Pro-inflammatory environment and defective alternative activation of DCs and macrophages in the uterus of ILC2 KO dams
(A) Fold change (FC) in absolute number of indicated cell types between cells in the uterus of dams from ♀ILC2KO x ♂WT (n=7) and ♀WT x ♂WT crosses (n=10) at mid-gestation (gd9.5); (B) Fold change (FC) in absolute number of indicated cell types between cells in the spleen of dams from ♀ILC2KO x ♂WT (n=3) and ♀WT x ♂WT crosses (n=4) at mid-gestation (gd9.5); (C) Relative mRNA expression of type-2 cytokines in the uterus of dams from ♀WT x ♂WT crosses (n=4) and ♀ILC2KO x ♂WT crosses (n=3) at mid-gestation (gd9.5). (D) Relative mRNA expression of type-2 associated genes (Arg1, Retnla, Chi3le, Clec7a, Mrc1 and Il4) and inflammatory associated genes (Myd88, Il1b and Il6) by purified uterine dentritic cells (DCs) and uterine macrophages of dams from ♀WT x ♂WT (n=3, black) and ♀ILC2KO x ♂WT crosses (n=3, blue) at mid-gestation (gd9.5) (n=3 pooled uteri per experiment; n=3 independent experiments). (E, F) Quantified (left) or representative (right) flow cytometry analysis of ARG-1 expression by purified uterine DCs (E) and macrophages (F) of dams from ♀ILC2KO x ♂WT (n=5) and ♀WT x ♂WT crosses (n=3) at mid gestation (gd9.5). Data are displayed as mean ± SEM and were analysed using Student’s t-test.