ARID1A influences the chromatin composition of the sex body
(A-B) Arid1aWT and Arid1acKO pachytene spermatocytes immunolabelled for HORMAD1 (magenta), (A) ARID1A (cyan) and H3.3 (green), (B) ARID1A (green) and H3.1/3.2 (cyan). (A-B) Proportion (%) of Arid1aWT and Arid1acKOearly, mid, and late pachytene spermatocytes displaying distinct (A) H3.3, (B) H3.1/3.2 localization patterns with the sex body. For H3.3 immunostaining, the total number of Arid1aWT pachytene spermatocytes: early = 144, mid= 274, late= 95; Arid1acKO pachytene spermatocytes: early = 43, mid= 86, late= 55, were scored, from 3 replicates each. For H3.1/3.2 immunostaining, the total number of Arid1aWTpachytene spermatocytes: early = 91, mid= 124, late= 45; Arid1acKOpachytene spermatocytes: early = 22, mid= 116, late= 58, were scored, from 3 replicates each. DNA counterstained with DAPI (blue). The sex chromosomes (yellow arrow) and sex body (yellow dashed circle) are labeled. Scale bar:15 μm, magnification: 100x. Brightness of the whole image panel (Fig. 5) was increased by compressing the dynamic range of the image panels using Adobe photoshop (0-1-255 to 0-1-150).