ELF3 upregulation is induced by replication stress via the ATR-Chk1-E2F axis and by BRCA1 deficiency via GATA3 transcription.
(A) Spearman correlation analysis of ELF3 expression levels and replication stress scores in normal mammary tissue from noncarriers (left) and BRCA1 mutation carriers (right). Expression data is from single-cell RNAseq data, including 3 BRCA1 WT patients and 4 BRCA1 mutant patients. All cells (normal cells and tumor cells) are involving, and ELF3 expression was normalized by reads in each cell.
(B) Western blot and RT–qPCR results of MCF10A cells treated with the indicated drugs for 12 h. Drug concentration: HU 1 mM, ATRi (VE821) 10 μM, ATMi (KU5593) 10 μM.
(C) Western blot and RT–qPCR results of MCF10A cells treated with the indicated drugs for 12 h. Drug concentrations: HU 1 mM, ATRi (VE821) 10 μM, Chk1i (GDC-0575) 50 μM, Chk2i (BML-277) 10 μM.
(D) Western blot results of MCF10A cells transfected with the empty vector or Myc-E2F6 and treated with DMSO or 1 mM HU for 12 h.
(E) ChIP-Seq enrichment signal (green plot, ENCODE ENCFF858GLM; data are representative of two independent experiments) and the location of detected peaks (black line, ENCODE ENCFF692OYJ; irreproducible discovery rate (IDR) thresholded peaks) of E2F1 in MCF7 cells from the ENCODE database.
(F) ELF3 expression changes as BRCA1 deficiency duration increases. ELF3 expression levels are indicated by the CPM of the RNA-Seq results (means ± SD, n=3).
(G) Western blot and RT–qPCR results of MCF10A cells transfected with siNC or siBRCA1 for 48 h.
(H) RT–qPCR results of MCF10A cells transfected with siNC or siGATA3 for 48 h.
(I) ChIP-Seq enrichment signal (yellow plot up, ENCODE ENCFF384CPN; yellow plot down, ENCODE ENCFF342GNN. Data are representative of two independent experiments) and the location of detected peaks (black line up, ENCODE ENCFF352QVM; black line down, ENCODE ENCFF437NQS; both are irreproducible discovery rate (IDR) thresholded peaks) of GATA3 in MCF7 cells from two independent studies (ENCSR423RTK and ENCSR000BST) from the ENCODE database. The motif sequences were obtained from the JASPAR database.
(J) RT–qPCR results of MCF10A cells transfected with the indicated siRNA for 48 h.
(K) Western blot and RT–qPCR results of MCF10A cells transfected with siNC or siBRCA1 for 24 h followed by treatment with DMSO or 1 mM HU for 12 h.
(L) RT–qPCR results of MCF10A cells transfected with siNC or siGATA3 for 24 h followed by treatment with 1 mM HU for 12 h. In all panels of RT–qPCR results, data are presented as the mean ± SD, n=3, *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001; ns, no significance, by paired two-tailed Student’s t test.