel population of Ndnf+ projection neurons and characterize their connectivity with anterograde and retrograde labeling. They additionally combine hamFISH with CTB labeling of three principal MeA projection sites to show that 75% of MeA neurons have only a single projection target. Finally, they engage adult male mice in encounters with other adult males (aggression), females (mating), and pups (infanticide), followed by hamFISH and c-fos labeling to relate cell identity to behavior. Their overall conclusion is that hamFISH-defined cell types are broadly active to multiple sensory stimuli. However, the data presented are not sufficient to conclude that no selectivity exists within the MeA. A weakness of the study is that the selected hamFISH genes contain only Lhx6 as a lineage-marking transcription factor. Instead, the authors predominately use neuropeptides as markers. Genes such as Tac1, Cartpt, Adcyap1, Calb1, and Gal are expressed throughout the MeA, and many other brain regions; they are not restricted to a single transcriptomic cell type and they do not denote any developmental origins. By design, the panel has low cell type specificity as all MeA neurons express at least three of the genes. Therefore, the authors' conclusions may not hold with a more stringent classification of cell type or cell identity.

We agree with the reviewer that a deeper level of cell type classification may reveal the selectivity of cell types that may have been missed. The design of our hamFISH bridge-readout probes allows modification to be compatible with a barcoded readout system such as MERFISH, which would substantially increase the number of genes that can be included in the gene panel. This would, however, increase the complexity of the analysis pipeline and reduce throughput, but would be a potential avenue to explore to define MeA cell types at a deeper level. An advantage of hamFISH is the ease of including and reading out alternative gene panels. For example, one panel could examine developmental-lineage-specific genes. Overall, our panel captures the highest hierarchical level (similar to the subclass level of the Allen taxonomy) of MeA transcriptomic types, based on published data available at the time of our gene panel design. Genes including Tac1, Cartpt, Adcyap1, Calb1, and Gal are expressed in specific patterns within the MeA and are useful for classification. In the original manuscript, we also included our rationale for dropping Foxp2, a lineage-specific marker gene in the MeA.

Reviewer #3:

In this manuscript, Edwards et al. describe hamFISH, a customizable and cost-efficient method for performing targeted spatial transcriptomics. hamFISH utilizes highly amplified multiplexed branched DNA amplification, and the authors extensively describe hamFISH development and its advantages over prior variants of this approach.

The authors then used hamFISH to investigate an important circuit in the mouse brain for social behavior, the medial amygdala (MeA). To develop a hamFISH probe set capable of distinguishing MeA neurons, the authors mined published single-cell RNA-sequencing datasets of the MeA, ultimately creating a panel of 32 hamFISH probes that mostly cover the identified MeA cell types. They evaluated over 600,000 MeA cells and classified neurons into 16 inhibitory and 10 excitatory types, many of which are spatially clustered. The authors combined hamFISH with viral and other circuit tracer injections to determine whether the identified MeA cell populations sent and/or received unique inputs from connected brain regions, finding evidence that several cell types had unique patterns of input and output. Finally, the authors performed hamFISH on the brains of male mice that were placed in behavioral conditions that elicit aggressive, infanticidal, or mating behaviors, finding that some cell populations are selectively activated (as assessed by c-fos mRNA expression) in specific social contexts.


(1) The authors developed an optimized tissue preparation protocol for hamFISH and implemented oligopools instead of individually synthesized oligonucleotides to reduce costs. The branched DNA amplification scheme improved smFISH signal compared to previous methods, and multiple variants provide additional improvements in signal intensity and specificity. Compared to other spatial transcriptomics methods, the pipeline for imaging and analysis is streamlined and is compatible with other techniques like fluorescence-based circuit tracing. This approach is cost-effective and has several advantages that make it a valuable addition to the list of spatial transcriptomics toolkits.

(2) Using 31 probes, hamFISH was able to detect 16 inhibitory and 10 excitatory neuron types in the MeA subregions, including the vast majority of cell types identified by other transcriptomics approaches. The authors quantified the distributions of these cell types along the anterior-posterior, dorsal-ventral, and medial-lateral axes, finding spatial segregation among some, but not all, MeA excitatory and inhibitory cell types. The authors additionally identified a class of inhibitory neurons expressing Ndnf (and a subset of these that express Chrna7) that project multiple social chemosensory circuits.

(3) The authors combined hamFISH with MeA input and output mapping, finding cell-type biases in the projections to the MPOA, BNST, and VMHvl, and inputs from multiple regions.

(4) The authors identified excitatory and inhibitory cell types, and patterns of activity across cell types, that were selectively activated during various social behaviors, including aggression, mating, and infanticide, providing new insights and avenues for future research into MeA circuit function.


(1) Gene selection for hamFISH is likely to still be a limiting factor, even with the expanded (32-probe) capacity. This may have contributed to the lack of ability to identify sexually dimorphic cell types (Figure S2B). This is an expected tradeoff for a method that has major advantages in terms of cost and adaptability.

We recognise that the 32-plex gene detection might not be sufficient to address key questions in the transcriptomic organization of innate social behavior circuits, and that the study fell short of addressing more quantitative gene expression differences between sexes. Detecting sexually dimorphic gene expression likely requires a more targeted approach as the dimorphism is expression differences rather than binary expression of marker genes, and the gene panel needs to be specifically configured for this purpose.

(2) Adaptation of hamFISH, for example, to adapt it to other brain regions or tissues, may require extensive optimization.

We have successfully performed hamFISH on at least two other mouse brain regions without needing to optimize further, suggesting that compatibility with other mouse brain regions is not an issue. We recognise, however, that optimization of hamFISH may be required for its application in other types of tissue or species. Human brain tissue, for example, typically suffers from high autofluorescence and different tissue preparation methods may need to be employed. We note that the amplification by hamFISH signal boost with v2 amplifiers may be useful to this end.

(3) Pairing this method with behavioral experiments is likely to require further optimization, as c-fos mRNA expression is an indirect and incomplete survey of neuronal activity (e.g. not all cell types upregulate c-fos when electrically active). As such, there is a risk of false negative results that limit its utility for understanding circuit function.

We acknowledge that c-fos is not the only readout of neuronal activity and that a panel of immediate early genes would allow a more comprehensive readout of activity-dependent gene expression. We fully agree that immediate early gene induction is an indirect readout of neural activity, and alternative methods such as in vivo physiology would provide a complementary insight into the selectivity of MeA neuron responses.

(4) The limited compatibility of hamFISH with thicker tissue samples and lack of optical sectioning introduce additional technical limitations. For example, it would be difficult to densely sample larger neural circuits using serial 20 micron sections. Also, because the imaging modality is not clear from the methods, it is difficult to know whether the analysis methods introduce the risk of misattributing gene expression to overlapping cells.

We agree that the use of hamFISH as described here is restricted to thin (<20 um) sections. We have shown, however, that our encoding probe and bridge-readout probe design are compatible with HCR-based mRNA detection, which is compatible with thicker sections. Regarding the misattribution of gene expression to overlapping cells in the z-axis, we used epifluorescence microscopy with 14x 500 nm z-steps to collect our raw data and generate maximum intensity projections for further analysis. Because of the thin sections (10 um) used for the imaging, the overlap between cells in z is expected to be minimal. Regarding throughput, we agree that hamFISH is likely not suitable for brain-wide questions that require large volume coverage, but its major advantage is that it allows routine use of low-level multiplexing for targeted brain areas.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation