Contacts between TCRɑ AB loop, TCRβ H3 helix and the TCRβ FG loop and the CD3 proteins
(A) Side (left) and top view (right) of the TCR-CD3 cryo-EM structure. The TCRɑ AB loop, TCRβ H3 helix and the TCRβ FG loop are located far from the TCR-pMHC binding interface and are out of reach of the CD3 proteins. The CD3 proteins with extracellular domains (CD3δ, CD3ε and CD3γ) are located at the opposite side of the TCRɑβ chains, while the CD3ζ chains lack an extracellular domain. Approximate TCR-pMHC binding face is indicated. TCRɑ in green with the AB loop in fuchsia, TCRβ is shown in yellow with the H3 helix in purple and the FG loop in blue, the CD3 protein chains are colored grey for clarity. Structure from PDB code 6JXR15. Cumulative contacts between different CD3 chains and the TCRα AB loop (B), TCRβ H3 helix (C), and the TCRβ FG loop (D) in the TCR-CD3 (green) and TCR-CD3-pMHC simulations (purple). Contacts are summed over all simulations and shown as a graded color, where each step in the gradient represents contacts from a single simulation. Residue numbers in the TCRα or TCRβ chains are shown on the x-axis. (E-F) Simulation snapshots illustrating the role of the TCRβ FG loop. In the TCR-CD3 simulations the FG loop blocked the diffusion of CD3εγ (panel E). Upon TCR-pMHC binding, the TCR elongated, and the FG loop moved up, allowing the diffusion of the CD3 proteins alongside TCRβ. TCRβ is shown in yellow with the FG loop in blue, CD3εγ in viridian green, and the pMHC in purple, other protein chains are colored grey for clarity.