Cox PH regression results for all tested outcomes.
Log hazard ratios (log(HR)) and 95% confidence intervals of the tri-SNP 101 haplotype as well as the known risk factors FDR and sex from the Cox PH models for outcomes T1D (A), IA (B), IAA-first (C), GADA-first (D), CD (E) and CDA (F), using the entire cohort (left) or only the DR3-DQ2 homozygote individuals (right). Dashed vertical line at 0 indicating an HR of 1 (log(HR) = 0), i.e. no effect on risk. Left side of the vertical line indicates reduced risk vs increased risk on the right side. Whiskers indicate 95% CI around HR. The model assesses the independent risk/protection afforded by each covariate compared to the baseline for categorical covariates FDR and sex for which the baselines are having no FDR and female sex, respectively. Tri-SNP 101 is modeled numerically, so the HR reported is per each additional 101 allele.