Singing related discharge can retune during courtship.
(A-C) Three example neurons with stable firing properties across alone and female-directed song conditions. Top to bottom: single trial example spectrograms, spike discharge, corresponding spike raster plots, and rate histograms (aligned to motif onset) from motif renditions singing alone (black) and to the female (green). Black vertical scale bar for spiking activity is 0.2 mV, y-axis limits of spectrograms are 0 to 8 kHz. (D-F) Data plotted as in A-C for three example neurons with significant context-dependent changes in firing. (H-J) Scatter plots of mean firing rates (H), IMCC values (I) and neuronal burst fraction (J) for 161 neurons when singing alone and to the female. Red: neurons with significant change across conditions (p<0.01, Methods).