Peer review process
Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, public reviews, and a provisional response from the authors.
Read more about eLife’s peer review process.Editors
- Reviewing EditorAmmie KalanUniversity of Victoria, Victoria, Canada
- Senior EditorGeorge PerryPennsylvania State University, University Park, United States of America
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Howard-Spink et al. investigated how older chimpanzees changed their behavior regarding stone tool use for nutcracking over a period of 17 years, from late adulthood to old age. This behavior is cognitively demanding, and it is a good target for understanding aging in wild primates. They used several factors to follow the aging process of five individuals, from attendance at the nut-cracking outdoor laboratory site to time to select tools and efficiency in nut-cracking to check if older chimpanzee changed their behavior.
Indeed, older chimpanzees reduced their visits to the outdoor lab, which was not observed in the younger adults. The authors discuss several reasons for that; the main ones being physiological changes, cognitive and physical constraints, and changes in social associations. Much of the discussion is hypothetical, but a good starting point, as there is not much information about senescence in wild chimpanzees.
The efficiency for nut-cracking was variable, with some individuals taking a long time to crack nuts while others showed little variance. As this is not compared with the younger individuals and the sample is small (only five individuals), it is difficult to be sure if this is also partly a normal variance caused by other factors (ecology) or is only related to senescence.
(1) 17 years of longitudinal data in the same setting, following the same individuals.
(2) Using stone tool use, a cognitively demanding behavior, to understand the aging process.
A lack of comparison of the stone tool use behavior with younger individuals in the same period, to check if the changes observed are only related to age or if it is an overall variance. The comparison with younger chimpanzees was only done for one of the variables (attendance).
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
Primates are a particularly important and oft-applied model for understanding the evolution of, e.g., life history and senescence in humans. Although there is a growing body of work on aging in primates, there are three components of primate senescence research that have been underutilized or understudied: (1) longitudinal datasets, (2) wild populations, and (3) (stone) tool-use behaviors. Therefore, the goal of this study was to (1) use a 17-year longitudinal dataset (2) of wild chimpanzees in the Bossou forest, (3) visiting a site for field experiments on nut-cracking. They sampled and analyzed data from five field seasons for five chimpanzees of old age. From this sample, Howard-Spink and colleagues noted a decline in tool-use and tool-use efficiency in some individuals, but not in others. The authors then conclude that there is a measurable effect of senescence on chimpanzee behavior, but that it varies individually. The study has major intellectual value as a building block for future research, but there are several major caveats.
With this study, Howard-Spink and colleagues make a foray into a neglected topic of research: the impact of the physiological and cognitive changes due to senescence on stone tool use in chimpanzees. Based on novelty alone, this is a valuable study. The authors cleverly make use of a longitudinal record covering 17 years of field data, which provides a window into long-term changes in the behavior of wild chimpanzees, which I agree cannot be understood through cross-sectional comparisons.
The metrics of 'efficiency' (see caveats below) are suitable for measuring changes in technological behavior over time, as specifically tailored to the nut-cracking (e.g., time, number of actions, number of strikes, tool changes). The ethogram and the coding protocol are also suitable for studying the target questions and objectives. I would recommend, however, the inclusion of further variables that will assist in improving the amount of valid data that can be extrapolated (see also below).
With this pilot, Howard-Spink and colleagues have established a foundation upon which future research can be designed, including further investigation with the Bossou dataset and other existing video archives, but especially future targeted data collection, which can be designed to overcome some of the limits and confounds that can be identified in the current study.
Although I agree with the reasoning behind conducting this research and understand that, as the authors state, there are logistical considerations that have to be made when planning and executing such a study, there are a number of methodological and theoretical shortcomings that either need to be more explicitly stated by the authors or would require additional data collection and analysis.
One of the main limitations of this study is the small sample size. There are only 5 of the old-aged individuals, which is not enough to draw any inferences about aging for chimpanzees more generally. Howard-Spink and colleagues also study data from only five of the 17 years of recorded data at Bossou. The selection of this subset of data requires clarification: why were these intervals chosen, why this number of data points, and how do we know that it provides a representative picture of the age-related changes of the full 17 years?
With measuring and interpreting the 'efficiency' of behaviors, there are in-built assumptions about the goals of the agents and how we can define efficiency. First, it may be that efficiency is not an intentional goal for nut-cracking at all, but rather, e.g., productivity as far as the number of uncrushed kernels (cf. Putt 2015). Second, what is 'efficient' for the human observer might not be efficient for the chimpanzee who is performing the behavior. More instances of tool-switching may be considered inefficient, but it might also be a valid strategy for extracting more from the nuts, etc. Understanding the goals of chimpanzees may be a difficult proposition, but these are uncertainties that must be kept in mind when interpreting and discussing 'decline' or any change in technological behaviors over time.
For the study of the physiological impact of senescence of tool use (i.e., on strength and coordination), the study would benefit from the inclusion of variables like grip type and (approximate) stone size (Neufuss et al., 2016). The size and shape of stones for nut-cracking have been shown to influence the efficacy and 'efficiency' of tool use (i.e., the same metrics of 'efficiency' implemented by Howard-Spink et al. in the current study), meaning raw material properties are a potential confound that the authors have not evaluated.
Similarly, inter- and intraspecific variation in the properties of nuts being processed is another confound (Falótico et al., 2022; Proffitt et al., 2022). If oil palm nuts were varying year-to-year, for example, this would theoretically have an effect on the behavioral forms and strategies employed by the chimpanzees, and thus, any metric of efficiency being collected and analyzed. Further, it is perplexing that the authors analyze only one year where the coula nuts were provided at the test site, but these were provided during multiple field seasons. It would be more useful to compare data from a similar number of field seasons with both species if we are to study age-related changes in nut processing over time (one season of coula nut-cracking certainly does not achieve this).
Both individual personality (especially neophilia versus neophobia; e.g., Forss & Willems, 2022) and motivation factors (Tennie & Call, 2023) are further confounds that can contribute to a more valid interpretation of the patterns found. To draw any conclusions about age-related changes in diet and food preferences, we would need to have data on the overall food intake/preferences of the individuals and the food availability in the home range. The authors refer briefly to this limitation, but the implications for the interpretation of the data are not sufficiently underlined (e.g., for the relevance of age-related decline in stone tool-use ability for individual survival).
Generally speaking, there is a lack of consideration for temporal variation in ecological factors. As a control for these, Howard-Spink and colleagues have examined behavioral data for younger individuals from Bossou in the same years, to ostensibly show that patterns in older adults are different from patterns in younger adults, which is fair given the available data. Nonetheless, they seem to focus mostly on the start and end points and not patterns that occur in between. For example, there is a curious drop in attendance rate for all individuals in the 2008 season, the implications of which are not discussed by the authors.
As far as attendance, Howard-Spink and colleagues also discuss how this might be explained by changes in social standing in later life (i.e., chimpanzees move to the fringes of the social network and become less likely to visit gathering sites). This is not senescence in the sense of physiological and cognitive decline with older age. Instead, the reduced attendance due to changes in social standing seems rather to exacerbate signs of aging rather than be an indicator of it itself. The authors also mention a flu-like epidemic that caused the death of 5 individuals; the subsequent population decline and related changes in demography also warrant more discussion and characterization in the manuscript.
Understandably, some of these issues cannot be evaluated or corrected with the presented dataset. Nonetheless, these undermine how certain and/or deterministic their conclusions can really be considered. Howard-Spink et al. have not strongly 'demonstrated' the validity of relationships between the variables of the study. If anything, their cursory observations provide us with methods to apply and hypotheses to test in future studies. It is likely that with higher-resolution datasets, the individual variability in age-related decline in tool-use abilities will be replicated. For now, this can be considered a starting point, which will hopefully inspire future attempts to research these questions.
Falótico, T., Valença, T., Verderane, M. & Fogaça, M. D. Stone tools differences across three capuchin monkey populations: food's physical properties, ecology, and culture. Sci. Rep. 12, 14365 (2022).
Forss, S. & Willems, E. The curious case of great ape curiosity and how it is shaped by sociality. Ethology 128, 552-563 (2022).
Neufuss, J., Humle, T., Cremaschi, A. & Kivell, T. L. Nut-cracking behaviour in wild-born, rehabilitated bonobos (Pan paniscus): a comprehensive study of hand-preference, hand grips and efficiency. Am. J. Primatol. 79, e22589 (2016).
Proffitt, T., Reeves, J. S., Pacome, S. S. & Luncz, L. V. Identifying functional and regional differences in chimpanzee stone tool technology. R. Soc. Open Sci. 9, 220826 (2022).
Putt, S. S. The origins of stone tool reduction and the transition to knapping: An experimental approach. J. Archaeol. Sci.: Rep. 2, 51-60 (2015).
Tennie, C. & Call, J. Unmotivated subjects cannot provide interpretable data and tasks with sensitive learning periods require appropriately aged subjects: A Commentary on Koops et al. (2022) "Field experiments find no evidence that chimpanzee nut cracking can be independently innovated". ABC 10, 89-94 (2023).