PlAMV-induced activation of CPK3 in N. benthamiana induces its confinement and clustering in PM domains
A. Confocal images of the surface view of N. benthamiana epidermal cells transiently expressing ProUbi10:CPK3-mRFP1.2, ProUbi10:CPK3-mRFP1.2 + PlAMV-GFP or ProUbi10:CPK3CA-mRFP1.2. Scale bar = 5µm
B. Representative trajectories of ProUbi10:CPK3-mEOS3.2, ProUbi10:CPK3.2-mEOS3.2 + PlAMV and ProUbi10:CPK3CA-mEOS3.2. Scale bar = 2µm.
C. Distribution of the diffusion coefficient (D), represented as log(D) for ProUbi10:CPK3-mEOS3.2, ProUbi10:CPK3-mEOS3.2 + PlAMV-GFP and ProUbi10:CPK3CA-mEOS3.2. Data were acquired from at least 6144 trajectories obtained in at least 15 cells over the course of three independent experiments.
D. Box plots of the fraction of immobile proteins (log(D)<-2). Significant differences were revealed using a One-Way ANOVA followed by a Tukey’s multiple comparison test. Letters are used to discriminate between statistically different conditions (p<0.005).
E. Mean square displacement (MSD) over time of fast (circle) or slow (triangle) diffusing ProUbi10:CPK3-mEOS3.2, ProUbi10:CPK3-mEOS3.2 + PlAMV-GFP, ProUbi10:CPK3CA-mEOS3.2. Standard error is displayed from three independent experiments.
F. Voronoï tessellation illustration of ProUbi10:CPK3-mEOS3.2, ProUbi10:CPK3-mEOS3.2 + PlAMV-GFP and ProUbi10:CPK3CA-mEOS3.2. ND are circled in red. Scale bar = 2µm
G. Distribution of the ND diameter of ProUbi10:CPK3-mEOS3.2, ProUbi10:CPK3-mEOS3.2 + PlAMV-GFP and ProUbi10:CPK3CA-mEOS3.2
H. Box plot representing the mean peak value of ND diameter extracted from the Gaussian fit of Figure 3G. No significant differences were revealed using a Kruskal-Wallis followed by a Dunn’s multiple comparison test.
I. Boxplot of the proportion of detections found in ND of ProUbi10:CPK3-mEOS3.2, ProUbi10:CPK3-mEOS3.2 + PlAMV-GFP and ProUbi10:CPK3CA-mEOS3.2. Significant differences were revealed using a Kruskal-Wallis followed by a Dunn’s multiple comparison test. Letters are used to discriminate between statistically different conditions (p<0.005).
J. Left: Confocal images of the surface view of N. benthamiana epidermal cells transiently expressing ProUbi10:CPK3CA-mRFP1.2 and infiltrated with either DMSO or 50 µg/mL fenpropimorph. Scale bar = 5µm; Right: Box plot of the mean Spatial Clustering Index (SCI) of CPK3CA. At least three experiments were performed, with at least 10 cells per experiment; statistical significance was determined using a Student t-test, ****: p < 0.0001.
K. Left: Confocal images of the surface view of N. benthamiana epidermal cells transiently co-expressing ProUbi10:CPK3CA-mRFP1.2 with active or dead SAC1, mutated for its phosphatase activity. Scale bar = 5µm; Right: Box plot of the mean SCI of CPK3CA. At least three experiments were performed, with at least 10 cells per experiment; statistical significance was determined using a Student t-test, ****: p < 0.0001.