Basolateral amygdala oscillations enable fear learning in a biophysical model

  1. Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, United States
  2. Department of Biology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, United States

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, public reviews, and a provisional response from the authors.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Laura Colgin
    University of Texas at Austin, Austin, United States of America
  • Senior Editor
    Laura Colgin
    University of Texas at Austin, Austin, United States of America

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

Plasticity in the basolateral amygdala (BLA) is thought to underlie the formation of associative memories between neutral and aversive stimuli, i.e. fear memory. Concomitantly, fear learning modifies the expression of BLA theta rhythms, which may be supported by local interneurons. Several of these interneuron subtypes, PV+, SOM+, and VIP+, have been implicated in the acquisition of fear memory. However, it was unclear how they might act synergistically to produce BLA rhythms that structure the spiking of principal neurons so as to promote plasticity. Cattani et al. explored this question using small network models of biophysically detailed interneurons and principal neurons.

Using this approach, the authors had four principal findings:
(1) Intrinsic conductances in VIP+ interneurons generate a slow theta rhythm that periodically inhibits PV+ and SOM+ interneurons, while disinhibiting principal neurons.
(2) A gamma rhythm arising from the interaction between PV+ and principal neurons establishes the precise timing needed for spike-timing-dependent plasticity.
(3) Removal of any of the interneuron subtypes abolishes conditioning-related plasticity.
(4) Learning-related changes in principal cell connectivity enhance the expression of slow theta in the local field potential.

The strength of this work is that it explores the role of multiple interneuron subtypes in the formation of associative plasticity in the basolateral amygdala. The authors use biophysically detailed cell models that capture many of their core electrophysiological features, which helps translate their results into concrete hypotheses that can be tested in vivo. Moreover, they try to align the connectivity and afferent drive of their model with those found experimentally. However, the weakness is that their attempt to align with the experimental literature (specifically Krabbe et al. 2019) is performed inconsistently. Some connections between cell types were excluded without adequate justification (e.g. SOM+ to PV+). In addition, the construction of the afferent drive to the network does not reflect the stimulus presentations that are given in fear conditioning tasks. For instance, the authors only used a single training trial, the conditioning stimulus was tonic instead of pulsed, the unconditioned stimulus duration was artificially extended in time, and its delivery overlapped with the neutral stimulus, instead of following its offset. These deviations undercut the applicability of their findings.

This study partly achieves its aim of understanding how networks of biophysically distinctive interneurons interact to generate nested rhythms that coordinate the spiking of principal neurons. What still remains to demonstrate is that this promotes plasticity for training protocols that emulate what is used in studies of fear conditioning.

Setting aside the issues with the conditioning protocol, the study offers a model for the generation of multiple rhythms in the BLA that is ripe for experimental testing. The most promising avenue would be in vivo experiments testing the role of local VIP+ neurons in the generation of slow theta. That would go a long way to resolving whether BLA theta is locally generated or inherited from medial prefrontal cortex or ventral hippocampus afferents.

The broader importance of this work is that it illustrates that we must examine the function of neurons not just in terms of their behavioral correlates, but by their effects on the microcircuit they are embedded within. No one cell type is instrumental in producing fear learning in the BLA. Each contributes to the orchestration of network activity to produce plasticity. Moreover, this study reinforces a growing literature highlighting the crucial role of theta and gamma rhythms in BLA function.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

The authors of this study have investigated how oscillations may promote fear learning using a network model. They distinguished three types of rhythmic activities and implemented an STDP rule to the network aiming to understand the mechanisms underlying fear learning in the BLA. My comments are the following.

(1) Gamma oscillations are generated locally; thus, it is appropriate to model in any cortical structure. However, the generation of theta rhythms is based on the interplay of many brain areas therefore local circuits may not be sufficient to model these oscillations. Moreover, to generate the classical theta, a laminal structure arrangement is needed (where neurons form layers like in the hippocampus and cortex)(Buzsaki, 2002), which is clearly not present in the BLA. To date, I am not aware of any study which has demonstrated that theta is generated in the BLA. All studies that recorded theta in the BLA performed the recordings referenced to a ground electrode far away from the BLA, an approach that can easily pick up volume conducted theta rhythm generated e.g., in the hippocampus or other layered cortical structure. To clarify whether theta rhythm can be generated locally, one should have conducted recordings referenced to a local channel (see Lalla et al., 2017 eNeuro). In summary, at present, there is no evidence that theta can be generated locally within the BLA. Though, there can be BLA neurons, firing of which shows theta rhythmicity, e.g., driven by hippocampal afferents at theta rhythm, this does not mean that theta rhythm per se can be generated within the BLA as the structure of the BLA does not support generation of rhythmic current dipoles. This questions the rationale of using theta as a proxy for BLA network function which does not necessarily reflect the population activity of local principal neurons in contrast to that seen in the hippocampus.

(2) The authors distinguished low and high theta. This may be misleading, as the low theta they refer to is basically a respiratory-driven rhythm typically present during an attentive state (Karalis and Sirota, 2022; Bagur et al., 2021, etc.). Thus, it would be more appropriate to use breathing-driven oscillations instead of low theta. Again, this rhythm is not generated by the BLA circuits, but by volume conducted into this region. Yet, the firing of BLA neurons can still be entrained by this oscillation. I think it is important to emphasize the difference.

(3) The authors implemented three interneuron types in their model, ignoring a large fraction of GABAergic cells present in the BLA (Vereczki et al., 2021). Recently, the microcircuit organization of the BLA has been more thoroughly uncovered, including connectivity details for PV interneurons, firing features of neurochemically identified interneurons (instead of mRNA expression-based identification, Sosulina et al., 2010), synaptic properties between distinct interneuron types as well as principal cells and interneurons using paired recordings. These recent findings would be vital to incorporate into the model instead of using results obtained in the hippocampus and neocortex. I am not sure that a realistic model can be achieved by excluding many interneuron types.

(4) The authors set the reversal potential of GABA-A receptor-mediated currents to -80 mV. What was the rationale for choosing this value? The reversal potential of IPSCs has been found to be -54 mV in fast-spiking (i.e., parvalbumin) interneurons and around -72 mV in principal cells (Martina et al., 2001, Veres et al., 2017).

(5) Proposing neuropeptide VIP as a key factor for learning is interesting. Though, it is not clear why this peptide is more important in fear learning in comparison to SST and CCK, which are also abundant in the BLA and can effectively regulate the circuit operation in cortical areas.

Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

The authors present a biophysically detailed model of the basolateral amygdala (BLA) that is capable of fear learning through a depression-dominated spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP) mechanism. Furthermore, the model also replicates experimentally measured rhythmic signatures of baseline amygdala activity and changes of these signatures during and after fear learning. The authors furthermore carefully dissect the contributions of the three different types of interneurons (parvalbumin-positive (PV), somatostatin-positive (SOM), and vaso-active peptide-positive (VIP) interneurons) in regulating network activity to allow for the association between conditioned and unconditioned stimuli.

The biophysical detail of the model allows the authors to go beyond a simple modelling of the fear learning process in terms of spiking activity of the principal cells and to link the associative learning to several oscillatory rhythms in the BLA, namely high and low theta and gamma rhythms. This provides an understanding of the generation and function of these rhythms in the baseline amygdala circuit as well as of the functional consequences of alterations of these rhythms during and after the fear learning process. This offers a new and uniquely detailed insight into the mechanistic level.

The main weakness of the approach is the lack of experimental data from the BLA to constrain the biophysical models. This forces the authors to use models based on other brain regions and leaves open the question of whether the model really faithfully represents the basolateral amygdala circuitry. Furthermore, the authors chose to use model neurons without a representation of the morphology. However, given that PV and SOM cells are known to preferentially target different parts of pyramidal cells and given that the model relies on a strong inhibition form SOM to silence pyramidal cells, the question arises whether SOM inhibition at the apical dendrite in a model representing pyramidal cell morphology would still be sufficient to provide enough inhibition to silence pyramidal firing. Lastly, the fear learning relies on the presentation of the unconditioned stimulus over a long period of time (40 seconds). The authors justify this long-lasting input as reflecting not only the stimulus itself but as a memory of the US that is present over this extended time period. However, the experimental evidence for this presented in the paper is only very weak.

The authors achieved the aim of constructing a biophysically detailed model of the BLA not only capable of fear learning but also showing spectral signatures seen in vivo. The presented results support the conclusions with the exception of a potential alternative circuit mechanism demonstrating fear learning based on a classical Hebbian (i.e. non-depression-dominated) plasticity rule, which would not require the intricate interplay between the inhibitory interneurons. This alternative circuit is mentioned but a more detailed comparison between it and the proposed circuitry is warranted.

The presented model demonstrates how the complex interplay between different types of interneurons is able to precisely control neural activity to enable learning to happen. Furthermore, the presented work shows this interactive control of activity by the interneurons gives rise to specific oscillatory signatures. Since the three types of interneurons considered here are found throughout the brain, the findings will likely have a big impact on other studies of interneuron function and learning in general.

Author Response

We thank the reviewers for their work and their thoughtfulness. However, it seems to us that much (but not all) of the critique reflects a misunderstanding of the goals and methods of computational modeling. Details are below. We are grateful for the opportunity to include our views about this in the context of our replies to the Public Critiques of our paper. The comments of the reviewers were very helpful in allowing us to see what might not be clear to our readers.

eLife assessment

This useful modeling study explores how the biophysical properties of interneuron subtypes in the basolateral amygdala enable them to produce nested oscillations whose interactions facilitate functions such as spike-timing-dependent plasticity. The strength of evidence is currently viewed as incomplete because the relevance to plasticity induced by fear conditioning is viewed as insufficiently grounded in existing training protocols and prior experimental results, and alternative explanations are not sufficiently considered. This work will be of interest to investigators studying circuit mechanisms of fear conditioning as well as rhythms in the basolateral amygdala.

Most of our comments below are intended to rebut the sentence: “The strength of evidence is currently viewed as incomplete because the relevance to plasticity induced by fear conditioning is viewed as insufficiently grounded in existing training protocols and prior experimental results, and alternative explanations are not sufficiently considered”. Details are below in the answer to reviewers.

We believe this work will be interesting to investigators interested in dynamics associated with plasticity, which goes beyond fear learning. It will also be of interest because of its emphasis on the interactions of multiple kinds of interneurons that produce dynamics used in plasticity, in the cortex (which has similar interneurons) as well as BLA.

We note that the model has sufficiently detailed physiology to make many predictions that can be tested experimentally. In the revision, we will be more explicit about this.

We thank Reviewer #1 for stressing our work's important contribution to providing concrete hypotheses that can be tested in vivo and highlighting the importance of examining in the future the synergistic role of the interneurons in the BLA in fear learning in the BLA. The weaknesses reported by the Reviewer concern deviations of the model compared to the experimental literature. We describe below why we think those differences are minor in the context of the aims of our model. Specifically,

  1. Some connections among neurons in the BLA reported by (Krabbe et al., 2019) have not been taken into account in the model. Some connections between cell types were excluded without adequate justification (e.g. SOM+ to PV+).

In order to constrain our model, we focused on what is reported in (Krabbe et al., 2019) in terms of functional connectivity instead of structural connectivity. Thus, we included only those connections for which there was strong functional connectivity. For example, the SOM+ to PV+ connection is shown to be small (Supp. Fig. 4, panel t). We also omitted PV+ to SOM+, PV+ to VIP+, SOM+ to VIP+, VIP+ to excitatory projection neurons; all of these are shown in (Krabbe et al. 2019, Fig. 3 (panel l), and Supp. Fig. 4 (panels m,t)) to have weak functional connectivity, at least in the context of fear conditioning. See below for comments on modeling strategies. We will explain this better in our revision.

  1. The construction of the afferent drive to the network does not reflect the stimulus presentations that are given in fear conditioning tasks. For instance, the authors only used a single training trial, the conditioning stimulus was tonic instead of pulsed, the unconditioned stimulus duration was artificially extended in time, and its delivery overlapped with the neutral stimulus, instead of following its offset. These deviations undercut the applicability of their findings.

Regarding the use of a single long presentation of US rather than multiple presentations (i.e., multiple trials): in early versions of this paper, we did indeed use multiple presentations. We were told by experimental colleagues that the learning could be achieved in a single trial. We note that, if there are multiple presentations in our modeling, nothing changes; once the association between CS and US is learned, the conductance of the synapse is stable. Also, our model does not need a long period of US if there are multiple presentations. This point will be made clearer in our revision.

We agree that, in order to implement the fear conditioning paradigm in our in-silico network, we made several assumptions about the nature of the CS and US inputs affecting the neurons in the BLA and the duration of these inputs. A Poisson spike train to the BLA is a signal that contains no structure that could influence the timing of the BLA output; hence, we used this as our CS input signal. We also note that the CS input can be of many forms in general fear conditioning (e.g., tone, light, odor), and we wished to de-emphasize the specific nature of the CS. The reference mentioned in the Recommendations for authors, (Quirk, Armony, and LeDoux 1997), uses pulses 2 seconds long. At the end of fear conditioning, the response to those pulses is brief. However, in the early stages of conditioning, the response goes on for as long as the figure shows. The authors do show the number of cells responding decreases from early to late training, which perhaps reflects increasing specificity over training. This feature is not currently in our model, but we look forward to thinking about how it might be incorporated. Regarding the CS pulsed protocol used in (Krabbe et al., 2019), it has been shown that intense inputs (6kHz and 12 kHz inputs) can lead to metabotropic effects that last much longer than the actual input (200 ms duration) (Whittington et al., Nature, 1995). Thus, the effective input to the BLA may indeed be more like Poisson.

Our model requires the effect of the CS and US inputs on the BLA neuron activity to overlap in time in order to instantiate fear learning. Despite paradigms involving both overlapping (delay conditioning, where US coterminates with CS (Lindquist et al., 2004), or immediately follows CS (e.g., Krabbe et al., 2019)) and non-overlapping (trace conditioning) CS/US inputs existing in the literature, we hypothesized that concomitant activity in CS- and US-encoding neuron activity should be crucial in both cases. This may be mediated by the memory effect, as suggested in the Discussion of our paper, or by metabotropic effects as suggested above, or by the contribution from other brain regions. We will emphasize in our revision that the overlap in time, however instantiated, is a hypothesis of our model. It is hard to see how plasticity can occur without some memory trace of US. This is a consequence of our larger hypothesis that fear learning uses spike-timing-dependent plasticity; such a hypothesis about plasticity is common in the modeling literature. We will discuss these points in more detail in our revision.

We thank Reviewer #2 for their comments. Below, we reply to each of them:

  1. Gamma oscillations are generated locally; thus, it is appropriate to model in any cortical structure. However, the generation of theta rhythms is based on the interplay of many brain areas therefore local circuits may not be sufficient to model these oscillations. Moreover, to generate the classical theta, a laminal structure arrangement is needed (where neurons form layers like in the hippocampus and cortex)(Buzsaki, 2002), which is clearly not present in the BLA. To date, I am not aware of any study which has demonstrated that theta is generated in the BLA. All studies that recorded theta in the BLA performed the recordings referenced to a ground electrode far away from the BLA, an approach that can easily pick up volume conducted theta rhythm generated e.g., in the hippocampus or other layered cortical structure. To clarify whether theta rhythm can be generated locally, one should have conducted recordings referenced to a local channel (see Lalla et al., 2017 eNeuro). In summary, at present, there is no evidence that theta can be generated locally within the BLA. Though, there can be BLA neurons, firing of which shows theta rhythmicity, e.g., driven by hippocampal afferents at theta rhythm, this does not mean that theta rhythm per se can be generated within the BLA as the structure of the BLA does not support generation of rhythmic current dipoles. This questions the rationale of using theta as a proxy for BLA network function which does not necessarily reflect the population activity of local principal neurons in contrast to that seen in the hippocampus.

In both modeling and experiments, a laminar structure does not seem to be needed to produce a theta rhythm. A recent experimental paper, (Antonoudiou et al. 2021), suggests that the BLA can intrinsically generate theta oscillations (3-12 Hz) detectable by LFP recordings under certain conditions, such as reduced inhibitory tone. The authors draw this conclusion by looking at mice ex vivo slices. The currents that generate these rhythms are in the BLA, since the hippocampus was removed to eliminate hippocampal volume conduction and other nearby brain structures did not display any oscillatory activity. Also, in the modeling literature, there are multiple examples of the production of theta rhythms in small networks not involving layers; these papers explain the mechanisms producing theta from non-laminated structures (Dudman et al., 2009, Kispersky et al., 2010, Chartove et al. 2020). We are not aware of any model description of the mechanisms of theta that do require layers.

  1. The authors distinguished low and high theta. This may be misleading, as the low theta they refer to is basically a respiratory-driven rhythm typically present during an attentive state (Karalis and Sirota, 2022; Bagur et al., 2021, etc.). Thus, it would be more appropriate to use breathing-driven oscillations instead of low theta. Again, this rhythm is not generated by the BLA circuits, but by volume conducted into this region. Yet, the firing of BLA neurons can still be entrained by this oscillation. I think it is important to emphasize the difference.

Many rhythms of the nervous system can be generated in multiple parts of the brain by multiple mechanisms. We do not dispute that low theta appears in the context of respiration; however, this does not mean that other rhythms with the same frequencies are driven by respiration. Indeed, in the above answer we showed that theta can appear in the BLA without inputs from other regions. In our paper, the low theta is generated in the BLA by VIP+ neurons. Using intrinsic currents known to exist in VIP+ neurons (Porter et al., 1998), modeling has shown that such neurons can intrinsically produce a low theta rhythm. This is also shown in the current paper. This example is part of a substantial literature showing that there are multiple mechanisms for any given frequency band. We will emphasize these points in our revision; we note that, for any individual case, such as this one, the mechanism needs to be tested experimentally.

  1. The authors implemented three interneuron types in their model, ignoring a large fraction of GABAergic cells present in the BLA (Vereczki et al., 2021). Recently, the microcircuit organization of the BLA has been more thoroughly uncovered, including connectivity details for PV+ interneurons, firing features of neurochemically identified interneurons (instead of mRNA expression-based identification, Sosulina et al., 2010), synaptic properties between distinct interneuron types as well as principal cells and interneurons using paired recordings. These recent findings would be vital to incorporate into the model instead of using results obtained in the hippocampus and neocortex. I am not sure that a realistic model can be achieved by excluding many interneuron types.

The interneurons and connectivity that we used were inspired by the functional connectivity reported in (Krabbe et al., 2019) (see above answer to Reviewer #1). As reported in (Vereczki et al., 2021), there are multiple categories and subcategories of interneurons; that paper does not report on which ones are essential for fear conditioning. We did use all the highly represented categories of the interneurons, except NPY-containing neurogliaform cells.

The Reviewer says “I am not sure that a realistic model can be achieved by excluding many interneuron types”. We agree with the Reviewer that discarding the introduction of other interneurons subtypes and the description of more specific connectivity (soma-, dendrite-, and axon-targeting connections) may limit the ability of our model to describe all the details in the BLA. However, this work represents a first effort towards a biophysically detailed description of the BLA rhythms and their function. As in any modeling approach, assumptions about what to describe and test are determined by the scientific question; details postulated to be less relevant are omitted to obtain clarity. The interneuron subtypes we modeled, especially VIP+ and PV+, have been reported to have a crucial role in fear conditioning (Krabbe et al., 2019). Other interneurons, e.g. cholecystokinin and SOM+, have been suggested as essential in fear extinction. Thus, in the follow-up of this work to explain fear extinction, we will introduce other cell types and connectivity. In the current work, we have achieved our goals of explaining the origin of the experimentally found rhythms and their roles in the production of plasticity underlying fear learning. Of course, a more detailed model may reveal flaws in this explanation, but this is science that has not been yet done.

  1. The authors set the reversal potential of GABA-A receptor-mediated currents to -80 mV. What was the rationale for choosing this value? The reversal potential of IPSCs has been found to be -54 mV in fast-spiking (i.e., parvalbumin) interneurons and around -72 mV in principal cells (Martina et al., 2001, Veres et al., 2017).

A GABA-A reversal potential around -80 mV is common in the modeling literature (Jensen et al., 2005; Traub et al., 2005; Kumar et al., 2011; Chartove et al., 2020). Other computational works of the amygdala, e.g. (Kim et al., 2016), consider GABA-A reversal potential at -75 mV based on the cortex (Durstewitz et al., 2000). The papers cited by the reviewer have a GABA-A reversal potential of -72 mV for synapses onto pyramidal cells; this is sufficiently close to our model that it is not likely to make a difference. For synapses onto PV+ cells, the papers cited by the reviewer suggest that the GABA-A reversal potential is -54 mV; such a reversal potential would lead these synapses to be excitatory instead of inhibitory. However, it is known (Krabbe et al., 2019; Supp. Fig. 4b) that such synapses are in fact inhibitory. Thus, we wonder if the measurements of Martina and Veres were made in a condition very different from that of Krabbe. For all these reasons, we consider a GABA-A reversal potential around -80 mV in amygdala to be a reasonable assumption. We will discuss these points in our revision.

  1. Proposing neuropeptide VIP as a key factor for learning is interesting. Though, it is not clear why this peptide is more important in fear learning in comparison to SST and CCK, which are also abundant in the BLA and can effectively regulate the circuit operation in cortical areas.

We do not think that VIP is necessarily more fundamental in fear learning, and certainly not for fear extinction. We will make this clear in the revision.

We thank Reviewer #3 for their comments and for recognizing that we achieved our modeling aims. We reply to the criticisms below.


The main weakness of the approach is the lack of experimental data from the BLA to constrain the biophysical models. This forces the authors to use models based on other brain regions and leaves open the question of whether the model really faithfully represents the basolateral amygdala circuitry. Furthermore, the authors chose to use model neurons without a representation of the morphology. However, given that PV+ and SOM+ cells are known to preferentially target different parts of pyramidal cells and given that the model relies on a strong inhibition form SOM to silence pyramidal cells, the question arises whether SOM inhibition at the apical dendrite in a model representing pyramidal cell morphology would still be sufficient to provide enough inhibition to silence pyramidal firing. Lastly, the fear learning relies on the presentation of the unconditioned stimulus over a long period of time (40 seconds). The authors justify this long-lasting input as reflecting not only the stimulus itself but as a memory of the US that is present over this extended time period. However, the experimental evidence for this presented in the paper is only very weak.

Many of these issues were addressed in the previous responses.

  1. Our neurons were constrained by electrophysiology properties in response to hyperpolarizing currents in the BLA (Sosulina et al., 2010). We choose the specific currents, known to be present in these neurons, to replicate those responses.

  2. Though a much more detailed description of BLA interneurons was given in (Vereczki et al., 2021), it is not clear that this level of detail is relevant to the questions that we were asking, especially since the experiments described were not done in the context of fear learning.

  3. It is true that we did not include the morphology, which undoubtedly makes a difference to some aspects of the circuit dynamics. As we described above, modeling requires the omission of many details to bring out the significance of other details.

  4. As described above, some form of memory or overlap in the activity of the excitatory projection neurons is necessary for spike-timing-dependent plasticity. In modeling, one must be specific about hypotheses, and describe why they are plausible, if not proved; indeed, modeling can explain known phenomena by showing how they are consequences of some (plausible) hypotheses, which themselves are open to experimental verification.

  5. The 40 seconds is not necessary if there are multiple presentations.

Other critiques:

  1. It is correct that PV+ and SOM+ preferentially target different parts of excitatory projection neurons and that the model relies on a strong inhibition from SOM+ and PV+ to silence the excitatory projection neurons. This choice of parameters comes from using simplified models: it is standard in modeling to adjust parameters to compensate for simplifications.

  2. The SOM+ inhibition of the pyramidal cell firing can be seen as a hypothesis of our model. It is well known that VIP+ cells disinhibit pyramidal cells through inhibition of SOM+ and PV+ cells, which is all we are using in our model; hence this hypothesis is generally believed.

The authors achieved the aim of constructing a biophysically detailed model of the BLA not only capable of fear learning but also showing spectral signatures seen in vivo. The presented results support the conclusions with the exception of a potential alternative circuit mechanism demonstrating fear learning based on a classical Hebbian (i.e. non-depression-dominated) plasticity rule, which would not require the intricate interplay between the inhibitory interneurons. This alternative circuit is mentioned but a more detailed comparison between it and the proposed circuitry is warranted.

We agree with the reviewer that it would be good to have a more detailed comparison with the classical Hebbian rule (non-depression-dominated rule). However, we demonstrated in Supplementary Materials that the non-depression-dominated rule is less robust and only operates within a limited window of PV+ excitation. We will have a more robust discussion of plasticity in the revision.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation