Ank-G-GFP activation and expression in different experimental models intrinsically highlights the AIS in distinct neuron populations
A Experimental design. Ank-G-GFP expression was triggered by (i) exposure of organotypic slice cultures (OTC) to an AAV-Cre, (ii) injection of AAV-Cre into ank-G-GFP mice, or (iii) breeding of ank-G-GFP mice to different Cre-lines. Anatomical regions are highlighted in green. Cartoons are used throughout the manuscript to indicate the brain regions investigated, the procedure of Cre-activation (heart = breeding with Cre-line; hexagon = AAV infection in vitro or injection in vivo), and tissue types (petri dish = dissociated cells; brain slice = OTC; mouse = cryosection, ex vivo acute slice, and in vivo). B Hippocampal OTC at days in vitro (DIV) 14 from ank-G-GFP mice exposed to AAV expressing Cre-recombinase under the synapsin promotor (AAV5-pmSyn1-EBFP-Cre). Ank-G-GFP+ AIS (left, green arrowheads) colabeled with βIV-spectrin (middle, magenta arrowheads) in pyramidal neurons; merged channels (right). Scale bar = 5 µm. C Cryosection prepared from an ank-G-GFP animal injected with a synapsin-Cre-tdTomato AAV 3 weeks after injection. The ank-G-GFP+ AIS (left, green arrowheads) is clearly discernible. Immunostaining against βIV-spectrin (middle, magenta arrowheads) indicates the same AIS (right, merged). Note the ank-G-GFP+ somatic envelop of hippocampal excitatory neurons (left, asterisks). Scale bar = 10 µm. D An ex vivo acute slice prepared from the hippocampus of an ank-G-GFP mouse injected with a combination of AAV1-hDlx-Flex-dTomato-Fishell_7 and AAV1-hSyn. Cre.WPRE.hGH. The tdTomato-positive interneuron (middle and right, magenta) is endowed with an ank-G-GFP+ AIS (left, green arrowhead). Scale bar = 10 µm. E Cryosection of neocortex from an ank-G-GFP x CaMKIIa-Cre mouse, highlighting ank-G-GFP+-AIS (left and middle, green arrowheads) and ank-G-GFP-, but βIV-spectrin+-AIS (middle, magenta arrowheads) in layer II pyramidal neurons; merged channels (right). Scale bar = 10 µm. F Retinal whole mount preparation from an ank-G-GFP x CaMKI-Ia-Cre mouse. The image shows a peripheral aspect of the retina. The overlap of ank-G-GFP+ AIS with the colabeling of ank-G is predominant (green and magenta arrowheads in all panels), indicating that likely all RCG express CaMKII and consequently, all AIS are positive for both GFP and the intrinsic AIS marker ankyrin-G. Scale bar = 20 µm. G A cerebellar ex vivo acute slice prepared from ank-G-GFP x PV-Cre mice. This Purkinje cell was filled with biocytin via a patch pipette and stained with Streptavidin (right, magenta). The ank-G-GFP+ AIS (left, green arrowhead, magnified from boxed region in right panel) is clearly discernible from surrounding ank-G-GFP-, βIV-spectrin+ AIS (middle, cyan arrowheads). Scale bar (left and middle) = 10 µm, right = 20 µm.