Modular iSBH-sgRNA designs enable spatial separation of spacer and trigger-sensing sequences. A. In second-generation iSBH-sgRNAs, RNA triggers are complementary with the iSBH-sgRNA backfolds, thus sgRNA spacers influence RNA trigger sequences. In modular iSBH-sgRNAs, design constrains were eliminated as triggers are only complementary with the iSBH-sgRNA loop and first 15nt of the backfold. To increase affinity between iSBH-sgRNAs and RNA triggers, we increased loop sizes. Separation between trigger-sensing and spacer sequences was also achieved by reducing the complementary between the spacer sequence and CTS from 20 to 17nt. B. MODesign enables users to design modular iSBH-sgRNAs starting from input RNA triggers, sgRNA spacers and loop sizes. MODesign calculates the size of trigger-sensing sequences and creates a list of trigger sub-sequences having that size. Script determines the reverse complement of these sequences that could act as trigger-sensing sequences. iSBH-sgRNAs are assembled through adding spacer*, trigger-sensing sequences, extension, spacer and scaffold sequences. Extension sequences are engineered to be partially complementary with trigger-sensing sequences. Before producing a list of output sequences, iSBH-sgRNA folding is checked using NuPACK (Allouche (2012)). Simulations could result in multiple modular iSBH-sgRNA designs. Designs chosen for experimental validation were selected based on the probability of folding into the iSBH-sgRNA structure and lack of trigger secondary structures in the iSBH-sgRNA complementary region. Priority was also given to iSBH-sgRNAs that, by chance, displayed extra complementarity between RNA triggers and the last 15nt of the backfold or more than 17nt complementarity with the CTS. C. MODesign simulations were carried out for designing iSBH-sgRNAs capable of sensing trigger RNA D (146nt eRNA sequence). In each simulation, a different sgRNA sequence was used and a desired loop size of 14nt was kept constant between simulations. Selected designs were transfected to HEK293T cells together with the RNA trigger D sequence (expressed from a U6 promoter). Tests were carried out using dCas9-Vp64 and 8xCTS-ECFP reporters. D. MODesign simulations were run for designing iSBH-sgRNAs capable of sensing trigger RNA A (146nt repetitive RNA sequence), trigger RNA B (267nt repetitive RNA sequence), trigger RNA C (268nt repetitive RNA sequence) and trigger RNA D (146nt eRNA sequence). Tests were performed using different CRISPRa effectors. E. 4 modular iSBH-sgRNAs (A,B,C and D) were co-transfected to HEK293T cells and all iSBH-sgRNA: RNA trigger combinations were tested. Figure shows mean +/-standard deviation values measured for 3 biological replicates. P-values were determined through unpaired t-tests.
Figure 3—figure supplement 1. Modular iSBH-sgRNA designs enable spatial separation of spacer and trigger-sensing sequences.