Additional boxplots of median per-population copy number for various subsets of metabolic pathways and metagenome samples.
A) 33 modules enriched in HMI populations from (Watson et al. 2023) compared to the 33 IBD-enriched modules from this study, with medians computed in the set of deeply-sequenced healthy (n = 229) and IBD (n = 101) samples. B) The 33 IBD-enriched modules from this study, with medians computed in the set of deeply-sequenced healthy (n = 229), non-IBD (n = 78), and IBD (n = 101) samples. C) All KEGG modules (n = 117) with non-zero copy number in at least one sample, with medians computed in the set of deeply-sequenced healthy (n = 229) and IBD (n = 101) samples. D) All biosynthesis modules (n = 88) from the KEGG MODULE database, with medians computed in the set of deeply-sequenced healthy (n = 229) and IBD (n = 101) samples. Where applicable, dashed lines indicate the overall median for all modules, and solid lines connect the points for the same module in each sample group. The IBD sample group is highlighted in red, the NONIBD group in pink, and the HEALTHY group in blue.